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16 Cards in this Set

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Why does soda fizz?

Soda fizzes due to the interactions between carbon dioxide and water under high pressure. At room temperature, carbon dioxide is a gas and water is a liquid.Through the use of pressure, the makers of soda force the carbon dioxide gas to dissolve in the water. When the can is sealed, the solution remains mixed. When the can is opened, the pressure is released and the carbon dioxide molecules escape inbubbles of gas.

What do chemists try to do? How dothey understand the natural world?

Chemists study molecules and interactions at the molecular level to learn about and explain macroscopic events, Chemists attempt to explain why ordinary things are asthey are.

What are chemicals? Give some examples

Everything around you, even inside you

Examples: sugar, water, air

Define chemistry

Chemistry is the science that seeks to understand what matter does by studyingwhat atoms and molecules do.

What is the scientific method?

The scientific method is the way chemists investigate the chemical world. The first. step consists of observing the natural world. Later observations can be combined to create a scientific law, which summarizes and predicts behavior. Theories are models that strive to explain the cause of the observed phenomenon. Theories are tested through experiment. When a theory is not well established, it is sometimes referred to as a hypothesis

How is chemistry connected to everyday life? How is chemistry relevant outsidethe chemistry laboratory?

Virtually everything around you is made of chemicals, molecules interacting create your reality

Cite an example from this chapter of the scientific method at work

Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin by observing a bacteria-free circle around a mold that had grown on a culture plate (observation is first step)

What is the difference between a law and a theory?

A law is simply a general statement that summarizes and predicts observedbehavior. Theories seek to explain the causes of observed behavior

What is wrong with the statement, "It is just a theory"?

To say "It is just a theory" makes it seem as if theories are easily discardableHowever, many theories are very well established and are as close to truth as we get in science. Established theories are backed up with years of experimental evidence, and they are the pinnacle of scientific understanding

What is meant by the statement, "Matter does what molecules do"? Give an example

Atoms, and the molecules they compose, determine how matter behaves—if they were different, matter would be different. The nature of water molecules, for example, determines how water behaves.

What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?

Hypothesis is a theory before it has become well established

What is the law of conservation of mass, and who discovered it?

."In a chemical reaction matter is neither created nor destroyed." Antoine Lavoisier

What is the atomic theory, and who formulated it?

The atomic theory states that all matter is composed of small, indestructible particles called atoms. John Dalton formulated this theory.

What are three things you need to do to succeed in this course?

Curiosity, calculation , and commitment

a. All atoms contain a degree of chemical reactivity. The larger the size of an atom, the higher the chemical reactivity of that atom.b. There are many correct answers. One example is: Conceivably, when thesize of an atom is increased, the surface area of the atom is also increased;an atom with a greater surface area is more likely to react chemically
