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21 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of the Paleocerebellum (spinocerebellum)
1) Sensory information from muscle and tendon spindle receptors via spinocerebellar tract
2) regulate muscle tone and synergy esp. in trunk and limb girdles
3) esp. for automatic movements walking, standing, posture
4) made of vermis and paleovermis
What is the function of Archicerebellum?
1) sensory information from vestibular system, maintain equilibrium
2) Flocculonodular lobe
3) balance and eye movement
What is the function of Neocerebellum (pontocerebellum)?
1) afferent info from motor cx. via pontine nuclei and middle cerebellar peduncle
2) skilled, learned voluntary movements w/ hands, hand-eye coordination
3) lateral hemispheres
4) only in higher primates
5) lesion=intention tremors
General functions of cerebellum functional lobes?
Balance: floccular+vermis
Posture: paravermal+vermal
Skilled movements: neocerebellum
What is the only output from the cerebellar cortex?
Purkinje cells
What is the only excitatory neuron in the cerebellar cortex?
Granule cells
What tracts make up mossy fiber?
1) Vestibulocerebellar
2) reticulocerebellar
3) spinocerebellar
4) pontocerebellar
What are the parts of the vestibular ear?
1) Crista Ampullari
2) Utricle
3) Saccule
-Go to Scarpa's Ganglia in petros of temporal bone
What makes up the Guillain Mollaret Triangle?
Dentate Nucleus to Red nucleus to Inferior Olive to (both ways) dentate
What is synergy?
Co-operation or co-ordination in muscle action
What is Dyssnergy (asynergy)
Range, direction, amplitude, and force of muscle contractions are inappropriate. leads to dysmetria and dysdiadochokinesia
What is ataxia (dystaxia)?
-asynergic disturbance-distortion of volutary and associated movements
- involves axial, shoulder, pelvic girdle muscles
- broad gait, reels, stumbles, lurches
- unsteadiness when standing with feet close and eyes closed
What is decomposition of movement
Asynergy in muscle groups movements are separated into puppet-like movement
What is Dysmetria?
loss of ability to gauge distance, speed, or power of movement
- finger overshoots or underestimates when aiming for target
What is Hypasthenia (asthenia)?
1) Decrease of muscle strength
2) Muscles tire easily
3) slowness of movements
What is hypotonia?
Muscle flaccidity with decrease in resistance to passive movement of joints
What is diadochokinesia?
Rapid alternating movements i.e. hand flipping, flex/extend fingers
What is Dysdiadochokinesia (adiadochokinesia)?
Rapidly alternating movements performed clumsily, slowly or not at all
das Verhältnis, -se
condition, relation, situation
What happens in a flocculonodular lobe (archicerebellar) lesion?
1) trunk and gait affected-dysequilibrium
2) wide base walking
3) trunk sways when walking or unsteady when standing
4) stagger when walking
5) cerebellopontine angle tumor
6) lateral medullary syndrome (PICA, Wallenberg)
What happens in an anterior lobe or paleocerebellum lesion?
1) related to alcoholism or malnutrition
2) affects trunk and legs
3) dystaxia of gait and stance
4) uncoordinated legs
5) trunk dystaxia (bobs)
6) if in anterior vermis may tend to fall forward