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10 Cards in this Set

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what is the function of a red blood cell

to carry oxygen around the body

what is the adaption of red blood cells

biconcave shape provides a large surface area for the attachment of oxygen and allows flexibility to allow movement through blood vessels

what is the function of epithelial cell

to provide a barrier to pathogens

adaption of epithelial cell

irregular shape allows the skin to have many layers and each one overlapping the other

function of muscle cell

to bring about movement

adaptation of muscle cell

they can change their length to help us move

what is the function of the xylem cell

to take water and nutrients from the roots to the shoots

adaptation of xylem cell

composed of rings of lignin that provide support to the plant

function of root hair cells

assist in absorbing water from soils

adaptation of root hair cells

provide a large surface area for water absorption