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10 Cards in this Set

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Carpal tunnel

Upper limb


Upper limb

Anatomical stuff box

Upper limb

Narrow passage way found on the ant portion of the wrist

Entrance to the palm for several tendons and median nerve

Formed by deep carpal arch and superficial flexor retinaculum

Deep carpal arch _ laterally by scaphoid and trapezius tubercles

Medially by hook of hamate and pisiform

Flexor retinaculum - thick connective tissue

Originates on the lateral side and inserts at the medial side of the arch

Contains 9 tendons, surrounded my synovial sheaths and median nerve

Tendon of flexor policis longus

4 tendons of flexor digitorum profundity

4 tendons flexor digitorum superficialis

Median nerve divides into the recurrent branch and palmar digital nerves

Recurrent branch supply the thenar muscle groups

Palmar digital nerves

Give sensory innervation to the palmar skin and dorsal nail beds of lateral three and half digits

Motor innervation to lateral two lumbricals


Caroal tunnel syndrome

Compression of the median nerve within carpal tunnel by thickened ligaments and tendons sheaths