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41 Cards in this Set

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dilated cardiomyopathy pathophysiology
- --> LV chamber enlargement/minimal hypertrophy
-impaired systolic contraction - EF <35%
-initial compensation for impaired myocyte contractility by increasing intravascular volume - F-S mechanism
-increase sympathetic input and use renin-angiotensin (angiotensin II bad b/c vasoconstriction and prothrombotic
-compensate, but eventually can't any more
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy pathophysioogy
-LV thickening - myofiber disarray
- abnormal diastolic relaxation
restrictive cardiomyopathy pathophysioogy
-stiffened myocardium
-diastolic relaxation impaired/systolic function usually normal
etiology of DCM
-alcohol (reversible)
-infiltrative disease
findings in DCM
-biventricular congestive HF (L --> R)
-lo forward CO
-pulmonary congestion
-systemic congestion
-end stage: pulsus alternans: alternation of strong and weak beats due to alternate strong and weak ventricular contractions
-laterally dysplaced PMI, S3 gallop, mitral/tri regurg murmur, increased JVD
-EKG: LVH and LA enlargement (prone to re-entry rhythm), tachy (a and v), conduction abnl (LBBB)
-echo: increased LV size, dec LV function, wall hypertrophy, valve regurg, reduced EF
prognosis of DCM
-decline in function
---> heart failure
-conduction abnl
-ventricular/supraventricular arrhythmias
-reduced EF --> increased mortality
-defibrillator for DCM, EF <30, post-MI EF <30, II or III HF LVEF <35%
-LBBB - myocardial dyssynchrony - abn in electrical activation of myocardium -- mechanical dysfunction
treatments for DCM
-cardiac resynchronization therapy to improve hemodynamics, reverse LV remodeling/architecture
HCM general
-LV hypertrophy NOT due to pressure overload
-hypertrophy is variable in severity/location -asymmetrical septal hypertrophy --> HOCM -symmetric (non-obstructive)
-apical hypertophy (asian)

vigorous systolic function, but impaired diastolic

most common cause of cardiac death in young people
HCM pathophys
-myocyte hypertrophy --> myofibers in disarray --> ventricular arrythmias --> sudden death, syncope
-myocyte hypertrophy --> LVH --> impaired relaxation, increased MVO2 --> dyspnea, angina
-dynamic LV outflow obstructions --> LV systolic pressure increase, mitral regurg, failure to increase CO w/ exertion --> dypnea, syncope
HOCM pathophys
-dynamic LVOT obstruction
-systolic anterior motion of mitral valve
HCM findings
-bisferiens pulse: spike and dome
-S4 gallop
-crescendo/descrescendo systolic ejection murmur
-holosytolic apical blowing MR murmur
-HOCM vs AS - valsalva --> reducing preload --> LV shrinking --> outflow tract much worse (AS the murmur gets softer during valsalva)
-EKG: NSR, LVH, septal Q
-Echo: septum >1.4x free wall, LVOT gradient by doppler
-systolic anterior motion of mitral valve --> regurg
-Brockenbrough-Braunwald sign: failure of aortic pressure to rise post PVC --> compensatory pause after PVC
treatment of HCM
- beta blockers to reduce mvO2, decrease gradient, decrease arrhythmias
-Ca channel blockers
-antiarrhythmics - amiodarone, disophyramide (afib);
-surgical treatment - myomectomy, ETOH ablation
how does HCM --> HF?
-LV not accept adequate volume during diastole at normal pressure --> rise in LVEDP, LAP, PVP/PHTN
-superimposed conditions
restrictive cardiomyopathy is characterized by...
-impaired v filling due to stiff ventricle
-normal systolic function
-intraventricular pressure rising with small increases in volume
causes of RCM
-infiltration by abnormal substances
myocardial causes:
-amyloidosis - primary, secondary,
-storage diseases
endomyocardial conditions:
-endomyocardial fibrosis (fibrous tissue on myocardium)
-Loefflers endomyocarditis
-endocardial fibroelastosis (lined w/ fibrous tissue and elastic tissue)
pathophys of RCM
-elevated systemic & pulmonary venous pressures --> R/L congestion --> reduced ventricular cavity size + reduced SV and reduced CO
-hemodynamic issues - infiltration --> increased stiffness and chamber not accept volume with rise in pressures
-severe diastolic dysfunction
RCM findings
-right > left HF
-dyspne, orthopnea, PND
-peripheral edema
-fatigue, reduced exercise tolerance
-mimics constrictive pericarditis
-echo: mitral in flow velocity, rapid early diastolic filling
treatment of RCM
-treat disease - rule out contriction, amyloid, endomyocardial fibrosis, hemochromatosis, sarcoid
-diuretics for congestive symptoms but reduce LV/RV filling --> reduced CO
-dig for a fib rate control
- antiarrhythmics
other cardiomyopathies
- arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD)
- isolated LV non-compaction
- stress cardiomyopathy - takosubo's
- non-structural - ion channelopathies
gross pathology of DCM
-heavy (2-3x nl)
-large, flabby, dilated
-walls thinned, but out of proportion to dilation of chamber
-valves intrinsically normal
-coronary arteries normal or any atherosclerosis insufficient and can't explain myocardial disease
histology of DCM
-non diagnosic
-myocytes hypertrophied w/ enlarged nuclei
-some myocytes atrophied & stretched
-interstitial fibrosis & myocyte dropout
heart muscle stained with trichrome for collagen. Note non-specific fibrotic staining in between. Non-diagnostic for DCM.
gross path of HCM
-massive hypertrophy without chamber dilation
-90% with septal/ventricular ratio > 1.3
-shape - banana-like
-possible endocardial thickening with mural plaque due to --contact with anterior mitral valve leaflet
histology HCM
histology HCM
-is diagnostic
-marked myocyte HYPERTROPHY
-DISARRAY of myocytes
histology of RCM
-pathy interstitial fibrosis
-appearance of endocardium & myocardium diagnostic of specific disease process
amyloid --> restrictive cardiomyopathy
-arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy aka AVRD
-part of RV thin and lack myocytes, usually contain only fatty infiltration and fibrosis
-caused by muscle degeneration, inflammation, infectious, autoimmune, genetic causes
-arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy aka AVRD
-part of RV thin and lack myocytes, usually contain only fatty infiltration and fibrosis
-caused by muscle degeneration, inflammation, infectious, autoimmune, genetic causes
hemocromotosis --> RCM
-isolated LV non-compaction
- --> prominent trabeculations
- thick endocardial layer of trabecular meshwork
-deep recesses in apex of LV
lysosomal storage diseases --> RCM
myocarditis definition
inflammatory cardiomyopathies
presence of inflammatory infiltrate
myocyte necrosis or damage
not ischemic
3 types of myopathy
- infection (viruses most common)
- immune-mediated
- unknown (sarcoid, giant cell)
myopathy pathology
-gross: may be normal, chambers may be dilated, may have pale foci or hemorrhage lesions
-histology: inflammatory infiltrate cells
3 phases of myocarditis
-initial direct insult to myocardium
-subsequent autoimmunity triggered, extensive myocardial injury
-development of dilated cardiomyopathy
non-infectious myocarditis causes
1) allergic, hypersensitive, immune: antibiotics, post-strep, transplant reject, EOSINOPHILS
2) giant cell: myocardial necrosis of uncertain cause; mixed inflammatory cells w/ multinucleate giant cells
eosinophils -- allergic, hypersensitive, or immune myocarditis
giant cell myocarditis
diagnosing myocarditis
-biopsy (but HUGE false negative rate)