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153 Cards in this Set

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abdominal pain, N/V in an elderly woman w/diabetes

1st step?


MI Lab Tests

1. Sensitive for new MI

2. Sensitive for re-occlusion < 10 days from a previous MI



Ischemic chest pain w/exertion

Normal EKG

Next step?

Exercise stress test

Most common cause of cardiac arrest in MI

Reentrant ventricular arrhythmias

ECG in Inferior MI

Block vessel?

ST elevations in II, II, and AVF


ECG of anterior MI

Blocked vessel?

ST elevation in VI-6


RCA supplies what?

And what consequences?

1. Right Ventricle - RV dysfunction causes hypotension

2. AV node - dysfunction causes AV block

3. Hypotension & AV block causes bradycardia

Cocaine Toxicity

1. Symptoms

2. Treatment

1. Psychomoter agitation, dilated pupils, hypertension, acute MI, atrophic nasal mucosa

2. Benzodiazapine

D/N give B-Blocker!

Eccentric hypertrophy


From chronic volume overload

aortic regurg

Dyspnea w/Increase pro-BNP

Another sign?

Congestive Heart Failure

S3 heard sound

Mechanical complications of MI


Free wall rupture of L. ventricle

Mitral regurge 2/2 papillary muscle rupture

Left Intraventricular septum rupture

3-7 days after MI when the infarcted myocardium is softest

Ventricular remodeling post MI can be lessened by what?

ACE inhibitor


Lidocaine increases risk of what in MI?


Pulseless electrical activity after MI

Suspect what?

Free wall rupture

Strongest influence on long-term prognosis in STEMI

Time that passes before restoration of coronary blood flow

What lab value parallels the severity of heart failure?

1. Why?

2. Treatment


Decreased perfusion at baroreceptors and renal arterioles --> Increased ADH, increased renin and increased norepinephrine --> Decreased Na+

Fluid restriction, ACE Inhibitor, loop diuretics

Persistent ST-elevation post MI w/deep Q waves in same leads

1. Timeline

2. Dx how?

Ventricular aneurysm

Late --> months

Dx: Echo

Right ventricular MI

1. Tx w/what

2. Avoid what

IV fluids to increase Preload

Avoid nitrates and diuretics which decreases Preload

What drugs to hold 48 hrs before stress testing?

B-Blockers, Ca2+ Channel blockers, Nitrates

Common cause of non-cardiac chest pain

(besides musculoskeletal)

Esophageal disorder (GERD)

Chest pain that is reproducible w/palpatation

musculoskeletal pain (costochondritis)

What drug to prevent cardiovascular disease in a diabetic patient?

Start when?


>= 40 yrs old


1. Inhibits what

2. Side effects

Intracellular HMG-COA Reductase Inhibitor

Hepatic dysfunction

Muscle weakness/tenderness (Rhabdo which can cause renal failure)

Stop what drug in pt w/increased creatine phosphokinase?


Rhabdo --> renal failure

What drug to give after unstable angina, NSTEMI, and PCI w/stent?


(anti-ADP platelet inhibitor)

P2Y12 inhibitor

Nitroglycerin pain relief mechanism

Dilation of capacitance vessels (veins)

dilation of veins --> decreased ventricular preload --> decreases O2 req

nitroglycerin also decreases afterload by dilating arteries but this is less significant in pain relief

Substernal discomfort, left-sided neck pain, diaphoresis, and dyspnea

1. Associated physical finding?

acute coronary syndrome (MI)

1. S4 heart sound 2/2 stiffening of L. ventricle

- S4 is normal in healthy older adults

Digoxin Use

Systolic heart failure

afib /a flutter

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, vision changes, and arrhythmia

Next step

Digoxin toxicity

Check drug levels

What meds d/n improve survival in pts w/CHF?

Digoxin & loop diuretics (furosemide)

MI w/bibasilar crackles halfway up the lung fields


Acute pulmonary edema

diuretics (furosemide)

Heart failure after traumatic thigh injury

Cause and mechanism

AV fistula

Increased preload, decreased SVR --> Increased CO --> heart failure

Concentric Hypertrophy


From chronic pressure overload

aortic stenosis, hypertension

Pounding heart sensation and widened pulse pressure, water hammer pulse

1. Common causes (3)

2. Murmur?

aortic regurg

1. Rheumatic heart disease

Aortic root dilation (Marfans/syphilis)

Bicuspid aortic valve

2. Diastolic decrecendo

Treatment for viral pericarditus

NSAIDS (aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, indomethacin) and/or colchicine

Most common cause of mitral regurg

mitral valve prolapse from myxomatous degeneration

Side effect of dihydrophyridine Ca-channel blockers

Most common drug in this group?

peripheral edema


Mid-diastolic murmur w/opening snap

mitral stenosis

Indicators for surgery in pt w/aortic stenosis

SAD: Syncope, angina, dyspnea

Marfan syndrome

1. genetics/mutation

2. Heart and lung issues

1. Autosomal dominant, Fibrillin-1

2. Aortic dissection, aortic root dilation --> aortic regurg, mitral valve prolapse

Spontaneous pneumothorax

Decrescendo early diastolic murmur

Cause in a young pt

aortic regurg

bicuspid aortic valve

acute mitral regurg increases what?

L. atrial and ventricular filling pressure

Blowing holosystolic murmur best heard over the apex with radiation to the axilla

mitral regurg

Systolic murmur at lower sternal boarder that increases with inspiration

Common in?

Tricuspid regurg

IV drug users

What murmurs should always be investigated and how

Diastolic and continuous murmurs as well as loud systolic murmurs


Symmetric duskiness/coolness of all fingertips

ischemia 2/2 norephinephrine-induced vasospasm

Symptoms of infectious endocarditis

Roth spot

Osler node

Joneway lesions

New conduction abnormalities in pt w/infective endocarditis

Perivalvular abscess

Palpitations, left and right ventricular dilation


Tachycardia-mediated cardiomyopathy

Rate or rhythm control

Effect of exercise or atropine on second degree heart blocks

What does the opposite?

exercise/atropine improves type I blocks and worsens type II blocks

Vagal maneuvers (carotid massage)

Peaked T waves


Third-degree or complete heart block

no conduction from atria to ventricle (p-waves are completely unrelated to QRS waves)

What arrhythmia is specific for digitalis toxicity?


atrial tachycardia with AV block (2:1)

Common causes of exertional syncope

Ventricular tachycardia

L. ventricular outflow obstruction (aortic stenosis)

Constrictive pericardities

1. Symptoms

2. Jugular venous pressure tracing shows what

3. What heart sound?

4. Finding on x-ray

5. Causes

1. Decreased CO leading to dyspnea w/exertion

Venous overload (Increased JVP, ascites, edema, etc)

2. Sharp x and y descent

3. Pericardial knock (after S2)

4. Calcification around the heart

5. Virus, surgery/radiation, TB (China, India, Africa)

Treatment if stable or unstable

Treatment if stable or unstable

Ventricular Tachycardia

Unstable --> cardioversion

Stable --> antiarrhythmic

1. Pulseless electrical activity next step

2. V-fib or pulseless VT next step

1. CPR & vasopressor (epinephrine)

2. Defibrillation

Fixed splitting of S2


Aortic coarctation

pressure is greater in which arm?

R > L

Megacolon/megaesphophagus & heart disease in a pt from Latin America

Chagas - trypanosoma Cruzi (protazoan)

Cause of outflow obstruction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy


Valsalva affects the murmur how?

1. Septal hypertrophy and abnormal mitral leaflet motion

2. Harsh crescendo-decrescendo murmur after SI

3. Increase

Mobitz type II

1. Define

2. Cause

3. Tx

Second degree heart block:

1. Unpredictable QRS drops without P-R prolongation

2. Block in His-Purkinje system

3. Pacemaker b/c can progress to third degree block

Patient from Cambodia w/dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, palpitations, + irregular heart beats

- Cause of palpitations?

mitral stenosis 2/2 Rheumatic Fever

mitral stenosis --> atrial dilation --> a-fib

Low-voltage QRS complexes

Electrical alternans

(beat-to-beat variation in QRS)

Pericardial effusion / Cardiac Tamponade

Risk factors for premature atrial complexes?






Decrease risks, Beta-blocker if symptomatic



Premature Ventricular complexes (wide QRS > 120ms)


Cause of long-term mortality in patients w/A-fib?



Warfarin if CHADS-VASc score is > 2

Anatomical cause of:

1. A-fib

2. A-flutter

1. Pulmonary veins

2. Tricuspid annulus

Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT)
1. alleviating maneuvers
2. Drug that provides relief

Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT)

1. alleviating maneuvers

2. Drug that provides relief

Abrubt increase in HR usually from AV-node reentry

1. Vagal maneuvers (Valsalva, carotid sinus massage, and immersion in cold water). This decreases conduction through the AV node

2. Adenosine

New onset a-fib

Check for what disease?

If positive, what drug tx?





Torsades de pointes

Unstable --> defibrillation

Stable --> IV magnesium

Next step?

Next step?

Ventricular Fibrillation


Most important factors for survival in sudden cardiac arrest

Bystander CPR

Rhythm analysis


First degree heart block

1. Define

2. Normal QRS - next step

3. Prolonged QRS - next step

1. Delayed transmission from atrium to ventricle (increased PR duration)

2. Delay in AV node --> observation

3. Delay below the AV node --> electrophysiology testing

Mobitz Type I

1. Alternative Name

2. Define

3. Treatment


Second degree AV block: progressive prolongation of PR interval leading to QRS drops

No treatment necessary

Use dependance

1. Definition

2. What classes/drugs?

1. Increased pharmacologic effects w/increased HR

2. Class 1C - Na+ channel blockers - flecainide & propafenone

3. Class IV - Ca2+ channel blockers - Verapimil, diltiazem

Hepatojugular reflex

Sign of what

Push on stomach and see if JVP decreases

Sign of constrictive pericarditis, restrictive cardiomyopathy or R. ventricular MI if doesn't decrease

Non-cardiac causes of pulses of paradoxus

Asthma & COPD

Heart defects in Hemachromatosis

Dilated or restrictive cardiomyopathy

Conduction abnormalities

Uremic pericarditus - serum BUN?


Serum BUN > 60 mg/dL


Hypotension, distended neck veins, pulses paradoxus


Cardiac Tamponade


Beck's Triad


Distended neck veins

Muffled heart sound

(-BP, + JVP)

Sign of cardiac tamponade (decreased SV, CO, Preload)

Mechanism for pulses paradoxus

Inspiration --> intrathoracic pressure --> Increased venous return to R. ventricle --> intraventricular septum shifts towards L. ventricle --> decreased L. ventricular filling --> decreased systolic BP

Common kind of heart failure in constrictive pericarditus

Left or right?

R heart failure

Kussmaul's sign-define associated w/what disease?

Lack of decrease or an increase in JVP on inspiration

Constrictive Pericarditus

Name 3 antiarrhythmic drugs




Restrictive Cardiomyopathy

1. Signs on echo

2. Disease causes (4)

3. Which is reversible?

4. Which if proteinuria & easy bruising?

Diastolic dysfunction, normal or thickened ventricles with normal ventricular volume

2. Amloidosis (4)


Hemachromatosis (3) Reversible w/phlebotomy


Bilateral basal crackles, increased JVP & pitting edema 2 wks after a cold

1. What kind of cardiomyopathy?

2. Organisms

3. Diagnose with?

4. Imaging shows what

Acute viral myocarditus

1. Dilated cardiomyopathy

2. Coxsakievirus B, parvo B19, HHV6, adenovirus, enterovirus

3. Echo

4. Dilated ventricles + diffuse hypokinesia

White granular patch over the buccal mucosa that can not be scraped off in an alcoholic/smoker


reactive pre-cancerous lesion from hyperplasia of the squamous epithelium

Bone conduction that is greater than air conduction on Rinne test

1. Common cause in adults

Conductive Hearing Loss

1. Otosclreosis

Pt w/hypertension

Get what labs? (4)

1. Urinalysis

2. Chemistry Panel

3. Lipid Profile

4. Baseline ECG

Complication of cardiac cath and other vascular procedures

What skin finding?

Arterioembolism (cholesterol embolism) --> causes tissue/organ ischemia

Suspect in pt post vascular procedure w/renal failure, purple/painless mottling of skin (livedo reticularis), & GI symptoms

Med of choice for acute aortic dissection

Beta blocker

Peripheral artery disease/claudication increases the risk for what?


Define malignant hypertension

Sever hypertension w/retinal hemorrhages, exudates & papilledema

When to perform carotid endarterectomy

> 70% stenosis

Systolic - diastolic abdominal/periumbilical bruit

Renal artery stenosis --> causes second degree hypertension

Alternative to IV penicillin

IV ceftrioxone


1. For?

2. Contraindicated with?

3. Do what in hypertensive pt?

1. phosphodiesterase inhibitor for erectile dysfunction

2. Nitrates

3. When combined w/alpha-blocker (doxazosin, give drugs 4 hr apart to prevent hypotension


1. Use

2. Side-effect

3. Mechanism of

4. Treatment

1. Treating lipid abnormalities

2. Cutaneous flushing & pruritis

3. Prostaglandin - induced vasodilation

4. Aspirin

Target cells seen in? (2)


Chronic liver disease

Bilateral nasal discharge/obstruction and food tasting bland

Nasal Polyp

Ear pain in a nocturnal teeth grinder

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

Muffled voice + uvula deviation


Peritonsillar abscess

Peritonsillar aspiration + IV antibiotics

Early onset hypertension & bilateral abdominal masses

1. Diagnose how

2. Treatment

Poly cystic Kidney Disease

1. Ultrasound

2. ACE Inhibitor

Side effect of loop diuretics


Decreased/normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure

Decreased systemic vascular resistance

Increased CO, increased mixed venous O2 saturation

Septic/distributive shock

Hypovolemic shock

R. Atril Pressure

Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure

Cardiac output


Mixed venous O2 sat

Everything is decreased except SVR increase

What lab is a sensitive indicator of dehydration/hypovolemia

Increased BUN/creatinine

Dizziness, nausea, pallor, diaphoresis, abdominal pain, and general sense of warmth b4 syncope

1. Triggers

2. Diagnostic test

Neurocardiogenic (vasovagal) Syncope

1. Emotional distress, pain, prolonged standing

2. Tilt table but most are diagnosed clinically

Pt w/syncope and suspected structural heart disease

Next step?


Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm

Smokers 65-75 y.o w/one-time abdominal ultrasound

Hypertensive Emergency

1. Define

2. Treatment?

3. Side effect?

4. Signs/symptoms of side effect

1. End organ failure (heart/kydney) from hypertension

2. Nitroprusside

3. Cyanide poisoning

4. AMS, seizure, coma, lactic acidosis

Hypertension definition

1. Primary intervention

2. Secondary intervention

> 140 mmHg systolic and/or > 90 mmHg diastolic

1. lifestyle modification - weight reduction

2. DASH diet - increased fruits/veggies, decrease low saturated/total fat

Likely DVT

Next step?


Start heperin if suspect PE but not for suspected DVT

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

1. Risk factors for rupture?

2. When to operate?

1. Size, rapid expansion/growth and smoking

2. resect if > 5.5cm, growing > 1cm/yr or causing symptoms

Hypertension causes what kind of heart failure?


Stiff ventricle --> filling (diastolic) defect --> L. atrial dilation --> a. fib


1. Hypertensive urgency

2. Hypertensive emergency

1. Severe hypertension (>180/120) w/no symptoms of end - organ failure

2. Sever hypertension w/organ failure

Man who loses consciousness immediately after urination or a coughing fit

Situational syncope

Exertional Heat Stroke

1. Define

2. Complications

3. Treatment

1. Temp > 40 C (104 F) w/encephalopathy

2. Multi-organ dysfunction

3. Rapid cooling (ice-water)

Orthostatic Hypotension

1. Definition

2. Causes of aging

1. 20mmHG decrease systolically or 10mmHg decrease diastolically on standing

2. Decreased baroreceptor sensitivity

Muscle weakness, recurrent nephrolithiasis, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and hypercalcemia

Most common cause?

stones, groans, moans & psychiatric overtones = Primary Hyperparathyroidism

- Usually 2/2 parathyroid adenoma

Howell-jolly bodies seen in?

Pts w/out a spleen

Post MI: leg is cold/mottled

Next step?

Acute limb ischemia

Echo to look for L. ventricular thrombus

Bilateral pitting edema, varicose veins and venous ulcer


Venous Insufficiency

Leg elevation, compression stockings and exercise

Imaging choice for aortic dissection

CT but transesophageal echo if abnormal creatinine (kidney disease)

Management of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)

1. When to cath?

2. What to do if can not cath?

3. Drugs?

1. Perform percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) w/in 12 hrs of symptom onset or 90 min of medical contact

2. Fibrinolytics if w/in 12 hrs of symptom onset

3. oxygen, aspirin, plt P2Y12 receptor blocker (clopidogrel, ticagrelor), nitroglycerin, beta blocker, and anti-coagulant (heparin)



Side effects?

Anti-arrhythmic --> for ventricular arrhythmias, rhythm control and ventricular systolic dysfunction



Bradycardia/heart block

lung/neuro/eye disturbances (corneal deposits)

pulmonary fibrosis

blue-gray skin

Nocturnal, brief (15-20 min) pain in a young woman

1. Associated w/what other

2. Greatest risk factor?

3. Treatment?

Angina (prinzmental/varient)

1. Raynauds + migraine headaches

2. smoking

3. Ca2+ channel blockers, nitrates

Normal JVP

< 3cm above sternal angle

Dressler's syndrome


Post-mycardial pericarditus 1-6 wks after MI

NSAIDS (aspirin)

Side effects of hydrochlorothiazide

1. Metabolic side effects

2. Electrolyte abnormalities

3. Activates what disease?

Hyperglycemia, increased LDL, increased triglycerides

2. Hypercalcemia, hyponatremia and hypokalemia

3. Gout

5 P's after an MI

1. Define

2. Next step

3. Definitive treatment

Limb ischemia (artery occlusion)

Pain, pallor, pulselessness, parethesia, poilcilothermea


Embolectomy (surgery)

Irregularly irregular ECG, absent p-wave


Irregularly irregular ECG, absent p-wave



If stable --> B-blocker or Ca2+ channel inhibitor

If unstable --> cardioversion --> AMS, hypotension, etc

ECG findings for preicarditus

Specific ECG finding?

Diffuse ST elevations

PR depression

Headache, increased BP, renal bruit

1. Cause in young vs old pt

2. Treatment

Renal artery stenosis

1. young = fibromuscular dysplasia

old = atherosclerosis

2. Angioplasty w/stent placement

Scleroderma Renal Crisis

What blood cells?

Acute Renal Failure + Hypertension


Imaging of choice for diagnosis and follow-up of an abdominal aneurysm


Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

1. Symptoms

2. Inheritance

3. Mechanism

4. Treatment

1. Episodes of syncope, systolic (harsh crescendo decrescendo) murmur along left sternal boarder, sudden death.

2. Autosomal dominant

3. Myocardial hypertrophy causes diastolic heart failure asymmetrical septal hypertrophy

4. B-blockers (prolongs diastole)

Cardiac acting Ca2+ channel blocker (diltiazem)

Cause of:

1. Ascending aortic aneurysms

2. Descending aortic aneurysms

1. Cystic medial necrosis (aging)

Connective tissue diseases (Marfans, Ehlers-Danlos)

2. Atherosclerosis

Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

1. What drug?

2. Signs/symptoms?

3. Type I vs Type II

1. Unfractionated heparin

2. Decreased plt more than 50%, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia

3. Type I - non-immune direct effect of heparin on plts usually on day 2. No need to stop

Type II - antibodies against PF4, on days 5-10, Stop med

Suspect Hypertension second degree to kidney disease when? (4)

1. Diffuse atherosclerosis

2. Asymmetrical kidney size

3. Recurrent flash pulmonary edema

4. Increase serum creatinine > 30% after starting ACE inhibitor

Single photon emission CT scan

1. Used for?

2. Treatment?

1. Evaluating CAD. Decreased perfusion = CAD, if inducible, then ischemic coronary artery disease

2. Anti-platelet (aspirin), B-blockers and lifestyle modifications to prevent MI

Ca2+ channel blockers and nitrates are used if pt has hypotension or bradycardia

Treatment for acute decompensated heart failure (3)

oxygent, diuretics, nitrates

Treatment for A-fib in Wolff-Parkinson-White

Unstable --> cardioversion

Stable --> rhythm control: procainamide

Bradycardia, hypotension, wheezing, hypoglycemia, delirium, seizures and cardiogenic shock

1. Treatment - 1st & 2nd step

B-blocker overdose

Atropine + IV fluids

IV glucagon

Malignant otitis externa in old diabetic patient

1. Signs/sumptoms

2. Organism

3. Complications

4. Treatment

1. Ear discharge granulations

2. Pseudomonas

3. Osteomyelitis of skull or nerve damage

4. Systemic antibiotics (ciprofloxacin)

Most common benign primary cardiac tumor

1. Location

2. Symptoms

3. Complications


1. Usually L. atrium

2. constitutional symptoms (fever, wt loss, etc)

3. Systemic embolization

Peripheral artery disease (claudication)

1. Treatments

Aspirin + statin

Graded Exercise

Treatment for pulmonary hypertension 2/2 left heart disease

Diuretics and ACE inhibitor

Systolic hypertension w/left ventricular hypertrophy in elderly

1. Cause

2. Treatment

Isolated systolic hypertension (ISH)

1. Decreased elasticity aterial wall (arteries become rigit) as pt ages causing widened pulse pressure (increased systolic w/normal diastolic)

2. Thiazide, ACE inhibitor, or Ca2+ channel blocker

3 uses for N-acetyl cysteine

1. Dissolution of mucus

2. protection from contrast-induced renal failure

3. Acetaminophen overdose

Vertigo, earfullness, tinnitus, hearing loss


Meniere's disease (inner ear)

Diet modifications: no drugs/alcohol and sodium restriction