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19 Cards in this Set

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Coxswain Responsibilities

Safety of crew & craft

Safe navigation

Provide a stable platform for firing

Coxswain sovereign immunity states

You are immune from arrest and search, foreign taxation, and you have econtrol over person onboard vessel.

You are authorize to resist through evasive maneuvers & self defense through SCOF regardless of international or territorial waters

3-2-1 rules

When operation or in the vincity of a vessel over 100m in length

300- beam

200- bow

100- astern

No -Go Criteria #1

Single boat operation

No -Go Criteria #2

Crew injury based on PL

No -Go Criteria #3

One engine down or NMC

No -Go Criteria #4

No comms with higher prior to departure

No -Go Criteria #5

Less than 50% fuel

No -Go Criteria #6

Less than two means to fix position

No -Go Criteria #7

Wave 6>

Wind 25

Lightning within 5nm

Low visibility less than 500yds

Abort Criteria #1

Single boat with no recovery during mission or training

Abort Criteria #2

Loss of comms greater than 30 mins

Abort Criteria #3

Insufficient fuel to continue mission and no available means

Abort Criteria #4

Loss of nav position

No go criteria #5

Crew injury based off PL

Abort Criteria #6

Wave 6

Winds 25

Lightening within 5nm

Visibility <500 yds

List 5 of the Commander Critical Information Requirements

Death or injury

Suicide attempt, behavior, or thought

Weapon discharge due to negligence, malfunction,and hostile contact

Recipient of Red Cross

Harassment, hazing , and abuse

List 5 of the captain notifications

Delay in training or operation

Deviation from PIM more than 4 hrs

Aircraft or vessel in distress

Foreign or naval ships within vicinity

Conflicting information from higher

List 5 of the captain permissions

Deviation from standing or night orders

Transfer/ handle live ammo

Working on live electronic/ electrical equipment

Fuel boats underway

Conducting engineering drills