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25 Cards in this Set

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What is oxidation

Loss of electrons

What is reduction

Gain of electrons

Define oxidation state

The degree of oxidation/reduction of an atom or element

What is the oxidation state of an ion

The same as the charge

What is the sum of oxidation states on a compound


What is the maximum oxidation state of an atom?

+ group number

What is the minimum oxidation state of an atom

Group number - 8

What is the oxidation state of oxygem

Usually -2

When is oxygen not in the -2 oxidation state

Peroxides (-1) and OF2 (+2)

What is the oxidation statemof hydrogen?

Usually +1

When is hydrogen not in the +1 oxidation state?

Hydrides (-1) (hydrogen and metal)

What is different about d and p block elements

Oxidation states vary

How is the oxidation state of a p/d block element written?

After the name of the element as Roman nu erals in brackets

What do molecular ions ending on -te contain?

P/d block elements and some oxygen

What is the formula for carbonate

CO3 2-

What is the formula for permanganate


What is the formula for dichromate

Cr2O7 2-

What is oxidation (in terms of oxidation states)

Increase in oxidation state

What is reduction (in terms of oxidation state)

Decrease in oxidation state

What is a redox reaction

A reaction in which reduction and oxidation occur simultaneously

What should you calculate in order to explain a redox reaction?

Oxidation states

What is an oxidising agent

A chemical that causes oxidation in another species

What is a reducing agent

A chemical that causes reduction in another species

What happens to oxidising agents when they react

They accept electrons

What happens to reducing agents when they react

They lose electrons