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31 Cards in this Set

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What is ethene used to make

Plastics, ethanol, ethanal

Why are alkenes more reactive?

Due to the area of high electron density (cc double bond)

Why do alkenes have e z isomerism

The double bond has restricted rotation

What are polymers commonly known as


What is the name of the reaction used to cover ethene to polyethene

Addition polymerisation

What makes PVC more flexible


What is HDPE used for


What is LDPE used for

Plastic bags

What is required to produce HDPE for ethene

A catalyst

What is PVC used for

Door and window frames

What is polystyrene used for

Insulation and packaging

Why do polymers usually have high melting points

Lots of VDW attractions between long chains

Why do branched polymers have lower melting points

Less VDW attractions

What is an electrophile

An electron pair acceptor

What is the symbol for a generic electrophile


Why can neutral molecules act as electrophile

High electron density in alkenes polarises the neutral molecule

What is an addition reaction

When two molecules react together to form one product

What is a carbocation

A species that contains a positive charge on a carbon atom

What is herolytic fission

When a covalent bond breaks and both electrons move to one of the atoms

What is produced if herolytic fission

Oppositely charged ions

What governs the product in the electrophillic addition of an unsymetrical alkene?

Carbocation stability

Why type of carbocation is most stable


What sort of effect do alkyl groups have on carbocations

Alkyl groups are electron donating and stabilise the carbocation

What is the product formed in greatest yield called

Major product

What is the electron donating effect called

Positive inductive effect

How is the electron donating effect represented


What is the addition of water to ethene called


What are the conditions for the hydration of ethene

Concentrated phosphoric acid on a silica support, 60atm, 600k

How else can ethanol be ,mads

Fermentation of glucose

Give two advantages of hydration

Higher atom economy, purer product

Given two advantantages of fermentation

Lower temperature and pressure, sustainable resource