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15 Cards in this Set

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Fracture of the Clavicle
Mechanism: fall on outstretched arm or shoulder; breech presentation delivery
Location: Junction of middle and lateral thirds (weakest point)
Complications: injury to the lower trunk of the brachial plexus causing parathesia in the area supplied by C8-T1; fatal hemorrhage (subclavian vein--thrombosis may lead to pulmonary embolism)
Calcification of Superior Transverse Scapular Ligament
Complication: compression of suprascalpular nerve affecting function of supraspinatus and infraspinatur muscles
Fracture Greater tuberosity
Mechanism: direct trauma/violent contractions of supraspinatus muscle
Significance: Site of attachment of supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor muscles--tendons form the rotator cuff
Fracture of the Lesser tuberosity
Mechanism: posterior dislocation of shoulder joint
Significance: location of insertion of subscapularis tendon, also part of rotator cuff
Fracture of Surgical neck (of humerus)
Complications: possible injury to radial nerve and posterior humeral circumflex artery as they pass through quadrangular space
Fracture of Humeral Shaft
Complication: possible injury to radial nerve and deep brachial artey in spinal groove
Fracture of medical epicondyle (of humerus)
Complications: may damage ulnar nerve, causing numbness
Supracondylar Fractures
-Typical Patient and mechanism
Typical patient and mechanism: young child falls on outstretched arm with a partially flexed elbow
Complication: may injure median nerve
Colles Fracture
Description: fracture of radius resulting in the displacement of distal end of radius posteriorly, producing the silver fork deformity
*anterior displacement = reverse Colles' fracture/Smith's fracture
Fracture of Scaphoid
Mechanism: fall on outstretched hand
Complications: possible damage to radial artery, causing avascular necrosis of bone and degenerative joint disease
Fracture of Hamate
Complications: injury to ulnar nerve and artery due to proximity to hamate--may be compressed in Guyon's canal (pisohamte ligament, hook of hamate and pisiform)
Bennett's Fracture
-experienced boxers vs inexperienced boxers
Description: fracture at base of metacarpals
-experienced boxers=2nd and 3rd metacarpals
-inexperienced boxers=5th metacarpal
Dislocation of acromioclavicular joint
-Also known as:
-Ruptured ligament?
Mechanism: fall on shoulder with impact on acromion or fall on outstretched arm
Also known as: shoulder separation due to rupture of coracoclavicular ligament
Inferior dislocation of Humerus
-common because joint is not reinforced inferiorly
Complications: possible injury to axillary nerve and posterior humeral circumflex vessels
Referred Pain to shoulder
Phrenic nerves nerves of diaphragm have same origin as supraclavicular nerve (C3-C4)