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35 Cards in this Set

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Name the terrorities in Africa

Sierra Leone 1808

Gold coast 1867

Transvaal 1877

Egypt and Sudan 1882

Either Nigeria 1884

Northern Nigeria 1885

British East Africa 1888

Uganda 1888

Zanzibar 1890

Nyasaland 1891

Matabeleland 1893

Rhodesia 1895

Name all the British west African terrorities

Sierra Leone

Gold coast

Ashantiland (an extension of the gold cost)


Name all the British East African territories






Name the terrorities apart British South Africa



Cape colony

Who was Leander starr Jameson?

-would be the 'war genius' who would lead the Jameson Raid, rising against the Boer government. Would result in failures.

-Become PM of the Cape colony between 1904-1908.

-Qualities of character were inspired by a poem from Rudyard kipling's 'If'.

Define the term 'guerrila war'?

War pursued by civilian forces, rather than conventional arms.

What happened at the Jameson Raid?

-a rising planner by Dr Jameson, who considered himself to be a 'War genius'

-Rhodes, pm of the Cape colony, would instruct Jameson to invade the transvaal.

-The raid involved just 500 mounted police which would be easily defeated. Forces surrender after 4 days.

-Rohodes forced to resign as PM

-Jameson and 12 others would be sentenced to imprisonment by a British court.

What would be the impact of the Jameson Raid?

- The imprisonment of Leander Starr Jameson and 12 other companions involved in the raid.

- the resignation of Cecil Rhodes

- the second Boer war lasting from 1899 - 1902

- an embarrassing loss to the British, where even Joseph Chamberlain, colonial Secretary, had denied support or involvement.

-stengthered the Boers' determination to resist British intrusions.

-Credits Paul Kruger as a hero, with the rest of the Beors in the transvaal and the Cape colony to form an anti-British 'Afrikaner' bond to unity the Boers.

When would the first Boer wars and second Boer wars take place?

-First Boer war, also known as the "Transvaal" or "South African war" occurred from 1880 to 1881, involving the British and the Transvaal.

-Second Boer war involved the British, transvaal and the Organge free state which occurred between 1899 till 1902. - sometimes referred to as the first boer war.

Define 'Afrikaner'

Replaced the term 'Boer' to denote to Afrikaans-speaking person in South Africa, descended from Dutch settlers in South Africa.

What happened at the Boer war?

-Negotiations would break down in 1899, when the Boers wanted revenge, before the British South African army could be reinforced.

-would invade British terrory and besieged ladysmith in Natal.

-borers would have some success in the early stages of the Boer war.

-however, the British poured around 400, troops, costing £250 and under Generals Kitchner and Roberts, took ascendant from 1900.

-Would take 2 more years of fighting for the Boers to be defeated.

What would happen after the Boer war?

-there would be a peace in May of 1902 - the peace of Vereeniging.

-boers would subject themselves as British subjects.

-Boer republic's become British colonies with the promise of self-governement. Granted in 1905.

-1908 pm of the Orange Free State, Transvaal, Cape Colony and Natal drew up there constitutions for the for the 'Union of South Africa'.

1910 - the act of union a single parliament and the Union of South Africa became a single British Dominion territory.

Who were the 'Ashanti'?

-Where an ethnic group which once possessed an empire along the gulf of Guinea.

-They would suppress by Europeans, to conquer them.

-Britain would fought 4 wars again the Ashanti kings between 1823 to 1896.

How would the British gain control of the Ashantiland?

-Got involved as to protect their terrorities around the Gold Cost.

- British - Ashanti relation would be poor due to the wars and skirmishes in the early nineteenth century.

- in the 1890s, the British demanded their king, prempeh, should step down to the British as a protectorate.

-prempheh refused and began a fourth Anglo-Ashanti war.

- British would win, forcing Prempeh off his throne in 1896

- Ashanti uprising in 1900, would lead to British annexation of the kingdom.

-would be extended into the Gold Coast in 1902

What happened in Sudan?

-Was a Mahdist revolt against the Egyptian government in 1881

-General Gordon would be beheaded in 1885 who had left the area in a weakened state.

-Khalifa Abdullah would succeed the Mahdi on his death in 1885, would try to bring the people of Sudan together under this leadership.

-Would fail and his state would be plagued into warfare, famine and disease.

-William Gladstone, wanted troops to withdraw from Egypt.

-However, Lord Sailsbury, a conservative, would be elected prime minister in 1885 and believed that their should be intervene due to the importance of Egypt.

How did Lord Salisbury protect the welfare of Egypt during the later 1880s and 1890s?

-sailsbury would be vastly concerned with the French or Germans expansion in east Africa, fearing they may gain control of the Nile which was virtual for the welfare of Egypt.

-Would sign a treaty, in 1890, with Germany, giving them Tanganyika in exchange for Uganda and Kenya.

-French would be persuaded to focus on West Africa, yet weren't forced to, since they had a colony in Madagascar.

-Italian would be seen as a benefit as they beneficial, with them expanding on the Red Sea at Massawa and would divert Khalifia' s attention from the Egtpytian border. Yet they'd be defeated.

What would Lord Salisbury do as a result of the Sudan revolt?

-He'd sat up the British campaign in the Sudan.

-could be sold to campaigns to aid Italy and uphold European civilisation against African revolts.

- it would also average the death of General Gordon.

What was The Sundan campaign?

-would be an expeditionary force of 10,000 that would be transported up the Nile by a fleet of pleasure streamers provided by Thomas Cook and son to Wafo Halfa.

-railway would be constructed into Dervish terrorities.

-supplies would be carried on

-however, there would be sanstorms, torrential rain and, bad outbreaks of cholera and Dervish attacks.

What are the Dervish?

They are a member of a Muslim order committed to the defence of their faith through frenzied attack.

Name the key chronology with the developments in the Sudan

1890 - Treaty between Germany and England

1896 - Italian forces are defeated at Adowa; Salisbury launches campaign in Sudan under General Herbert Kitcherner.

1898 - Battle of Omdurman

1898 - Fashoda incident

1899 - agreement between both Britain and force and Britain and Egypt; Kitchener appointed General Governor.

How did Britain gain Nigeria as a colony?

-Claims it by virtue of their occupation and the agreement with France in 1890 who agreed for in return for Madagascar.

- British would take over the roles of the Royal Niger Company.

- established control in the north in 1900 and in the south in 1906

- Nigeria would be unified in 1914.

How did Britain gain control of Zanzibar?

-signed a treaty with Germany in 1890 which allowed British influence to be established in East Africa. Zanzibar was ceded to the British whilst the Germans was given Tazania.

-Would declare Zanzibar a protectorate of the British empire and would install a puppet ruler: Sultan Hamad bin thuswaini.

What would happen in Zanzibar in 1896?

-The puppet ruler sultan Hamad bin thuswaini would mysteriously die in 1896, rumoured to be poison.

What was the shortest war of history and where was it fought?

-Anglo-Zanzibar War, on the 27th August 1896. Lasted just 38 minutes.

-occured when the cousin of sultan Humad' s cousin, Khalid became sultan without the approval of the British.

-When ordered to standdown, Khalid refused.

-resulted in Zanzibar being bombed and Khalid being overthrown.

- sultan Hamud would be placed back on the throne of Zanzibar.

- he'd rule under British protection until 1902.

When did Sultan Hamad bin Thuwaini

25th August 1896 at 11:40 am and was believed to be poisoned by his cousin, Khelid to become the next sultan or Zanzibar.

Why was Somaliland significant to the British?

- It would be a protectorate established in 1888 with both administrative and military personal in 1898.

- strategic territory. British wanted to limit French and Italian ambition in the area. It also allowed Britain access to the Indian ocean and it's colonies in the east.

area. It also allowed Britain access to the Indian ocean and it's colonies in the east.

What territory would be changed to Rhodesia and why?

- South Zambesia, which Cecil Rhodes would establish British presence.

-became southern Rhodesia from 1895 once Britain would take the land by force.

-Native wars of Ndeble in 1893-94 and 1896-7 Would kill half the settlers.

-Treaties in the chiefs would result in territory being taken in northern and and southern Rhodesia.

When, where and what was the result of the Ndeble wars?

-Occurred in Rhodesia, formally Southern and northern Zambesia.

-would occur when British settlers would attempt to take land and insert their dominance by force.

-reaulted in almost half the settlers being killed.

-settled through treaties by the African chiefs.

Define 'condomium'

Is the joint control of a state's affairs by other states.

When was the Berling conference?


What were the issues the British had faced in Nyasaland?

- The British would face Portuguese Arab attacks and would not be until 1891 where the British would gain control

- Guerrila warfare would be used on and off until 1897.

- would operate under Rhodes' British South Africa company.

-1907, becomes protectorate.

Why was Kenya useful to the British?

-interest in Kenya dated back to the Berlin conference.

- strategic route as it offered a route from the cost of Uganda.

What would be the problem Britain faced in Kenya?

- the Natives mazui and Muslims would try and force control

- sheikh mbaruk bin Rashid took ups against the British.

- he obtained weapons from the Germans, leading Britain to take nine months to crush their opponents.

- would become part of Britain's East Africa protectorate in 1895.

-beocmes a colony in 1920.

Who were the Buganda?

- ethnic group of Bugandan people

- formed one of the largest and most powerful states in during 18th and 19th century

- adopted by British officials after they had annexed the Bugandan terrorities.

How did Germany challenge Britain's colonies?

- Germany would gain a new ambitious Kaiser, Wilhelm 2nd who would support the Boers in the second borer war, by supplying them weapons.

- established relations with the ottoman empire to have access to India's trade markets and the Persian gulf without depending on Britain's control of the Suez canal.

-large sums of German money would be spent to build up the German navy and was seen as s provocative move to challenge Britain's high sea dominance.