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Card Range To Study



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17 Cards in this Set

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Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

K Q J x

Against trumps?

Against NT?

K against both (top of sequence)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

Q J 10 x

Against trumps?

Against NT?

Q against both (top of sequence)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

J 10 9 4

Against trumps?

Against NT?

J against both (top of sequence)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

K Q 4 3 2

Against trumps?

Against NT?

K against trumps (top of sequence of 2)

3 against NT (4th highest)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

K Q 10 x

Against trumps?

Against NT?

K against both (top of broken sequence)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

Q J 9 x

Against trumps?

Against NT?

Q against both (top of broken sequence)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

A J 10 x x

Against trumps?

Against NT?

Against Trumps - avoid this suit, choose another.

Against NT - J (top of interior sequence)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

K J 10 x x

Against trumps?

Against NT?

Against trumps - avoid this suit, choose another!

Against NT - J (top of interior sequence)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

A K Q x x

Against trumps?

Against NT?

A against both (top of sequence)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

A K 5 4 2

Against trumps?

Against NT?

Against trumps- A promising K

Against NT- 4 (4th highest)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

A K 4 2

Against trumps?

Against NT?

Against trumps - A promising K

Against NT - 2 (4th highest)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:


Against trumps?

Against NT?

Against trumps - lead K, then A shows doubleton looking for a ruff

Against NT - avoid this suit

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

10 2

Against trumps?

Against NT?

Against both - 10

(Unless it is the trump suit - in which you always lead the lowest, unless all cards equal in which case lead highest)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

A 4 3 2

Against trumps?

Against NT?

Against trumps - A, but can be risky unless partner bid the suit. NEVER UNDERLEAD THE ACE IN A SUIT CONTRACT.

Against NT- 2 (4th highest)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

H 3 2

Against trumps? (NB Honour ≠ A)

Against NT?

Against both - 2

Lead the lowest of 3 cards to an honour (not the Ace)

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

8 7 4

Against trumps?

Against NT?

Against both - 7

MUD middle of rubbish, play middle up, down.

Assume you have chosen to lead this suit, what would you lead from this holding:

8 7 5 4

Against trumps?

Against NT?

Against both - 7

Four worthless cards lead second highest, followed by highest.