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38 Cards in this Set

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What is the gestation period for a dog?

63 days

What is the gestation period for a cat?

65 days

What is the gestation period of a rabbit?

35 days

What is the gestation period of a guinea pig?

63 days

What is an allele?

Alternative versions of the same gene

When is an embryo recognised as a foetus?

35 days (canine)

When is an embryo recognised as a foetus?

35 days (canine)

What does the umbilical cord consist of?

Two umbilical arteries, umbilical vein, allantois duct, surrounded by Wharton’s jelly and contained with an outer layer of amnion

What is the allantois?

Develops from the gut and receives urine from the kidneys

What is the chorion?

Outer membrane of the embryo

What is the amnion?

Inner layer of the embryo

What is the amnion?

Inner layer of the embryo

What is the colour of marginal haematomas?

Green in bitches

Brown in queens

What are the four basic components of the embryo?

Yolk sac, the chorion, amnion, allantois

What happens during prooestrus in the bitch?

Vulval swelling and discharge - will not allow mating but show increased receptivity to the male.

Oestrogen causes a thickening of the vaginal walk and an increase in epithelial cells.

What happens during oestrus?

Bitch demonstrates characteristic behaviour - presentation of vulva and lifting tail up and stand to be mated.

Progesterone is produced in low concentrations.

What happens during metoestrus?

Presence of corpus luteum in ovaries - synonymous with pregnancy.

Prolactin may be released from mammary glands.

What happens during anoestrus?

Resting phase - no hormonal activity.

Progesterone levels decline

What type of ovulators are cats?

Seasonally polyoestrus

What happens during oestrus with cats?

Persistent vocalisation, rolling and rubbing against intimate objects, deviation of tail and lordosis of the spine

What is interoestus in cats?

No hormonal activity if not been mated. Lasts between 3-14 days

What is the gestation period for a ferret?

42 days

What is the gestation period for chinchillas?

112 days

What is the gestation period for guinea pigs?

59-72 days

What is mammogenisis?

The process and growth of development of the mammary gland

What is mammogenisis?

The process and growth of development of the mammary gland

Define lactation

Secretion of milk from the mammary gland

Define lactogenisis

The process of developing the ability to secrete milk

Define galactogenisis

The production of milk from the mammary gland

What is eclampsia?

A complication leading to seizure activity and/or unexplained coma during pregnancy by high blood pressure

What are some postpartum complications?

Eclampsia, placental retention, mastitis, alagactia

What is dioestrus?

The period running between oestrus cycles

What animal is NOT an induced ovulator?


What happens during stage 1 of parturition?

Drop in temperature

Onset of contractions

Dam becomes restless, panting, refuses food

Rupture of allantochorion

Cervix starts to dilate

What happens during stage 1 of parturition?

Drop in temperature

Onset of contractions

Dam becomes restless, panting, refuses food

Rupture of allantochorion

Cervix starts to dilate

What happens during stage 2 of parturition?

Propulsion of foetus through the cervix and fully dilated

Strong contractions

Neonates will present posterior or anterior

Visible lochia

What happens during stage 3 of parturition?

Abdominal contractions continue but decrease

Placenta is passed and dam may eat this

Dark vulval discharge following whelping

What are some examples of congenital abnormalities?

Hernia, atresia, hydrocephalus, cleft palates, polydactyl paws