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17 Cards in this Set

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What are the three branches of National Law?




What are the different branches under public law


-constitutional law

-administrative law

-criminal law

What the the branches of law under private law?

Private law:

-family law

-contract law

-law of delict

-property law

-law of succession

What are the branches under commercial law?

Commercial Law

-company law

-banking law

-insurance law

-competition law

Define crime

-refers to an act or behaviour which is wrongful

-either prohibited by common law or statute

-crimes recognised by legal system as being contrary to societal norms and values

Give three examples of common law crimes?

Murder, rape, assault

Give three examplies of statutory crimes?

-Driving under influence

-possession of drugs

-trading in protected species

Define term delict

-any conduct which causes harm to the person, property or personality of another

-in circumstances in which conduct was wrongful and culpable

Explain the difference between a crime and a delict:


-crime is violation of criminal law

-considered offense against state and society as a whole

-punishable by prison time, probation, fines

-gets investigated by law enforcement agencies

-must be proved beyond reasonable doubt


-civil wrong or tort

-violation of civil law

-based on principles of negligence, intent ot strict liability

-focus is on establishing fault or liability

-addressed through civil litigation - plaintiff (harmed party seeking compensation) vs defendant (one in the wrong)

-purpose of delict is to restore the plaintiff to their pre-harmed condition and provide means of resolving disputes between people

-must be proved on a balance of probabilities

Explain the elements of delict:

-wrongful conduct which is

-committed intentionally or negligently

-and which causes

-harm to the person or property of the plaintiff

The harmful conduct includes failing to do something or intentionally doing something harmful (ommission + commission)

How is wrongdoing determined in cases of delict?

Commissions causing harm are PRIMA FACIE wrongful

-when an action is committed that causes harm, it is initially considered prima facie wrongful, unless proven otherwise

Omissions causing harm are not Prima Facie wrongful and then the court must decide

-court doesnt assume guilt or wrongdoing based solely on fact that harm resulted from inaction.

-court assesses whether person had legal or moral obligation to take action and whether their failure to act was unreasonable or negligent

Outline the three step test for negligence in the context of legal liability:

Step 1

-evaluating defendant’s actions through lens of hypothetical reasonable person who is in same situation as defendant.

-involves two parts

1. Foreseeability of harm:

-reasonable person would foresee the reasonable possibility of their conduct injuring another

2. Reasonable Precautions

-a reasonable person would take reasonable steps to guard against such harm

Step 2

-assesses whether defendant actually failed to take reasonable precautions that hypothetical reasonable person would have taken

-conduct considered negligent if defendant did not take reasonable steps

Define contract:

-legally significant agreement between two parties which gives rise to legally binding and enforceable rights and duties between the parties

Explain unjustified enrichment:

-situation when one person benefits at the expense of another without lawful justification

What is specific enrichment actions:

-legal actions that can be taken to address unjust enrichment

-actions are aimed at restoring the situation to what it would have been if enrichment had not occurred

What are two types of specific enrichment actions:

Condictio indebiti (Mistake)

-action addresses situation where person received payment or property by mistake and is required to return to rightful owner

Negotior Gestio

-someone intervenes on behalf of another’s interests without their authorisation but for other person’s benefit. Person who intervened may be entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred.

What are key differences between contracts and delicts?

-contract : agreements not met ; delict : harm caused

-contract: specific contractual undertaking legally protects parties ; delict : one has a duty not to cause harm

-contract: can get compensation for financial losses only; delict: can get compensation for losses and non financial damages