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34 Cards in this Set

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Depression= major depressive disorder - Dx
Major Depressive Episode of 2 weeks

5 or more Sx:
• 1 - must be anhedonia= nothing makes you happy
• 4 – SIG E CAPS
• Sleep Disturbance
• ↓ Interest
• Guilt
• loss of Energy
• loss of Concentration
• Appetite change = usually ↓
• Psychomotor retardation or agitation (abnormally slow or restless)
• Suicidal
Mood disorders (Depression, Bipolar)- DDx
o Psychiatric disorders
o Medical disorders = anything that causes chronic disability, pain or fatigue
o Substance induced
o Reactive disorders = i.e: death in family ***

Must R/O!
Depression -TX

Psychosocial therapies: CBT, interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), Behavioral activation strategy (BAS)
Depression episode length?

Chronic depression?
6-9 months

Never recover
Minor depression
Depression w/ few manic symptoms, not enough for bipolar
Atypical depression
some symptoms, esp neurovegatative symptoms are in opp direction

↑ appetite instead of anorexia, Hypersomnia instead of insomnia, ↑ reactivity, heavy feelings in arms, legs
Depression comorbidity
o Anxiety
o Substance abuse
o Psychosis
o Personality disorders
o Medically ill
Bipolar (Mania) - Dx?
• Dx
o Manic Episode of 1 week

o 3 or more Sx: “DIG FAST”
• Distractibility
• Insomnia (Decreased need for sleep)
• Grandiosity
• Flight of Ideas
• Increased Activity/Agitation
• Pressured Speech
• Thoughtlessness/ Risky Activities
Bipolar (mania)- Tx?
o Manic Tx:
1) Lithium = very effective
2) Divalproex
3) Atypical Neuroleptics (Atypical Antipsychotics)
4) Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
5) ECT

o Depressive Tx:
1) Lamotrigine = (-) excitatory AA (glutamate, NMDA)
2) Quetiapine
Bipolar II?
Hypomania + Major depression

• Hypomania= mild episode of increased mood and activity; doesn't impair functioning
o Cyclothymia
hypomania & dysthemia
o Rapid cycling
mania and depression at greater rate than usual
Bipolar Comorbidity
o Anxiety
o Substance abuse
o Psychosis
o Personality disorders
o Medically ill

Same as depression
Substance Abuse/ Dependence
Substance Abuse- Dx
o 1 year

o 1 or more Sx:
• Recurrent use/ failed obligations
• Hazardous use
• Legal problems
• Continued use despite interpsonal problems
o R/O: Substance Dependence
Substance dependence- Dx
o Maladaptive substance use for 1 year
o 3 or more Sx:
• Tolerance
• Withdrawl
• Larger amts
• Desire to cut down
• Time Spent
• Activities
• Continued Use
o Note: You do NOT have to have physicial dependence (i.e: tolerance or withdrawl) to have substance dependence
Substance dependence tx strategy
o Assessment→ Intervention (tx)→ Detoxification (tx alcohol withdrawal) → Rehabilitation
Alcohol dependence- Tx - detox, rehab
o Detoxification (alcohol withdrawal)
1) Benzodiazepine= Diazepam, Lorazepam (Acts as substitute for etoh receptor) = allows GABA receptors to reset

o Rehabilitation
1) Disulfram = interferes w/ breakdown of toxic acetylaldehyde →causes unpleasant rxn
2) Naltrexone= opiod antagonist → blocks alcohol reward pathways (↓dopamine)
3) Acamprosate= Glutamate antagonist, GABA agonist = helps maintain abstinence after post-acute withdrawal
4) Psychosocial therapies
Opiate dependence- Tx - detox, rehab
o Detoxification:
1. Opiate substitute
Methadone = controversial b/c still an opiate
Buprenorphine = mu & kappa properties; agonist at low dose, antagonist at high dose

2. Alpha- blockers → manage other withdrawal symptoms

o Post-detox tx?
• Naltrexone = Mu opiod antagonist ; requires detox 1st, otherwise severe withdrawal symptoms
Opiate withdraw symptoms
• ↑ BP
• ↑ pulse
• ↑ temperature
• miosis
• Tremor
• Insomnia
• Vomit/ diarrhea
• Seizures
Anxiety Disorders= Panic Disorder
Anxiety Disorders
o Generalized anxiety disorder
o Agoraphobia w/out Hx of Panic Disorder
o Social Phobia= fear of social situation (i.e: humiliation)
o Specific phobia= fear of specific object/ situation
o Panic Disorder
Panic disorder - Dx ; R/O?
o Repeated panic attacks
o Anticipatory Anxiety
o Global
o Can be w/ or w/out Agoraphobia (extreme fear of being in a place that is diff to escape)

o What is a panic attack?
• Sudden onset (10min peak); last 5-30 min
• 4 or more Sx:
• Palapitations
• Abdominal distress
• Numbness, Nausea
• Intense fear of death or losing control
• Choking (SOB), Chills/sweats, Chest pain

o R/O: Myocardial infarction (similar symptoms)
• Use ECG & Cardiac enzymes
Panic Disorder- DDx
o Endocrine disorders
o Cardiopulmonary Disorders = Myocardial infarction =Use ECG & Cardiac enzymes
o Neurologic Disorders
o Substance induced (w/drawal, intoxication)
o Psychiatric disorders: mood, psychotic, personality, adjustment

Must rule out!
Panic disorder (all anxiety disorders) tx, except OCD
1) Quell the episode:
1. Benzodiazepines= GABA receptors
o Longer acting= 2 keto (Dizepam/ Valium)
o Shorter acting= 3-Hydroxy (Lorazepam), Triazolo (alprazolam)

2. Sedatives
HT Agonists (Buspirone)
o Helps w/ GAD
o Not for Panic disorders!
o Not a Benzodiazepine replacement!
3. Psychotherapy

o Preventative
• Antidepressants= SSRI
• Anticonvulsant
• Psychotherapy- CBT
Panic Disorder - Comorbidity
o Mood disorder= Depression
o Medical Disorder= mitral valve prolapse, ulcer, hypertension
o Suicidal
OCD- dx
o Obsessions= Recurrent, unwanted, unpleasant thoguhts or images causing marked anxiety or distress; recognized as product of one’s own mind
• I.e: contamination, overresponsibilty for harm, aggressive, health, sexuality, hoarding, what if statements

o Compulsions= repetitive , ritualistic behaviors that a person feels driven to perform; to reduce distress or prevent dreaded event
o Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
o Normal/Developmental rituals- not caused by distress
o Tourette’s – multiple Tics
o Body Dysmorphic Disorder
o Autism

Must rule out!
OCD- tx
o Exposure & Ritual prevention (E/RP), a form of CBT is 1st line!
• Repeat exposure w/ out consequence occurring causes extinction of anxiety response

o SSRIs= Combined w/ CBT
OCD- comorbidity
o Anxiety disorders
o Mood disorders