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109 Cards in this Set

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What kind of light is found in dissecting scopes?

Incident light

Transmitted vs Incident light

Transmitted Light

Shines through an organism

Compound Scope

Incident Light

Light shining down on an object

Dissecting Scope

What is the magnification range of a Dissecting Scope?


Found on the base

How is light intensity adjusted on a Dissecting scope?

Adjusting the transformer on the base of the light unit

Magnification Range x 10

What is the range of the total zoom for a Dissecting Scope?


Both Beneath stage

Differentiate between the condenser & Iris diaphragm on a compound Scope

Condenser=lens beneath stage

Iris Diaphragm=light adjustment beneath stage

Both Beneath stage

How is an epidermal peel of Red Onion prepared?

Wet mount w/ red solution set aside 5-10 mins


In a Red onion Epidermal Peel, how could you tell the difference between the vacuole & cytoplasm?

Cytoplasm is stained darker & surrounds the vacuole. Vacuole is most of the empty space within cell

What are nucleoli for?

Ribosome synthesis

What is the protoplast?

It's everything contained inside cell wall

Collective term

What is the fxn of cytoplasmic streaming?

Distribution of nutrients

Example: Chloroplasts moving in Elodea Slide

Why are Chloroplasts green & what is their primary fxn?

They're color is due to chlorophyll & their primary fxn is photosynthesis

Name the 3 types of Plastids

Chloroplasts, Chromoplasts & Leucoplasts

3 colors

What are Plasmodesmata & what is their fxn?

Cytoplasmic connections that connect neighboring cells through pores in cell wall, allow for cell communication


How should a potato slide be prepared?

Thin scraping of flesh stained with Potassium Iodide


How should a potato slide be prepared?

Thin scraping of flesh stained with Potassium Iodide


What does Potassium Iodide React with in Potatoes?

the starch to produce a blue-black color

What is visible in the potato slide?

Cell wall & lots of blue/black LEUCOPLASTS


What are Chromoplasts found in (in lab) a and how can you identify them?

in tomato & they're orange/red organelles


What is the fxn of Chromoplasts in nature tomatoes?

Indicating ripeness

Seed dispensers

Stage of Mitosis that separates sister chromatids



Stage of Mitosis that separates sister chromatids



Stage of Mitosis in which cell plate begins to form



Stage of Mitosis that separates sister chromatids



Stage of Mitosis in which cell plate begins to form



Stage of mitosis in which chromosomes line up on Equatorial plane


Fxns of Mitosis

Cell division for growth, cell repair/replacement, & asexual reproduction

Primary growth

Elongation of roots or stems


Primary growth

Elongation of roots or stems


Secondary Growth

Increase in thickness of plant parts



Includes G1 S & G2, most of cells life spent in this stage


Includes G1 S & G2, most of cells life spent in this stage

In what stage does the cell duplicate its DNA?


In prep for cell division

2 stages of cell division

Mitosis & cytokinesis

2 stages of cell division

Mitosis & cytokinesis

What happens during mitosis?

Nucleus divides

2 stages of cell division

Mitosis & cytokinesis

What happens during mitosis?

Nucleus divides

Happens during Cytokinesis

Division of cytoplasm



Nuclear envelope breaks down & Dna condenses

1st stage


Connect sister chromatids


Connect sister chromatids

What spindle fibers are made of

Micro tubules

Stage when cell walls & middle lamella form


Stage when cell walls & middle lamella form


Cell plate

Developing cell walls & middle lamella


Root cap fxn

Protects RAM & Soil penetration

RAM produces what 3 primary meristems

Procambium, protoderm, ground meristem

Indication of region of maturation

Root hairs

3 Regions

Cell division, elongation, maturation

3 Regions

Cell division, elongation, maturation


How cells are stretched to mature size

Ground meristem matures into

Cortex & Endodermis

Surrounds vascular cylinder


Casparian strip

Coating of Suberin & lignin on endodermal cell walls wherever cells touch; impermeable to water

Pro cambium matures into

Vascular cylinder or Stele


Vascular cylinder composed of

Xylem, Phloem & Pericycle

Fxn of Vascular Cylinder

H2O conduction, Sugar Conduction & maintain Structure

Individual Fxns of components

Endodermis fxn

Barrier between vascular & ground tissue & regulates substances entering/leaving vascular cylinder

How Eudicot & Monocot ROOTS differ

Pith in middle of Monocot & vascular bundles found in Monocot; X found in Eudicot

Lateral Roots grow [Endogenously]

To grow from inside out

Lateral root Primordia Appear

Like swellings of reddish cells

Why are lateral roots considered part of the primary plant body?

They arise from primary plant tissues


2 Secondary Meristems

Vascular Cambium & Cork Cambium

Where Vascular cambium originates

Residual Procambium & pericycle

Cork cambium originates



Cork, cork cambium & phelloderm

Collective term

Sloughs off during 2ndry Growth

Cortex, endodermis & epidermis

Difference between Vascular Cambium & Cylinder?

Vascular cambium is present in 2nd growth, meristematic & separates X & P; Cylinder contains phloem xylem & pericycle

Identification of Vascular Cambium

Between Xylem & phloem


Originated from the stem

Distinguish specialized roots from modified shoots

Prescence of root cap, no leaves

Distinguish specialized roots from modified shoots

Prescence of root cap, no leaves

Fibrous root system identification

Thin branching roots

Taproot System

Deep-rooted; primary root present w/ smaller roots branching off; found in dicots

Example of a storage root


2 main root types

Taproot & fibrous root

Vascular bundles in a Monocot are


Is pith evident in Monocot stem


Is pith evident in Monocot stem


Cell type in bundle sheath in Monocot stem

Schlerenchyma cells for support

Is pith evident in Monocot stem


Cell type in bundle sheath in Monocot stem

Schlerenchyma cells for support

Eudicot stem preparation

Stain with phloroglucinol

Is pith evident in Monocot stem


Cell type in bundle sheath in Monocot stem

Schlerenchyma cells for support

Eudicot stem preparation

Stain with phloroglucinol

Type of vascular bundles in Eudicots


Cell type in xylem

Tracheary elements (Sclerenchyma) Parenchyma & Finers (Schlerebchyma)

Conductive cells of phloem?

Sieve tube elements

Conductive cells of phloem?

Sieve tube elements

Identification of sieve tube elements (phloem)

Sieve plate, slime plug & companion cell

Conductive cells of xylem?

Tracheary elements

Types of specialized Schlerenchyma

Fibers, sclereids, tracheids, vessel elements


Distinguishing feature of vessel elements

Perforation plate

Appearance d of sclereids

Short, donut, simple pits


Residual Procambium between xylem & phloem in vascular bundles


Residual Procambium between xylem & phloem in vascular bundles


Between vascular bundles

Pith Ray differentiates into

Secondary X & P

Vascular rays includes

Xylem & phloem rays

Are cork cells dead or alive


Middle of Eudicot leaf composed of

Chlorenchyma cells called Mesopotamia

Middle of Eudicot leaf composed of

Chlorenchyma cells called Mesopotamia

Palisade layer

Elongated portion of Eudicot leaf mesophyll

Middle of Eudicot leaf composed of

Chlorenchyma cells called Mesopotamia

Palisade layer

Elongated portion of Eudicot leaf mesophyll

Fxn of palisade layer
