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76 Cards in this Set

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What three reasons do people dress utility sqabs at 28-30 days?
feathers are nearly mature and makes them easier to dress; have not begun flying and flesh is soft and tender; and body weight is usually very good
Why do you offer mated pigeons two nests?
So they hatch in one and begin another brood in the second
A pigeons diet is made up of what three things?
mixture of whole grains, good hard grit and clean water
Name the parts of a pigeon's wing.
wrist or wing butt, lesser coverts, middle coverts, 2nd wing bar and 1st wing bar
Why should a bath be provided to pigeons at least once weekly?
to keep clean, prevent external parasites, maintain good health
Name uses of Ratite's wings
cooling, balance during running, courtship displays
Name the three cassowary species
double wattled cassowary, single wattle cassowary, and dwarf cassowary
What are the species of Kiwi
the little spotted kiwi, the great spotted kiwi and the brown or common kiwi
Name four things in an Emu's diet.
fruit, flowers, seeds, green vegetation, caterpillars, grasshoppers, beetles
Emus are grown commercially for what purposes?
meat, feathers, hide and oil
Name four things in a Rhea's diet.
roots, seeds, insects, lizards and some small mammals
What four factors are of major importance in incubating eggs artificially?
Temperature, humidity, ventilation and turning
What does turning prevent?
the blastoderm from migrating through the ablumen and sticking to the shell membrane
(Two) Why should you not open or move the incubator after the 18th day?
chicks are in a hatching position, maintain desirable humidity
Name the three major cell groupings in a developing egg.
ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
Name the four extraembryonic membranes.
1. yolk sac, 2. amnion, 3 chorion, and 4 allantois
What three functions does candling serve?
1. eliminate any cracked eggs from being set, 2. determine which eggs are fertile, 3. observe the growht/development of embryo
What four factors are of major importance in incubating eggs artificially?
temperature, humidity, ventilation and turning
What is the function of the circulatory system
transport oxygen, carbon dioxide, metabolites, hormones and nutrients throughout the body and aid in temperature regulation
What are the two special types of bones that make up a bird's skeleton
pneumatic bones and medullary bones
Name the parts of a feather
quill, after shaft, fluff, shaft, web vane, barbs, barbule
The feather is important for what functions (three)
flight, protection and temperature regulation
What are the two results from culling birds
reduce feed cost and prevent spread of disease
Name three attributes of a good layer
bright red comb, soft pliable abdomen, large, moist vent, 3 to 5 fingers' spread between pelvic bones
Name three attributes of a poor layer
dull, shriveled comb, hard, fatty abdomen, small, round, dry vent, 1 to 2 fingers' spread between pelvic bones
Name four of the six factors to consider when purchasing chicks
size of poultry house, brooding equipment, amount and cost of feed, amount of time you give to the project, whether you can continue project through fall and winter, whether you have a market for eggs and meat.
Name five management factors to consider when managing layers.
Space, Ventilation, Light, Temperature, Access to feed and water, Roosts and Nests
Name three of the six management techniques or factors considered during the pullets growing period?
Space, Ventilation, Light, Temperature, Access to feed and water, Roosts and Nests
Name three functions of water as a nutrient in a poultry flock?
1. softens feed, 2. aids digestion, 3. carrier of waste products, 4. involved in temperature regulation and 5. acts as a lubricant in body tissues
Why is the Single Comb White Leghorn most used for egg production?
live well, grow fast, and begin laying at 5 to 5 1/2 months of age
What are some of the benefits of raising Broiler-type chickens for meat over other meat-type chickens?
convert feed efficiently, grow and feather rapidly and are ready to dress at 8-81/2 weeks
The Black Sex Links are a cross between what?
Rhode Island Red male and a Barred Plymouth Rock female
The Red Sex Links are a cross between what?
Rhode Island Red male and a White Leghorn female
Name three considerations when deciding how many chicks to buy.
1. size of the poultry house; 2. equipment needed/on hand; 3. amount and cost of feed; 4. amount of time you have; 5. whether you can continue in the fall and winter; 6. whether you have a market for the meat/eggs
Name the purposes of a chicken house.
1. protects birds from weather; 2. keeps out rodents, wild birds and large animals
Name five factors for raising healthy vigorous birds
1. space, 2. draft-free ventilation, 3. light, 4. temperature, 5. easy access to feed and water, 6. roosts, 7. nests
Draft-free ventilation is important for what four reasons?
1. supplies the birds with oxygen; 2. prevents buildup of carbon dioxide and ammonia 3. regulates temperature; and 4. removes excess moisture
Name four factors that can lead to cannibalism or feather picking.
1. overcrowding, 2. nutrient deficiencies, 3. poor ventilation, 4. too little drinking and eating space, 5. too much light and 6. appearance of blood on an injured bird
What factors should be considered before buying a cockatiel
caging, feeding, environment, exercise, escape and hazards, health care
What three methods of feed diet can supply the required dietary requirements for an adult non-breeding cockatiel?
pelleted diet, seed diet with supplemented seed mix where some seeds are coated with a mix of trace nutrients, add nutrients via water soluble premix twice a week, vary diet by adding fruits and vegetables
Name three things a bird cage should not be placed near?
south windows, air conditioners, heaters, kitchens away from stoves, ovens, micorowaves, etc., sinks of hot water, vents, open windows and doors and hot lights or electrical equipments such as tvs
What are some signs that your pet cockatiel is ill?
appears listless, is fluffed up for long periods and/or is not eating its normal amount of feed
A breed possesses a set of physical features such as (name three)
body shape or type, skin color, carriage or station, number of toes and feathered or non-feathered shanks
What are some characteristics which might distinguish one variety from another?
comb type, plumage color, presence of a beard and muffs
Name three things beaten egg whites are essential for making.
souffles, meringues, puffy omlets, angel food cakes, sponge cakes
What are blood spots caused by?
a rupture of a blood vessel on the yolk surface during formation of the egg or similar incident in the wall of the oviduct
What is the purpose of the bloom or cuticle?
prevent bacteria from getting inside the shell and to reduce moisture loss from the egg
Describe a Grade AA egg.
A Grade AA egg will stand up tall. The yolk is firm and the area covered by the white is small. There is a large proportion of thick white to thin white.
Describe a Grade A egg.
A Grade A egg covers a relatively small area. The yolk is round and upstanding. The thick white is large in proportion to the thin white and stands fairly well around the yolk.
Describe a Grade B egg.
A Grade B egg spreads out more. The yolk is flattened and there is about as much (or more) thin white as thick white.
What causes greenish ring around hard-cooked egg yolks?
sulfur and iron compounds in the egg reacting to the surface of the yolk
What can cause scrambled eggs to turn green?
cooking the eggs at too high a temperature, holding the eggs to long before serving
Name two reasons egg products are preferred to shell eggs by commercial bakers, food manufacturers and food service industry?
convenience, labor savings, minimal storage requirements, ease of portion control and product quality, stability and uniformity
Name two of the four egg products produced for commercial bakers, food manufactureers and food service industry?
1. Refrigerated liquid products; 2. Frozen egg products; 3. Dried or dehydrated egg products; 4. Specialty egg products
Fatty acids, the basic chemical units of fat come in three forms -
saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated
What four factors impact eggs freshness?
how recently it was laid, temperature at which it is held, the humidity and the handling
Name two sources of infection of influenza.
migratory waterfowl, imported pet birds and live-bird markets
Name the two factors that determine whether avian influenza is subclinical or acute
biological characteristics of the virus and environmental stresses
Name three environmental stresses that may determine whether Avian Influenza disease will be subclinical or acute
temperature, humidity, ventilation, crowding and the age and sex of the bird
Name four ways Avian influenza can be transmitted
air currents, feces, humans, vehicles, water, feed, equipment, supplies, clothes, flies, litter, beetles and other birds dead from the disease
Name the three ways the Avian Influenza virus can be excreted from infected birds
through feces, conjunctiva and respiratory tract
What is the avian influenza incubation period dependent upon?
dose of the virus, route of exposure, the species exposed and the ability to detect the clinical signs
Name three common signs of infection with avian influenza
pronounced depression, decreased activity, decreased feed consumption and emaciation, decreased egg production and increased broodiness in hens
Name three respiratory signs for avian influenza
coughing, sneezing, rales (abnormal respiratory sounds), excessive lacrimation (tearing ) from the eyes, huddling or ruffling of feathers, along with edema (accumulation of fluid) of the head and face, cyanosis (turning blue due to lack of oxygen to the tissues) nervfous disorders and diarrhea
When does transmission of avian influenza occur?
when birds are introduced to contaminated footwear, clothing, vehicles, insemination equipment, feed an dwater that have been exposed to the influenza virus
What are two ways to prevent Staphylococcus infection?
Hand washing; not leaving food out for more than two hours
Name four ways infectious diseases can be transmitted to poultry?
"* birds carrying an infectious agent within the flock
* recently acquired birds
* Eggs from infected breeders
* Human hands, hair, feet/shoes or clothes
* Wild birds, rodents, flies, parasites or insects
* contaminated feed, water or air
* contaminated vaccines and medications
* dust, feathers, and manure on equipment and supplies"
What increases the risk of infection in bird flocks?
"* new birds introduced
* different ages of birds raised together
* different types of fowl raised together
* new birds are placed in contact with dust, feces, etc. of previous flock"
Name the four main parts of an egg
Albumen, Yolk, Shell and Shell Membrane
Name the three membranes found on any egg?
Air cell, Outer shell and inner shell
Carcasses are graded A, B and C. What factors are they judged on?
exposed flesh, broken and disjointed bones and missing parts
When candling eggs for interior quality what is not considered?
loose, bubbly or out-of-position air cell, exterior stains or dirt, faulty egg shell shape or texture
What are the factors when judging ready to cook poultry carcasses?
exposed flesh, broken and disjointed bones and missing parts
What are two ways to manage disease in a turkey flock?
good sanitation and elimination of other birds and animals that may carry disease, dry pen, vaccine, medicated feeds
What organization can provide information on marketing and processing birds in your state?
the Extension Service or MN Dept. of Agriculture
Name three geese breeds recognized for ornamental purposes?
Toulouse, African, Sebastopol, American Buff, Saddleback Pomeranian, Chinese, Tufted Roman, Canada, Egyptian