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55 Cards in this Set

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This interferon stimulate T cells?
IL 2
What interferon stimulates macrophages?
interferon gamma
This cytokine inhibits T cells and macrohages?
IL 10
These cytokines are B cell stimulators?
IL 4 and IL 5
What structures are derived from the FIRST branchial pouch?
mastoid air cells, middle ear cavity, and eustachian tubes
What structure is derived from the SECOND branchial pouch?
palatine tonsil lining
Structures derived from the THIRD branchial pouch?
Thymus and inferior parathyroids
Structure derived from the FOURTH branchial pouch?
superior parathyroids
Cytokines produced by TH1 cells?
IL2 and INF alpha...activates CD8 cells and macrophages
Cytokines made by TH2 cells (regulates humoral response)
IL 4, IL 5, and IL10....causes activation of B cells and Ab formation
This cytokine inhibits Th1 cells.....the cell mediated response?
IL 10
This cytokine inhibits TH2 cells....the humoral response?
interferon gamma
This cytokine activates macrophages?
interferon gamma
Name given to monocytes in the following tissues...
(1) blood, alveoli, intestines
(2)connective tissue
(4) kidney
(6) Bone
(1) macrophage
(3)kupfer cells
(4) mesangial cells
(5) microglia
(6) osteoclasts
Acute phase cytokines made by macrophages?
TNF alpha, IL1, and IL 6
Function of macrophages in the spleen?
remove encapsulated bacteria...and dyfunctional cells
mneumonic for encapsulated organisms
"Even some killers have pretty nice capsules"
(1) E. coli
(2) s. pneumo
(3) K. pneumo
(4) H. Influenzae
(5) Pseudomonas
(6) N. Meningitidis
(7) cryptococcus neoformans
mRNA STOP codons
Four TF motiffs that allow protein to bind DNA?
(1) Helix-loop-helix
(3) Zinc finger motiff
(4) leucine zipper protein
What are the eukaryotic RNA polymerases and their products?
(1) RNA Poly I-->rRNA
(2) RNA Poly II---> mRNA
(3) RNA Poly III---> tRNA
Splices out introns
How is hnRNA processed before it leaves the nucleus?
(1) 5 prime cap
(2) Poly A tail
(3) splicing out of introns
In the lac operon, what enzyme is transcribed to breakdown lactose (glucose and galactose)?
Promotes beta galactosidase production in the lac operon?

What inhibits this protein?
catabolite activating protein (CAP)

Blocks beta galactosidase production in the lac operon?

What inhibits this protein from inhibiting beta galactosidase production?
lac repressor

presence of lactose
What substance inhibits RNA Poly II in eukaryotes causing liver damage?
alpha-amanitin...death cap mushrooms
What amino acids are modified by the golgi apparatus?
asparagine, serine, and theonine
Works on the 3' end to charge tRNA with an amino acid?
aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
Factor required for PROKARYOTIC translocation?
elongation factor G
Factor required for EUKARYOTIC translocation?
elongation factor 2
Where are the following synthesized?
(1) rRNA
(2) mRNA and tRNA
(3) ribosomes
(1) nucleolus
(2) nucleoplasm
(3) nucleus
Binds the 30s and inhibits formation of the initiation complex....causing the misreading of mRNA?
Binds the 30s preventing attachment of the amino acyl tRNA
Inhibits the 50 s peptidyl transferase
chloramphenicol and streptogramins
Targets the 23 srRNA within the 50s subunit blocking translocation?
macrolides and linezolid
What gene complex give rise to a protein that initiates VDJ recombination in B and T cells?
recombination activating gene (rag1 and rag2)
mneumonic for the types of collagen?
What enzyme matches amino acids to tRNA?
aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
What Abx are inhibitors of prokaryotic protein synthesis at the 30s ribosomal subunit?
Aminoglycosides(TANGS) and tetracyclines
Features of osteogenesis imperfecta?
(type 1 collagen)
(1) brittle bones
(2) blue sclerae
(3) dental problems
(4) hearing loss
Features of alport syndrome?
kidney disease and hearing loss
What type of collagen is abnormal in Ehlers danlos?
type III
What enzyme of the adrenal steroid synthesis pathway is inhibited by ketoconazole?
desmolase....converts cholesterol to pregnenolone
What cause of cushing syndrome responds to HIGH dose dexamethasone?
ACTH producing pituitary tumor
Associated with anti-histone antibodies
drug induced lupus
Associated with C-ANCA
wegeners granulomatosis
Autoantibodies seen in SLE?
ANA, anti-dsDNA, and anti-smith antibodies
Ig that crosses the placenta and confers immunity to neonates in the first few months of life?
IgG that can be a pentamer?
IgG that can be a dimer?
Main Ig found in mucoserous secretions such as saliva, colustrum, and GU secretions?
Major chemotactic factors for neutrophils?
IL 8, c5a, and leukotriene B4
mneumonic for important cytokines?
(1) IL 1-fever
(2) IL 2-stimulates T cells
(3) IL 3-stimulates bone marrow
(4)IL 4-stimulates IgE production
(5) IL5-stimulates IgA production
What drugs are composed of antibodies against TNF alpha?
adalimumab, etanercept, and infliximab
Inhibits inosine monophosphate (IMP) dehydrogenase preventing guanosine from being made?
mycophenolate mofetil