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163 Cards in this Set

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Bacterial eye discharge management



Polymyxin B eye solution

Gonococcal treatment

Emergency!!! Treat with PCN or ceftriaxone


Erythromycin ointment

Oral tetracycline

Viral eye infections treatment

Watery eyes

Cooled saline drops


Sulfa eye solution

Bright red irritated eyes cause

Possible herpes

What kids are more at risk for cataracts?

Downs, diabetics, Marfan abd atopic dermatitis.

Symptoms of cataracts

Painless, decrease

Bacterial ear drops for kids

Ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone

Antifungal ear drops


What accounts for 30% of ear infections


What accounts for 20% of ear infections?

Haemophilus influenza

Tympanic membrane with ear infection

Swollen and red. Rarely bulges

Med for ear infection

Amox 80-90mg/kg/day

Vaccines to prevent ear infection

Hib pcv14 and flu


Are antihistamines effective for fluid on the ear?


Reevaluate ome when?


Sensorineural hearing loss

Anything effects neuro system. Tumor, syohilis, med toxication

Webber test lateralizes to what ear?

Affected ear

Sensorineural hearing loss results

Weber- uneffected

Rinne- abnormal in affected ear

Antitussive for what age

6 and >

Pressure on the kiesselbach plexus helps with what?


What diagnosis has a sandpaper like rash?

Scarlet fever

Group A strep symptoms

F- fever

L- lack of cough

E- exudate

A- adenopathy

Antibiotic for strep infection

PCN 250mg tid for 10 days

If allergy to PCN, erythromycin 250mg 4x a day for 10 days


Age 6-10

Strep, pneumococci and H. Influ

What diagnosis has the thumb sign?


What virus is the causative agent of croup?


What age for croup?

3mth to 6yrs

Croup on X-ray

Steeple sign

Lab tests for mono


Positive heterophil and monospot

Rise in IGM and IGG on EBV

Contact sports after mono diagnosis?

Wait at least 3 weeks due to risk

or spleen rupture

What age for sinusitis

9 or over

Maxillary or ethmoid sinuses most affected

Same pathogens as ear infection

Halitosis is what?

Discolored nasal discharge



Bronchicholitis age and findings

Under 3yr

CXR- hyperinflated lungs, areas of consolidation


Obstructive airway disease

Reduced airflow rates, lung volume normal or larger

Trouble exhaling- air trapping results in decreased FEV1 (asthma, chronic bronchiolitis, cf)

Restrictive airway

Reduced volumes and expiratory flow rates

Trouble inhaling air (pneumonia)

High risk respiratory infants can receive what and how often

Synagis IM every month during RSV season

High risk: less than 2yr ans treated for lung disease in last 6 months

<32 wk at birth and under 1yr

32-35wk can be treated if: day care, school aged siblings, pollution, abnormal airway, neuromuscular problems

Pulse paradoxus happens with what??

Asthma- ominous sign! Increase in pulse pressure between inspiration and expiration

Hospitalize if peak flow reading is less than what?

60 liter/min

Asthma classification for 2days a week symptoms, doesn’t interfere with activity, peak flow 80 or greater, rescue inhaler 2 days a week


If asthma symptoms are daily, waken up once a week at night, use rescue daily, cab interfere with normal activity and peak flow 60-80

Moderate persistent

CXR findings with pneumonia


Patchy infiltrates


Autosomal recessive

Chromosome 7

Cf labs

Pilocarpine (sweat test)

Pulomonary function test

Hyponatremic and hypochloremic

Cystic lesions and atelectasis


Autosomal recessive

Chromosome 7

Cf labs

Pilocarpine (sweat test)

Pulomonary function test

Hyponatremic and hypochloremic

Cystic lesions and atelectasis

Internal hip rotation causes spasm in what diagnosis?

Toxic synovitis

Can toxic synovitis have normal X-ray?

Yes and normal fluid aspiration

Hospitalize with toxic synovitis if what??

High fever or septic arthritis

Hospitalize with toxic synovitis if what??

High fever or septic arthritis

What common musculoskeletal disorder can occur more often in girls with periods or a trauma?

Slipped capital femoral head


Bowleg (very bow leg)


Bowleg (very bow leg)


Val has knock knees and needs them evaluated because he’s over 7yrs old

Refer to ortho is curve of spine is greater than what percentage?


Muscular Dystrophy starts in what part of the body??

Lower extremities and works it’s way up

Muscular Dystrophy starts in what part of the body??

Lower extremities and works it’s way up

What is the most common inherited neuromuscular disease in children?


Grower sign

Walks hands up to legs to get up

Grower sign

Walks hands up to legs to get up

Lab findings for MD??

Increased creatine kinase


Abnormal EKG

Necrotic degenerating nerve fibers

DNA analysis

Grower sign

Walks hands up to legs to get up

Lab findings for MD??

Increased creatine kinase


Abnormal EKG

Necrotic degenerating nerve fibers

DNA analysis



Grade 1,2,3 sprains

Grade 1: Stretching but no tear. Can bear weight

Grade 2: can bear minimal weight, some limited rom and pain

Grade 3: no weight bearing and profound swelling and bruising

Ottawa rule

Is used when?

To assess if further management is needed for ankle injury or it can be observed

Ottawa rule

Is used when?

To assess if further management is needed for ankle injury or it can be observed

Girl or boys more likely to have salter fracture?

Boys twice as likely

What diagnostic testing is done for infants with suspected fracture


Salter 1-5

1. Break in physis (1 layer)

2. Most common!! Physis and meta

3. Three layers: physis, meta and epiphysis

4. Through all three totally

5. Rare!! Crushed bone or compression across whole bone

Treatment of salter 1 and 2

Closed reduction or casting

Treatment of salter 1 and 2

Closed reduction or casting

Salter 3 -5

Open reduction internal fixation

Treatment of salter 1 and 2

Closed reduction or casting

Salter 3 -5

Open reduction internal fixation

If fracture not visible on X-ray for the elbow then look at what other sign??

Fat pad on elbow and the alignment

What arm injury is worse with supination?

Nursemaid elbow

Management of nurse maid elbow?

Motrin at home

What does OLD CART stand for dealing with headaches?

Onset, location, duration, characteristics, aggravating factors, remedial (what makes it better), treatment

Viral meningitis most common in what age group?

1mth- 5yr

Infants between 6-12mth high risk

Symptoms of meningitis in infants mimic what?


Protein and glucose issues in meningitis patients

They like their proteins and are conscious about sugar intake

Patient comes in with increased HC, bulging fontanel, head tilt, irritability, loss of milestones what should you assess for?

Brain tumor

Common sign of brain tumors in older children

Headache first thing in am followed by vomiting and increases in frequency

What reflex is positive with brain tumor

Babinski sign

Confusional migraine happens most often with what age group?

Younger children. Some don’t even have headache. Just confusion, NV and awake next day fine

Partial sezuires

One hemisphere

No loss in consciousness

Febrile sezuires

Most common in 1-3y

5% of kids get them

Most common type of neurofibromatosis

NF 1- recklinghausen disease

Symptoms of neurofibromatosis

Sezuires, mult cafe spots (6 or more over 5mm), freakles in arm pits and inguinal, iris lisch nodules, family hx

Symptoms of neurofibromatosis

Sezuires, mult cafe spots (6 or more over 5mm), freakles in arm pits and inguinal, iris lisch nodules, family hx

Onset of tic disorders at what age?


Symptoms of neurofibromatosis

Sezuires, mult cafe spots (6 or more over 5mm), freakles in arm pits and inguinal, iris lisch nodules, family hx

Onset of tic disorders at what age?


What meds can make tics worse??

Methylphenidate, pemoline, amphetamines

Symptoms of neurofibromatosis

Sezuires, mult cafe spots (6 or more over 5mm), freakles in arm pits and inguinal, iris lisch nodules, family hx

Onset of tic disorders at what age?


What meds can make tics worse??

Methylphenidate, pemoline, amphetamines

Normal MCV


Symptoms of neurofibromatosis

Sezuires, mult cafe spots (6 or more over 5mm), freakles in arm pits and inguinal, iris lisch nodules, family hx

Onset of tic disorders at what age?


What meds can make tics worse??

Methylphenidate, pemoline, amphetamines

Normal MCV


Mchc normal percentage (HgB and RBC)


MCH (weight)


MCH (weight)


Red cell distribution

Iron deficiency- increased

Thalassemia- normal or slightly larger

ACD- normal

MCH (weight)


Red cell distribution

Iron deficiency- increased

Thalassemia- normal or slightly larger

ACD- normal

Normal retic


What’s the most common cause of microcytic anemia???


Symptoms of thalassemia

Bronze skin

Large spleen

Frontal bossing


Labs for thalassemia

< hgb


Retic >

> ferritin

> Bili

Sickle cell trait

HgB AS- no symptoms

Sickle cell trait

HgB AS- no symptoms

Sickle cell anemia

HgB SS- bad pain, vasoncrisis

Sickle cell trait

HgB AS- no symptoms

Sickle cell anemia

HgB SS- bad pain, vasoncrisis

Symptoms of sickle cell

Jaundice, delayed puberty, large spleen, enlarged heart, systolic murmur, fatigue.

Labs for sickle cell

Hematocrit 20-30%

Elevated WBC (12,000-15,000)

Platlets high (over 400,000)

Blood in urine

What meds can be used to help sickle cell patients?

Folic acid

Hydroxyurea 35mg/kg/day (stimulates Hgb F)

What vaccine should be give. To those with sickle cell??


What diagnosis shows gross hemiaturia?

Sickle cell

What diagnosis is deficient in factor 8??

Hemophilia a

Female factor 8 patients have a what risk factor of kid having diagnosis?


Are hemophilia patients phenotypically normal?


Lead poisoning from?

Paint/ old house



Good/ drinking water

Signs of lead poisoning






What do burtonian lines indicate?? (Bluish gingiva)

Lead poisoning

Normal lead level?


What lead level do you refer to hematologist?


What lead level do you start chelation therapy?


What lead level do you start chelation therapy?


What level lead hospitalize

Over 70

In what condition is bone marrow replaced by blast cells


All common in what ages?

4yr most common with boys

Leukemia symptoms

Fatigue, nose bleeds, infection, bruising, pale, bone pain and enlarged spleen

What lab is most common with leukemia??

Thrombocytopenia 85% of cases

What type of diabetes produces ketosis?

Type 1

Diagnosis diabetes with a serum blood sugar of what?

>126 x2

Diagnosis diabetes with a serum blood sugar of what?

>126 x2

If random BS >200 and polydipsa. Polyurea, weight loss what is next step??

Fasting study

Whats elevated in diabetes labs?


Blood urea



Is A1C elevated in type 1 diabetes??

Normal 4-6%

Fasting BS in type of type 1


How many carbs for diabetes


How many carbs for diabetes


Total fat and protein in diabetic diet?

25-30% fat

10-20% proteins

How many carbs for diabetes


Total fat and protein in diabetic diet?

25-30% fat

10-20% proteins

What causes the somogyi effect?

Nocturnal hypoglycemia at 3a and rebounds with high sugar by 7a

How many carbs for diabetes


Total fat and protein in diabetic diet?

25-30% fat

10-20% proteins

What causes the somogyi effect?

Nocturnal hypoglycemia at 3a and rebounds with high sugar by 7a

Dawn phenomenon

Becomes desensitized to insulin causing to rise over the night.. add bedtime insulin to fix this problem

Type 2 Diabetes link or not to HLA (antibodies)?


Common first symptom of diabetes in women??


Labs for type 2 diabetes

Ketones in blood and urine

Screening for type 2 Diabetes

10yrs old or onset of puberty

If surgery what should the type 2 diabetes do with metformin?

Discontinue 48hr before procedure

Ear infection therapy

1. Amoxicillin 80-90mg/kg/day

2. Augmention

3. Ceftriaxion


Cyst in ear usually seen with recurrent ear infections