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3 Cards in this Set

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Bacterial Morphology + Cell Wall Struct


Prokaryotes 0.2-> 700µm diameter, eukaryotes 10->200µm

Shapes - coccus, rod, spirillium, spirochete, appendages, filamentous

shape determining factors e.g. MreB, Crescetin


Gram +ve - 90% peptidoglycan, teichoic acids

Gram -ve - 10% peptidoglycan, porins, periplam (gel like consistency 15nm wide), LPS layer (contains polysaccharides)

Peptidoglycan-rigid -> provides strength

Protein Translocation

what? Proteins crossing cyto membrane either by Sec or Tat pathway

SEC PATHWAY (general secretion)

Signal Seq: n, h and c region tripartite struct ~20 aminos long

SecYEG - spans membrane + stimulates Sec A ->Drives translocation

Sec B - secretion spec chaperone maintains Sec substrates in unfolded state while delivering them to Sec A for translocation

SRP - signal recognition particle ->binds signal seq -> targets FtsY for translocation at SecA

TAT PATHWAY (Twin arginine translocase)

Signal seq: n,h,c regions tripartite struct variable length

TatABC complex - A (forms pore), B (signal recognition), C (recruits + binds Tat A, translocation motor)

Proofreading - by TMAO reductase + hydrogenase

SlyD+DnaK = chaperones -> prevent degredation + mistargerting to seq!

Bacterial Motility

Flagella Construction:

Basal bod + rings - anchor it to envelope

hook complex - connects basal bod to filament

Motor - drives flagellar rotation

secretion system - exports subunits

ATPase energises system

Flagellar Synth Regu:

Early genes - control expression of regulation

middle genes - control expression of struct components

Late genes - filament, motor force generators

Swimming Motility:

Peritrichious prokaryotes - move slow in straight line

polar prokaryotes - rapid + spinning

Chemotaxis Regu molecules:

-CheA, Y, Z, R, B, W

Orgaisms that move w/o flagella:

-myococcus, neiseria, pseudomonas, cytophoga, flavobacterium

- by slime excretion, pili, sliding specific proteins! Requires surface contact!!!