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43 Cards in this Set

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anything that has mass and occupies space
Name the 4 characteristics of elements.

1. Basic building blocks of matter-made of only one kind of atom.

2. They combine to make up all other kinds of matter.

3. Each element has its own chemical and physical properties.

4. Most elements are metals.

Name the 3 characteristics of metals.

1. Shiny

2. Bendable

3. Able to conduct heat energy and electricity well.

describes how a material reacts to form other materials
chemical properties
can be measured or observed without changing the material
physical properties
Give 6 examples of physical properties.
color, odor, texture, hardness, density, phase (state) of matter
a measure of the pull of gravity on an object
amount of matter in an object
amount of space that an object takes up
An object that takes up more space than another object has a ___________ volume.
a measure of the amount of matter in a given volume
An object's density is the _____ no matter what shape it is.
tendency of an object to float
Whether a material floats in liquid depends on the _____ of the liquid. If the object's density is greater than the liquid, it will ______. If the object's density is less than the liquid, the object will ______.
density, sink, float

smallest particle of an element that has all the properties of the elements

______ move around _______ and _______

atom, electrons, neutrons, protons
parts of an atom's center that has no electrical charge
part of an atom's center that has a positive electrical charge
part of an atom that has a negative electrical charge
When two or more atoms are linked together, they form a ________.
Name two characteristics of the Periodic Table of the Elements.

1. The number above the letter shows the number of protons in the atoms of the elements.

2. Elements in each column share chemical properties.

made of two or more elements

Example: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is made of _____ elements, _____ & _________.

compound, 2, carbon, oxygen
Smallest part of a compound is a _______. Which is made of ____ or more atoms bonded together. A _____ of Carbon dioxide, CO2, contains ____ atoms of ____ and ____ atom of ______.
molecule, 2, molecule, 2 oxygen, 1 carbon
compounds that include a metal and nonmetal particles in slats arrange themselves in a regular geometric pattern to form crystals.

definite shape and volume


has definite volume, no definite shape


Most materials get _______ when they cool because the particles have ______ space between them.

smaller, less

no definite shape or volume

Particles move _____ and are _______ apart than solids or liquids

gases, faster, farther

particles become a gas


a gas cools and forms (turns into) droplets of a liquid; Dew forms when water vapor ________.

condensation, cools

The _____ ______ of a liquid is the temperature at which the liquid turns into gas bubbles.

boiling point

_______ changes a substance from a liquid to a solid.


________ changes a substance from a solid to a liquid.


_______ changes a substance from a liquid to a gas


combination of 2 or more different kinds of matter, each keeps its own properties; they do not bond (form a ________)

mixture, compound

Materials in a ____ _____ can be easily separated.

simple mixture

the materials in a _______ spread out evenly, Example:

solution, sugar water solution

What are the two parts of a solution?

1. Solute-material that dissolves (spreads out), ex.: sugar water

2. solvent-material in which solute water dissolves, ex.: water in sugar water

Solutions can be ______, _________, or _______.

saturated, concentrated, diluted

containing all the solute that can be dissolved without changing the temperature


having so much solute that it is close to being saturated


has very little solute, far from being saturated


What is solubility (3)?

1. physical property

2. amount of substance can be dissolved by a solvent of a certain temperature.

3. Solubility increases as temperature increase; example-hot water can hold more salt than cold water

How can salt and pepper be separated from a mixture of salt, pepper, and water (2 steps)?

1. Pour the salt, pepper, and water mixture through a filter. The pepper will remain on the filter.

2. Boil the salt water until the water evaporates, leaving the salt.