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31 Cards in this Set

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Skeletal Muscle is
-surrounded by: _____
-contains: _____
Skeletal Muscle is
-surrounded by EPIMYSIUM
Muscle Fascicle is
-surrounded by: _____
-contains: _____
Muscle Fascicle is
-surrounded by: PERIMYSIUM
-contains: MUSCLE FIBERS
Muscle Fibers is
-surrounded by: _____
-contains: _____
Muscle Fibers is
-surrounded by: ENDOMYSIUM
-contains: MYOFIBRILS
Myofibril is
-surrounded by: _____
-contains: _____
Myofibril is
-contains: SARCOMERES
-contains: _____
What are the 5 basic components of a neuromuscular junction?
1. motor neuron
2. motor end plate
3. synaptic cleft
4. synaptic vesicles
5. neurotransmitters
During muscle relaxation...

-________ breaks down acetylcholine
- motor neuron impulses _____
- calcium moves back into _____ _____
- mysoin and actin binding prevented
During muscle relaxation...

-ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE breaks down acetylcholine
- motor neuron impulses STOP
- calcium moves back into SARCOPLASMIC RETICULUM
- mysoin and actin binding prevented
Describe what happens during a muscle contraction.
Motor nerve impulses cause release of acetylcholine (ACh) from synaptic vesicles which bind to receptors on the motor end plate and generate muscle contraction.
What is a motor unit?
A single motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it controls.

The functional connection between the nervous system adn the muscular system.

When a motor unit fires, all the muscle fibers contract together.

its an "all or none" situation

One neuron innervates on muscle fiber.

One neuron may innervate SEVERAL muscle fibers
MATCH gastrocnemius or extraocular with one of the following:

a. Fine control, small motor unit
b. Strength control, large motor unit
Extraocular muscles = fine control & small motor unit

Gastrocnemius = strength contol & large motor unit
Which of the following is assoicated with moderate frequency stimuli (between 10-20 stimuli/sec)
a. Twitch
b. Treppe
c. Wave summation
d. Incomplete tetanus
e. Tetanus
b. Treppe
Which of the following is assoicated with low frequency stimuli (up to 10 stimuli/sec)
a. Twitch
b. Treppe
c. Wave summation
d. Incomplete tetanus
e. Tetanus
a. Twitch
Two of the following are associated with higher frequency stimuli (between 20-40 stimuli/sec)
a. Twitch
b. Treppe
c. Wave summation
d. Incomplete tetanus
e. Tetanus
c. Wave summation
d. Incomplete tetanus
Name the 3 functional classes of neurons and their functions. Which are Efferent, Association or Afferent?
Sensory- Afferent; transmit impulses from receptors to the brain or spinal cord
Motor- Efferent; transmit impulses from brain or spinal cord to effector sites (muscles, glands, organs)
Interneuron- Association; transmit impulses from one neuron to another
What are the 4 subtypes of "A" fibers? Are all of them myelinated? Which is the fastest?
Aα- Fastest; largest diameter; motor efferents; muscle spindle afferent
Aβ- Touch & pressure efferents (mechanoreceptors)
Aγ- Motor efferents to muscle spindle
Aδ- Skin temp & pain (noxious stimuli)
Name the 3 types of nerve fibers. Which are unmyelinated? Which fibers are the smallest in diameter and what do they conduct?
A, B, C fibers. B & C fibers are unmyelinated.

C fibers are the smallest. They conduct burning and aching pain sensations. Sympathetic postganglionic.
What is the basic fundamental unit of the nervous system and what is its function?
Spinal cord reflex arc. It's the automatic response to stimulus without conscious thought.
What are the 5 basic components of the reflex arc?
1. Sensory receptor- transmits APs stimulated by sensation
2. Sensory neuron- transmits impulses to spinal cord
3. Interneuron- connects/switches impulses to other neurons
4. Motor neuron- transmits motor impulses
5. Effector organ- responds with reflex contraction of muscle/gland
Which of the following is assoicated with maximum frequency stimuli (between 40-50 stimuli/sec)
a. Twitch
b. Treppe
c. Wave summation
d. Incomplete tetanus
e. Tetanus
e. Tetanus
Name the 5 steps of the functional spinal cord reflex.
1- Controlled condition
2- Receptor
3- Control center
4- Effectors
5- Return to homeostasis
____ is the sense of position and movement of one's own limbs and body without using vision.
What 3 types of mechanoreceptors detect proprioception?
Muscle spindle receptors
Golgi tendon organs
Joint kinesthetic receptors
What are the 2 components of the intrafusal fibers of muscle spindle receptors? Which is sensitive to sudden rate of change in muscle length? Which is sensitive to steady change in muscle length?
Nuclear bag fibers- sensitive to sudden changes

Nuclear chain fibers- sensitive to steady changes
What 2 types of sensory nerve endings wrap about the non-contractile region of a muscle spindle receptor? Of the 2 types, which conducts impulses faster?
Primary endings type Ia fiber- annulospiral sensory; conducts impulses faster

Secondary endings type II fiber- flower spray sensory; conducts impulses slower
The contractile ends of muscle spindle receptors receive input from ___ ___ neurons to contract.
Gamma motor
____ activates sensory neurons of the muscle spindle receptor causing them to signal the ____ & ____.
Spinal cord & brain
What are the 2 ways that the CNS responds to muscle stretch?
Monosynaptic spinal reflex- rapid adjustment to prevent a fall

Response controlled by cerebellum- regulates muscle tone to resist stretching
What type of neurons let the brain preset the sensitivity of muscle spindle receptors to stretch?
Gamma motor neurons. When they fire, the INTRAFUSAL muscle contracts so that very little stretch is needed to stimulate the sensory endings.
What type of neurons are activated by the CNS to contract EXTRAFUSAL muscle to prevent further stretching?
Alpha motor neurons