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3 Cards in this Set

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Medical and lifestyle risk factors for CHD

There are both medical and lifestyle risk factors for developing CHD. One lifestyle risk factors is smoking as this can lead to high blood cholesterol levels and therefore thicken blood. Another lifestyle risk factor is a high fat diet and this can lead to fatty deposition in the coronary arteries. Another lifestyle risk factor is alcohol intake as this can result in high blood pressure.

A medical risk factor is medications as this can affect blood vessels.

Another medical risk factor is genetic factors as this can result in high cholesterol levels. Another medical risk factor is high blood cholesterol as this can affect blood by thickening it.

How CHD could cause a heart attack

There will be restricted blood flow to the hearts muscle cells so a reduced amount of oxygen will be able to reach the hearts muscle cells and therefore the hearts muscle cells do not release enough energy.

Adjusting the magnification of an electron microscope

Rotate the nosepiece to a higher power lens.