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26 Cards in this Set

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Bacteria break complex carbohydrates into what two molecules

H20 and CO2


Why are some prokaryotes, like Rho-dop-seu-dom-on-as, important for human muscle growth

Some P perform nitrogen fixation. they convert very stable N2 gas from the atmosphere into more reactive and usable forms needed by life. Muscles are made of proteins, which are made of amino acids. The nitrogen needed for the amino group of an amino acid comes from nitrogen fixing Prokaryotes like Rhod-sop-seu-dom-on-as

Muscle made our of?


one organism benefits, the other organism does not

commending someone does what to one but not the other


Non-mutual relationship:organism that benefits harms other

Parasites do what


Symbiotic relationship, both organisms benefit

Mutual definition

Describe three types of prokaryotic interactions

Mutualism- both organisms benefit

Commensalism- One organism benefits, another does not

Parasitism- one benefits and other is harmed

Relationships between two

benefiting or not

Which of these is effective against viruses




DNone of the above


What are some commercial/everyday uses of prokaryotic processes?

making cheese, yogurt, and buttermilk

Curing animal hides to make leather

helping breakdown leaves, grass and other plant material




a spider building a web in a tree is an example of

Commesalism prokaryote interaction- because the spider benefits by having a place to live while the tree is not harmed but does not benefit

who does, dont or both benefits

humans host about how many different species of bacteria in their digestive systems?


so many but then half the idea

Yogurt contains

probiotics bacteria that help promote a healthy digestive system

specific bacteria and explain

explain the process of decomposition by bacteria

complex carbs------->


In the carbon cycle, bacteria acts as________ and ____ of what molecules

Producers and Decomposers of complex organic molecules. Bacteria breaks down complex organic molecules into simpiler ones during cellular respiration

In what cycle do bacteria act as producers and decomposers of complex organic molecules and Explain.
In the carbon cycle, come bacteria fix inorganic carbon (CO2) into organic molecules (Carbs), then others decompose these carbs back into inorganic forms as they consume resources for cellular respiration

fixing in to out

nitrogen is crucial for _______ of _____, ___, and ____ that are essential for life processes

synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids and other biochemicals

aa na b


a vast majority of nitrogen on the planet exists as a gas (N2) in the atmosphere, making up_______ of the atomopheric mass

4/5 ths

majority, almost a 100%

Why are scientists cautioning against inappropiate clinical uses of antibiotics? example

because it can lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. it is clinically inappropiate to prescribe antibiotics for viral infections because antibiotics are not effective against viruses. and example is the use of antibacteria soaps which can lead to the evolution of antibiotic resistance and potentially harmful bacteria

development of (same wording)

Explain the engagement of Prokaryotes

They engage in a Symbiont relationship with other species. Symbiotic organisms are two or more species that live in an intimate relationship; one of the species..the symbiont is usually contained within the other- the host. The symbiont can benefit the host, harm it, or have no effect.

the SSH

One example of bacteria benefiting humans

Plants and animals cannot make vitamin B12, only bacteria can do so, so we benefit from this production. many of these bacteria occur in the gut producing vitamins that we then absorb into the bloodstream

they cant but we can and where

Recombinant DNA tech. uses bacteria to

express genes from other organisms

The process of recombinant DNA tech made available....

very large quanities of human insulin, today people benefit from a number of drugs produced by recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology

Name three Pros of Prokaryotes in the human body

1. aid in digestion

2. produce vitamins

3. reduce risk of invasion by pathogenic bacteria

Name why Prokaryotes can be harmful to the human body

host diseases such as bacterial pneumonia, chlamydia, plague..etc


an organism that can trigger disease in a host


a symbiont that derives energy and nutrients from the host, which comes at a cost to the host

P in environment
