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59 Cards in this Set

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what is the bacterial cell wall and cover made of?

plant cell?

fungi cell wall?

polysaccharides and glycocalyx



bacterial capule
protects bacteria made of thick glycocalyx



area in bacterial cells where singular circular chromosome

membrane bound organelle where linear chromosome DNA is found


small pieces of circular DNA


synthesize proteins

clear gelatinous fluid holds organelles

flagella and cillia

whip like structure used for mobility; short haried strcucture found in more amounts

Anabaena gelatinous sheath

covering and connecting cell into colonies


speicilized cell fixes nitrogen gas


location within photosynthesis occurs

central vacuole

storage of water and ions

cytoplasmic streaming (Elodea cell)

movement of cytoplasm within the cell

Elodea cell movement of chloroplasts

compound microscope

used to look at non transparent materials

phase contrast

used to look for unstained specimen best for thin specimen

Differential interference contract microscopy

(DIC or Nomarski)

used to look for unstained living specimen used for thicker specimen

absorb one wavelength of ultraviolet light, black background
used to see specific molecules or organelles

confocal laser scanning

very thin plane use computer to produce 3D image

electron microscope (TEM) (SEM)

high resolving power

TEM used for seeing internal organelles; thin specimen

SEM used to create 3D image of surface; thicker specimen

selectively permeable

allows only certain substances through and blocks others

nuclear envelope

double bound membrane; surrounds nucleus


undergoes cellular respiration to produce adenine triphosphate (ATP)


membrane bound organelles


thylakoid membrane

contains green pigmented chlorophyll; site of photosynthesis

location of chlorophyll location of photosynthesis


plastid contains pigments called carotenoids and are usualy yellow red or purple; used to attract animals and insects for pollination or seed dispersal


connections between plant cells; connects adjacent cells


stores starch proteins or lipids(fats)

Amoeba (pseudopodia)

cellular extensions made of microfilaments used for phagocytosis (cell eating) and movement along substrate.

contractile vacuole (Amoeba)

used for osmoregulation empties water; Amoeba is hypertonic to its enviorment


partitions of the inner mitochondrion membrane


organelle enclosed in a membrane; contains digestive enzymes


located within the nucleus synthesizes proteins and RNA


supports cell; made of microfilaments and micotubules, divides cell into compartments and is important in cell division

isotonic solution

hypotonic solution

hypertonic solution

equal concentration of solute in and out of cell

more concentration of solute inside cell then outside

less concentration of solute inside cell then outside


movement of solvent usually water through a selectively permeable membrane from an area of low solute concentration to an area of high solute concentration

important for turgor (rigidity) in plants etc.

turgor pressure

movement of water into cell pushes cell membrane outwards does not burst in plant cells because of cell wall

root apical meristem

region of rapidly dividing cells


fertilized egg; multicellular embryonic stage


orients plant cells toward light


responsible for the synthesis of starch


contraction of plant cell because of the movement of water from within the cell

binary fission

process of cell division in prokaryotic cells

1.circular membrane replicates

2.each circular membrane moves to opposite sides

3.invagination splits cell into two daughter cells

cell division(Mitosis)

interphase 1-3


2. S stage,

3.G2 stage


5. cytokinesis

G1 stage of interphase

organelles and proteins synthesized; membrane expands

S stage

DNA synthesizes

each chromosome makes an exact copy to form duplicated chromosome

each called sister chromatid

G2 stage

cell growth continues

Mitosis prophase

Centrosomes duplicate and move to opposite ends of the cell

spindle fibers form

duplicated chromosomes condense

nuclear envelope disintegrates

mitosis prometaphase

transition between prophase and metaphase

mitosis metaphase

duplicated chromosomes line up in the middle of the nucleus

spindle apparatus forms

spindle microtubules attach to centromeres of each duplicated chromosome

mitosis anaphase

centromeres of each duplicated chromosome separated and each single chromosome is pulled by microtubules to each end of the nucleus

mitosis telophase in animal cell

single chromosomes arrive at poles and begin to decondense

nuclear envelope begins to reform

cytokinesis (1. plants) (2. animal)

1. cell plate forms between two poles until it grows completely and separates the two plant daughter cells

2.cleavage furrow forms between two nuclei and grows until it separates the two daughter animal cells.

homologous chromosome

two single chromosomes with same gene size and shape


contains two identical sets of chromosomes


contains one identical set of a chromosome

alternation of generation

two distinct stages of life where it is haploid and another which is diploid

gametophyte haploid stage

produces gametes male and female through mitosis (antheridium male sperm) and (archegonium egg)

sporophyte diploid stage


production of spores in sparangia through meiosis



sporangial stalk


made of sporangia (sporganium)

diploid cells which undergo meiosis to produce haploid sperm cells

extension from leaf from sorus

haploid cells produced from meiosis which then undergo mitosis to produce a multicellular gametophyte



fern gametophtye heart shaped plant

root life structures of gametophyte