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42 Cards in this Set

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Cell theory proposed by ___?

Rudolf Virchowstates

The one who said that "cell comes from pre-existing cells"

Rudolf Virchowstates

Is a means of a cellular reproduction in bacterial cells

Binary fission

What are the parts of parent cells?


•cell wall


•cytoplasmic membrane

Cellular reproduction is a complex process that is divided into 2 distinct stages

1. Cellular growth and maturation

2. Cell division

It include attainment of its normal size, assembly of necessary organelles and cellular components, accumulation of enough energy, storage of the essential materials, and the replication of its genetic content.

Maturation process

Organelles involved in cell division

•Chromatin fiber, Chromosomes

Centromere containing the kinetochore


•Spindle fiber


•Nuclear membrane

series of events that takes place in a cell as it grows and divides.

Cell cycle

A cell spends most of its time in what is called?


The resulting cells, known as ___ each enter their own interphase and begin a new round of the cell cycle.

Daughter cells

The cell grows, and DNA is replicated

Eukaryotic cell cycle

Produces daughter cells identical to the parent

Mitotic cell division

The timing of ___ and ___ is highly regulated

Replication, cell division

What are the 2 major phases of eukaryotic cell cycle?



Has 3 stages and DNA is not condensed


Has 4 stages + cytokinesis and DNA is condensed


The 3 non-dividing state with 3 sub-stages of interphase

G1 (gap 1)

•S phase (Synthesis phase)

•G2 (gap 2)

Cell grows in size and organelles are replicated

Gap 1

The replication of DNA and synthesis with proteins associated with DNA

Synthesis phase

Synthesis of proteins associated with mitosis

Gap 2

What are the 4 sub-phases of mitosis?

1. Prophase

2. Metaphase

3. Anaphase

4. Telophase

Followed by cytokinesis

What are the 3 major events of prophase

1. Chromosomes condensed

2. Spindle fibers form

3. Chromosomes are captured by spindle

Is the specialised microtubules radiating out from centriole

Spindle fibers

chromosomes align along the equator of the cell, with one chromatid facing each pole


Where the sister chromatids seperate


In anaphase the ____ attached to kinetochores shorten and pull chromatids towards the poles.

Spindle fibers

In anaphase the ____ lengthen and push the poles of the cell apart

Free spindle fibers

The spindle fibers disintegrate


nuclear envelopes form around both groups of chromosomes


chromosomes revert to their extended state


cytokinesis occurs, enclosing each daughter nucleus into a separate cell


undergo cytokinesis by forming a cell plate between the two daughter nuclei.

Plant cells

undergo cytokinesis through the formation of a cleavage furrow. A ring of microtubules contract, pinching the cell in half.

Animal cells

How do cells know when to divide?

These are called cell cycle checkpoints, which are like traffic signals that will tell the cell to either “stop” or “go” to the next stage.

ensures that the cell is ready to undergo DNA synthesis or S phase

G1 checkpoint

make sure that the cell is mature enough to undergo M-phase

G2 checkpoint

will see to it that the cell is ready to complete cell division

M checkpoint

Programmed cell death


they no longer respond to many of the signals that control cellular growth and death.

Cancer cells

originate within tissues and, as they grow and divide, they diverge ever further from normalcy.

Cancer cells

most cancer cells possess __ or more mutations


Each daughter cell contains ___ chromosomes as the parent cell.

46 (2n)