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26 Cards in this Set

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What is classification?

Classification is organising linking organisms into groups.

Name the 5 kingdoms.






Name 2 factors about the Plant kingdom.

•Contain chlorophyll.

•Are autotrophs (can make there own food by photosynthesis)


•Have a cell wall, which support the cells.

Name 2 factors of the animal kingdom.

•They are heterotrophs(they can't make their own food so they have to move around and find it)


•Don't have cell walls

Don't have chlorophyll

Name 2 factors about the Fungi Kingdom.

•They are saprophytes (they feed off dead organisms and decaying material)


Don't have chlorophyll

Name 2 factors about the Protoctists kingdom.

•Unicellular (one cell)

•Have a nucleus (e.g algae)

Name 2 factors of the Prokaryotes kingdom.

•Unicellular (one cell)

Don't have a nucleus (e.g bacteria)

What are the 5 classes vertebrates are divided in to?






What do scientists divided vertebrates into based on 3 main thing?

How they absorb oxygen -through lungs (birds), gills (fish) or skin (amphibians)

How they reproduce - weather fertilisation happened internally (mammals) or externally (fish). Also weather they are oviparous (lay eggs e.g reptiles) or viviparous (give birth to live young which are fed milk by the mother, e.g mammals)

How they regulate their internal body temperature weather they're homeotherms (this means there warm blooded as their body temperature is kept at a constant by homeostasis e.g mammals) or whether they're poikilotherms - this means they're cold blooded as their body temperature changes with external temperature (reptiles)

What is a ring species?

A ring species is a group of related populations that live in neighbouring areas.

What is the binomial system?

The binomial system is where each species is given a two-part Latin name. The first part refers to the genus that organism belongs to and the second part refers to the species.

What is a key?

A key is a series if questions that you can use to figure out what an unknown organism is.

What is variation?

Organisms of the same species that have slight differences

What is Genetic Variation?

Characteristics that are in some way similar to their parents (e.g I've got my dads nose)

What is environmental variation?

The environment that organisms live and grow in also causes differences between members of the same species.

What is continuous variation?

Continuous variation is when the individuals in a population vary within range - there are no distinct categories (e.g humans can be any height within range)

What is discontinuous variation?

Discontinuous variation is when here are two or more distinct categories- rah individual falls into only one of these categories there are no intermediates (e.g blood type)

How have organisms in thee polar regions adapted to the cold?

Give an example of an animal.

Polar regions are the Arctic and Antarctic. - These places are really cold. Some animals have to apart to living in these conditions for example

Polar Bears

Polar bears have a compact shape (smaller surface area compared to volume) this reduces heat loss.

•Thick layer of blubber/fat for insulation - also acts as an energy store when food is scarce.

•Thick hairy coats trap a layers of warm wait next to skin and their greasy fur sheds water (prevent cooling die to evaporation)

•Big feet to help spread their weight (stops them sinking in snow or breaking thin ice)

•White fur (camouflage)

What is natural selection?

It's another word for survival of the fittest. If it's snowing and there's a white rabbit and a black rabbit the white rabbit had a better chance of a survival because it will be camouflaged.

What is evolution?

Evolution is the slow and continuously change of organisms from one generation to the next.

What is speciation?

Speciation is the development of a new species.

How many pairs of chromosomes are they?

23 pairs of chromosomes (46 all together)

What does Genotype mean?

Genotype means what alleles you have.

What does Genotype mean?

Genotype means what alleles you have.

What does Phenotype mean?

Phenotype means the actual characteristics.

What is an allele?

Different variations on the same gene.