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40 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following elements is NOT one of the six that make up 98% of most organisms' body weight?
Which of the following statements is true?
A) All isotopes give off subatomic particles.
B) All isotopes are radioactive.
C) All isotopes have the same number of protons.
D) All isotopes have the same number of neutrons.
All isotopes have the same number of protons.
What type of bond is formed when atoms share electrons?
Which of the following has a basic pH?
A) lemon juice
B) milk of magnesia
C) tomatoes
D) hydrochloric acid
milk of magnesia
Aquatic living things are able to survive the winter thanks to which property of water
It is less dense as a solid than as a liquid
The three isotopes of carbon 12C, 13C and 14C have different numbers of _______?
The combined number of ___________ will determine the number of electrons in orbital(s) around a neutral atom.
If an atom has an atomic number of 17 and a mass number of 35, the number of neutrons in its nucleus equals _____.
An electrically neutral atom with an atomic number of 7 will have _____ occupied electron shell(s).
Which bond is most easily broken?
a hydrogen bond
Which of the following statements is true?
A) There are two polar covalent bonds in water.
B) There are two ionic bonds in water.
C) There is one ionic and one covalent bond in water.
D) Electrons are less attracted to oxygen than hydrogen.
There are two polar covalent bonds in water
Which of the following atomic numbers indicates the element with the highest valence number?
Normal rainfall has a pH of___________.
If a patient is injected with radioactive iodine, a radioisotope scan would show it appear in the ___________.
Hydrophobic molecules tend to be _________.
The two parallel strands of DNA are held together by _______ bonds
The calcium ion (Ca2+) _____.
has given away two electrons
A pH of 5 is __________ times as acidic as a pH of 9.
Hydrogen bonds form when ___________.
a slightly negative atom is attracted to a slightly positive atom
The only atom that has a nucleus with no neutrons is _________.
The smallest unit of matter that can enter into chemical combination is a _____.
The process that transforms solar energy into chemical energy in the bonds of organic molecules is called _____.
Organisms/living things are best defined by the ability to _____.
-respond to stimuli
-have adaptations
Homeostasis is _____.
the maintenance of internal conditions within certain limits
The instructions for the organization and metabolism of living things are encoded in the _____.
As biological organization increases in complexity in living systems, new _________ are determined with unique characteristics governed by chemical and physical interactions
emergent properties
The correct way to write the scientific name of the garden pea is _____.
Pisum sativum
All the organisms classified into the Domain ______ are _________.
archaea; single celled
The theory that accounts for the differences that divide and the unity that joins all living things is the _____ theory
The great diversity of life forms is the result of _____.
-adaptations to different environments
-descent from a common ancestor
Which of the given statements is NOT true?
A) The diversity of life includes some traits that are no longer functional and led to the extinction of those that possessed those traits.
B) The role of evolution does not help support the meaning of life's diversity.
C) All organisms are unique in some of their traits.
D) Many millions of species of organisms are now extinct.
The role of evolution does not help support the meaning of life's diversity.
Which of the following statements best represent the role of mutations in natural selection:
A) During the process of natural selection, mutations decrease the odds of having variable genes.
B) The selective (mutating) agent must be a variable manually determined by the organism or surrounding organisms.
C) Mutations fuel natural selection through the introduction of variable genes capable of being passed to new generations through reproduction.
D) Mutations primarily will stop the new trait from being passed to new generations.
Mutations fuel natural selection through the introduction of variable genes capable of being passed to new generations through reproduction.
The great pattern of organization in nature is maintained by _______.
flow of energy from the sun
Negative impacts on the biodiversity of healthy ecosystems have included ALL of the following activities EXCEPT:
A) The draining of natural wetlands of major rivers
B) Destruction of South American tropical rainforests
C) An increase in the size and volume of barrier reefs
D) Above average fishing off the coast of Africa
An increase in the size and volume of barrier reefs
The cycling of nutrients through ecosystems depends on _____.
-decomposition of organisms after they die
The first step in the scientific method is _____.
make observations and consider previous data
When a person combines isolated facts and creative thinking to arrive at an explanation for something, he/she used _____ reasoning
Its freezing winter and you step outside on the porch to get your newspaper without a coat. You begin to shiver and get "goose bumps". When you go back in, you take your temperature and it is still at the base level of 98.6F/37C. That your body temperature is maintained within a narrow range despite changes in temperature is due to the body's ability to use _______________.
If an experiment is done to see if a dietary supplement affects the weight gain of chickens, what variables need to be controlled?
-where the chickens are kept
- the availability of water
- the temperature of the surroundings
An experiment is done to see if eating breakfast affects students' performance on exams. The experimental variable is _____.
whether the student has breakfast or not