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105 Cards in this Set

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a-amylase, cleaves what kind of bonds

•cleaves a-1,4 glycosidicbonds

•no carbohydrate digestion in


Action of salivary and pancreatic amylases

Causes random cleavage which lead to limit dextrins

Four glycoproteins/glycosidases of the small intestine





Responsible for converting disaccharides and oligosaccharides to monosaccharides

Attached to brush border



Specific for a-1,4 glycosidic bonds

Cut at the nonreducing end to form mono


a-1,6 bonds cleaved by isomaltase-maltase activity


cleavestrehalose, (found in mushrooms,honey and shrimp)

Trehalasedeficiency has symptoms similar to a-amanitinpoisoning

cleaves a-1,1 bond

b-glycosidase complex (Lactase)

hydrolyzes b-1,4 bond

Starch broken down with what and to what products

Broken down via salivary and pancreatic a amylase


Limit dextrins

trisacchardies (maltotriose)

Lactose intolerance is the inability to convert lactose into

glucose and galactose

Rate of Absorption of Sugars

glycemic index

Low glycemic index

Foods are digested more slowly

Fewer spikes in blood sugar

Better for diabetics

ex starch

High glycemic index

Foods are digested quickly

See more spikes in blood sugar

Worse for diabetics

ex candy

Glucose taken up by different tissues by different

tissue-specific transporters

Glucose Uptake in the Intestine

Glucose is polar, so cant cross membrane


Na+-dependent facilitated transpor

GLUT 4 transporter

Found in




Insulin sensitive transporter

Will increase the number of glucose transporters at the surface

High affinity

Blood-brain barrier has specific transporters for


Non-neural, glucose can diffuse

Neural, glucose has high affinity transporters

Structure of Glycogen

Only one anomeric carbon permolecule of glycogen

Maybe simultaneously degraded from all nonreducing ends

Structure of Glycogen 2

Have the straight long chains via the a 1,4

Able to branch via the a 1,6

Role of Glycogen

Found in liver

Primarysource of glucose for maintenance of bloodglucose

glycogen broken down to G1P and G6P

Have to remove P, so glucose can leave

Futile cycling

No futile cycling in cells

Body knows when it needs to break down and when it needs to build up, relative to gylcogen

Common Theme forMetabolism

•Synthesis requires energy

Glucose enters cell and is converted to G6P by


Traps glucose in cell

Glucose 1-phosphate

G1Pis precursor of glycogen synthesis (and product of glycogendegradation)

Producedby phosphoglucomutase(reversible)

UDP-G intermediate only used in

biosynthetic pathway

not used in degradation

Branching allows for

increased sites for synthesis and degradation and enhances solubility

What is responsible for glycogen synthesis

Glycogen synthase

which is regulated

Branching enzyme in glycogen


reattaches the a 1 6 bond

Degradation of Glycogen uses 2 enzymes

Glycogen phosphorylase

Debrancher enzyme



Glycogen Storage disease 1

Enzyme affected glucose 6 phosphatase

(Von Gierkes)


Liver only organ that removes the P. cant release glucose while fasting Can breakdown gylycogen but cant put it into blood bc ofthe p still attached to glucose

More severe bc cant get any glucose out during fast

Will lead to enlarged liver and kidneys

Glycogen Storage disease 2

Muscle gylcogen phosphorylase (McArdies)

Skeletal muscle

Differentenzyme in the skeletal. Only seen in skeletal muscle, cannotbreak down glycogen

Glycogen Storage disease 3

Liver glycogen phosphorlase (Hers)


Can't break down glycogen in the liver

Case study

Atwo-year-old girl presents with a mildlyenlarged liver, history of hypoglycemia on several occasions and growth belowthe third percentile for her age.

What glycogen storage disease?

Hers disease

Regulation ofGlycogen Synthesis/Degradation

Fasted state 

•Glycogen phosphorylase a (active) is
activated by phosphorylation

•Glycogen synthase D (b) is inactivated by

and GS are simultaneously regulated ...

Fasted state

•Glycogen phosphorylase a (active) isactivated by phosphorylation•Glycogen synthase D (b) is inactivated byphosphorylation

GPand GS are simultaneously regulated by covalent modification

Glucagon acts via

cAMP – secondmessenger

Regulation of Glycogen Degradation: role of PKA

cAMPbinds regulatory subunits of protein kinase A (PKA)

PKA phosphorylates phosphorylase kinasewhich phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase b convertingit to glycogen phosphorylase a (active)

Glucose released from liver to maintain blood sugar levels

Inhibition of Glycogen Synthesis

PKAphosphorylates ~10 different kinases which phosphorylate glycogen synthaseon multiple serine residues

When phosphorylate glyocgen synthase

becomes inactive

Glycogensynthesis is inhibited

Hepatic protein-phosphatase-1

removes phosphates from phosphorylasekinase, glycogen phosphorylase and glycogen synthase

activated by insulin

start making glycogen

happens fed state

Principal regulator for blood glucose

•Insulin is principal regulator

Highcarbohydrate meal

•stimulates insulinrelease

•suppresses glucagon release

Effects ofEpinephrine on Glycogen Metabolism

Epinephrineenhances the effects of glucagon in liver

IP3 stimulates release of Ca2+ from ER

IP3 and Ca2+ are secondary messengers

Glycogen Metabolismin Skeletal Muscle

NoGlucose-6 phosphatase in muscle

•Glucoseisnot inhibitoryin muscle glycogenolysis

•Glycogenisinhibitory in glycogen synthesis (less stored)

Glycogen synthesis summary


G to G-6-P

1.G-6-P to G-1-P

2.G-1-P to UDP-G

3.UDP-G to Glycogen


Stimulatedby insulin.s

Glycogen degradation summary


1.Branched-Glycogen to Limitdextrins & G-1-P

2.Limitdextrins to G-1-P

3.G-1-P to G-6-P

G-6-P to G or F-6-P

Stimulatedby glucagon and/or epi inthe liverStimulatedby AMP, Ca++and/or epi inthe muscle.

What organ releases insulin or glucagon


Insulin and InsulinCounterregulatory Hormones

Insulinpromotes storage of glucose as TG or glycogen in muscle and adipose tissue

Glucagon and epinephrine promote glucosemobilization via glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis


Excessglucose, lipid and amino acids must be removed from blood

Excesssugar and amino acids would cause a hyper-osmotic state

Excessglucose can cause non-enzymatic glycosylation of proteins

Excesslipid can cause atherosclerosis

Itall comes down to a balancing act!

Inaddition to glucagon, stress hormones regulatefuel utilization



Glucagon acts mainly on

liver and adipose tissue(not muscle – no receptors)

Glucagon released from what cells and in response to what

alpha-cellsin response to reduction of glucose and/or

rise in insulin in blood bathing a-cells

Glucagonrelease does not alter muscle metabolism because

Musclecells lack the glucagon receptor

Insulin synthesized as


In proinsulin, what is cleaved


Significance of C-peptide

Can tell you how much insulin has been made

Cpeptide also secreted into the blood as well as insulin com

Insulin released from what cells

beta cells in pancreas

amount of insulin released is proportional to how much is needed

Synthesis ofGlucagon


3to 5 minute half life

Regulators ofGlucagon Release

Mainlyinhibited by glucose and insulin inblood

Stimulatedby AAs

Highprotein/low carb meal stimulate glucagon release

Regulators of Insulin Release

Blood glucose over 80

Also To a lesser extent, certain amino acids,gastric inhibitory peptide and glucagon-like peptide

Effects of HighProtein Meal

•Stimulate glucagon release

•Stimulate insulin releaseto lesser extent


•Reducedglycogen and TG synthesis

Diabetes Mellitus symptoms



Polydipsia (thirst)


Diabetes mellitus can be detected by

–easilydetected on hemoglobin (HbA1c)

DM type 1

–Autoimmunedestruction of b-cells

–Almostundetectable [insulin] in blood

DM type 2


–Skeletalmuscle and liver “resist” action of insulin

–Insulinlevel can be normal in these patients


•MODY (maturityonset diabetes of the young)


–requires↑[glucose] to cause ↑ [ATP]

–thereforeinsulin release only at ↑ [glucose]


Don’t get sudden increase in ATPtherefore insulin release only at ↑ [glucose]


•blockK+ channels–increaseinsulin secretion

Sulfonylureas only works on mody anddm2

Apatient with type 1 diabetes mellitus takes an insulin injection before eatingdinner but then gets distracted and does not eat. Approximately 3 hours later, the patientbecomes shaky, sweaty and confused. Thesymptoms have occurred because of which of the following?

Lowblood glucose levels


Secondmessenger system

Trimeric G




Second messenger system




Fructose synthesized in the body from

glucose via the polyol pathway

Fructose in eye can cause

cataract formation

Fructose metabolized by

Conversion to intermediates of glycolysis

Fructose enters the cell via

GLUT 5 transporters

Fructose yields intermediates from glycolysis

dihydroxyacetone-P and glyceraldehyde-3-P

Fructose Aldolase B

B cleaves fructose 1-P

Aldolase B is rate-limiting enzymeof fructose metabolism

notrate-limiting for glycolysis

Aldolase B deficiency

Accumulation of Fructose-1-P.

Inhibits the breakdown of glycogen and also gluconeogenesis.

Leads to Hypoglycemia,high lactate, low ATP


deficiencyin fructose kinase


HereditaryFructose Intolerance (HFI)

–deficiencyin aldolase B


Whyis essential fructosuriaa benign genetic disorder, while hereditary fructose intolerance can be fatal?

Just cant breakdown fructose for benign, fructose not toxic, leave inthe urine

F1pdoes buildup, cant break down glycogen cant restore blood glucoselevels. Low ATP, high lactic acid

Dangerousto fast w/ this condition

The Polyol Pathway

Convertsglucose to fructose

2 steps of polyol pathway

Reduction of C1 by aldose reductase

formssugar alcohols (e.g., sorbitol)

Oxidation of C2 by sorbitoldehydrogenase

This cell uses frucotse

Sperm use fructose

Eye complications with polyol pathway

Indiabetes when glucoseis high, this reaction is pushed forward in the eye. The conversion to fructose is slow and theincreased concentration of sorbitolleads to increased intraocular pressure.

High sorbitol in muscle and nerves

Accumulation of sorbitol inmuscle and nerve may contribute to peripheral neuropathy in diabetics

Eye complications with polyol pathway

Indiabetes when galactoseis high, this reaction is pushed forward in the eye. The conversion to fructose is slow and theincreased concentration of galactitolleads to increased intraocular pressure.

Pentose PhosphatePathway

•Generates NADPHfor reducing equivalents and ribose 5-P fornucleotide biosynthesis

Onlysource of NADPH for RBCs

•Pentose intermediates are reversiblyinterconverted to intermediates of glycolysis

Pentose Phosphate Pathway

Produces 2 NADPH per glucose

4 key enzymes in nonoxidative PPP





Ribulose5 phosphate is isomerized to ribose 5-phosphate (R5P)


transfers a twocarbon unit

Transketolaserequires thiamine

Thiaminedeficiency is common in alcoholics


transfers a threecarbon unit

Finalnet result of nonoxidative PPP from 3 mol of ribulose 5-P: 2 mol fructose 6-P and 1 molof glyceraldehyde 3-P

Pentose PhosphatePathway end products


interconversion of 3 G6P into 6 NADPH,


2 fructose 6-P,

1 glyceraldehyde3-P

PPP is important is what cell types

all cell types

Regulation of PPP


Allosteric Feedbackinhibition by NADPH


Fava beans can cause produce H2O2 which can cause hemolytic anemia


•Resultsin enzyme with unstable structure

–Patientwith 10% of normal activity

–Enoughto generate NADPH under normal conditions

•Newlymade RBCs have normal G6PD activity

–Patientsrecover quickly (~8 days)


•Glucose is synthesized from noncarbohydrateprecursors

•Stimulated by glucagon

Gluconeogenesis differs fromglycolysis at

3 key steps which are regulated byglucagon and insulin

Precursors forGluconeogenesis

Carbon sources are lactate(from anaerobic glycolysis in RBCs and muscle), aminoacids from muscle pools, alanine and glycerol fromadipose tissue

Alanine gets converted to


ATP Yield for glycolysis

yeilds 2 ATP

ATP Cost for gluconeogenesis

costs 6 ATP

Regulation to prevent futile cycling b/w glycolysis ad gluconeogensis

This regulation occurs through phosphorylation, gene transcription andallosteric interactions at several steps along both pathways.

Hyperglycemialeads to

osmoticdehydration of tissuescanlead to hyperosmolar coma from brain dehydration

Hypoglycemialeads to

depletionof ATP:

brain – dizziness, drowsiness,comablood– hemolysis due to loss of integrity of membranes

Insulin affects during glycolysis

glucose to G6P via glucokinase


F6P to F1,6P via phosphofructokinase-1 (most important control point)


Glucagon affect during gluconeogenesis

F1,6P to F6P via fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase

(most important control point)

G6P to Glucose via glucose 6 phosphatase