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63 Cards in this Set

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Major fuel and energy supply during fasting and increased energy demand
Fatty acids
Energy source for the brain during fasting
ketone bodies
What type of fatty acid is stored and released form adipose tissue
Long chain fatty acids
How are fatty acids carried in the blood
bound to albumin
Acyl CoA synthetase
converts fatty acids to fatty acyl CoA
What binds to acyl CoA to transport fatty acids into the mitochondriA
Fate of Acetyl CoA from beta oxidation
TCA cycle or ketone body or cholesterol
Where does medium chain fatty acid oxidation occure
only in the liver and does not need carnitine because it is more soluble then long chains
Fate of the terminal 3 carbons of odd chain fatty acids
The propionyl CoA is transformed into succylny CoA and enters the TCA cycle.
Site of initiation of very long chain fatty acid metabolism
Site of ketone body synthesis
The liver produces ketones but can not use them as an energy source
Liver enzymes AST and ALT
Aspartate amino transferase and alanine amino transferase, both are released when there is damage to the liver cell plasma membrane
Effect of epi and noreepi on adipose cells
increase lipolysis
Principle fatty acid oxidized for fuel
long chain fatty acids
Three main long chain fatty acids
Palmitate, oleate, and stearate
3 fatty acids bound to a glycerol backbone
Fatty acids of animals and veggies
animals contain saturated and monounsaturated long chains. Veggies contain linoleate and long chain poly unsaturated fatty acids, also have a small amount of branched fatty acids and odd chain fatty acids
Product of fatty acid synthesis
palmitate. Made by the liver and packaged in VLDL
How do fatty acids enter a cell
through a membrane transported and by diffusion
Fatty acids are activated to
fatty acyl CoA, by the enzye acyl CoA synthetase. Also called thiokinase, ATP is needed for the reaction
Three location of acyl CoA synthetase
ER, outer mitochondrial membrane, and peroxisome
Location of medium chain fatty acid Acyl CoA synthetase
Outer mitochondrial membrane of the liver and kidney
Three fates of fatty acyl CoA
Energy; beta oxidation and ketogenesis. Storage as triacylglycerides. Membrane lipids; phospholipids and sphingolipids.
Classic presentation of CPT II deficiency. Most common deficiency of fatty acid metabolism.
Patient is weak, hypoglycemic and hypoketosis. Metabolic decomp is not severe. CPK levels and long chain acylcanitines are elevated in the blood.
Carnitine:palmitoyltransferase AKA canitine acyl tranferase
I is located on the outer mitochodrial membrane and adds carnitine to acyl CoA in exchange for CoA. The Acyl carnitine is transported across the membrane by translocase. II is in the inner mitochondrial membrane and transfers the CoA back to fatty acyl in exchange for carnitine. Both I and II need ATP
What tissue takes up the largest amount of carnitine
skeletal muscle
Vitamin precurser for FAD
recipient in the electron transport chain
Precursor of CoA
How does beta oxidation conserve energy
FAD(2H), NADH go to electron transport chain and FADH gives 2 ATP and NADH gives 3 ATP. The acetyl CoA goes into the TCA cycle or converted to ketones
Steps of beta oxidation with enzymes
1. Acyl CoA dehydrogenase adds a double bond between C2 and C3, FADH is made. 2. Enoyl CoA hydratase adds water to the double bound putting the OH group on the beta carbon. 3. Beta hydroxy acyl CoA dehydrogenase oxidizes the OH group to a double bonds O, gives NADH. Beta keto thiolase along with CoA cleaves off acetyl CoA and a fatty acyl CoA.
MCAD, medium chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency.
oxidation of fatty acids is blocked at the 6-10 carbon stage. The medium chain fatty acids will accumulate in the blood and urine as decanoic and octanoic acid. If it was LCAD deficiency long fatty acids would appear in the blood but not urine since they are not water soulable
Adding double bonds to fatty acids
Human body can only add a double bond up until carbon 9. If a fatty acid has a double bond after the ninth carbon then it is essential.
Unsaturated fatty acid metabolism
The cis bond must be made trans and moved to between carbon 2 and 3. the beta oxidation can continue. If there is conjugated double bounds at C2 and C4 then a reductase, NADPH dependent, can form one double bond at C3
essential fatty acids with a double bond at C12, is required for arachidonate production.
Odd chain fatty acid metabolism
Beta oxidation continues at normal until 5 carbons are left. The remaining 5 carbons are split to acetyl CoA and propyl CoA. Propionyl CoA is converted to methylmalonyl CoA by propionyl CoA carboxilase (ATP, Biotin, CO2). Methylmalonyl CoA is then converted to succinyl CoA by methylmalonyl CoA Mutase (B12). This can then enter the TCA cycle. Its the only fatty acid carbons that can be made into glucose. in the TCA cycle by making oxaloacitate.
Storage of fatty acids
long chain are stored in adipocytes but medium chain are more water soluble and not stored this way. They enter the mitochondrial matrix after a meal.
Actions of ADP dependent protein kinase B in fatty acid oxidation.
Glucagon has the came actions. Causes phosphorylation of Acetyl CoA carboxylase with lowers the amount of Malatyl CoA with inhibits CAT I. Insulin has the reverse action of acetyl CoA carboxylase (ABC) activating it. After a high glucose meal you want to store energy not break it down.
Regulation of beta oxidation
the cells energy level. Amount of ATP and NADH available.
AMP levels during exercise
they increase activating AMP dependent kinase with increases beta oxidation but also recruits more GLUT transporters to the muscle surface.
Beta oxidation depends on
oxygen, strictly aerobic pathway. Good blood supply. Can not happen in cells that lack mitochondria ( RBC).
Omega oxidation
adds a carboxylic acid to the omega end a a fatty acid creating a dicarboxilic acid. Will accumulate is there is an enzyme deficiency in beta oxidation. Happens in the ER.
Oxidation of xenobiotics
by omega oxidation in the peroxisome.
Very long chain fatty acids, over 20 carbons
oxidation begins in the peroxisome. When the chain length becomes shorter it is transferred to the mitochondria for beta oxidation Short and medium chains can be attached to carnitine in the peroxisome before transport.
Zellweger's syndrome
defective peroxysomal biogenesis
Refsum's disease
defect in a peroxisome enzyme that leads to retinitis pigmentosa, cerebellar ataxia, and chronic polyneuropathy
Biproduct of peroxide oxidation of fatty acid
hydrogen peroxide.
Fatty acids from chlorophyll
branched chain fatty acids. Phytanic and pristanic acid.
Ketone body synthesis
occurs in the mitochondrial matrix from acetyl CoA generated from fatty acid oxidation. Only when fatty acid levels are high because this is not the favored direction of the reaction, ketone body breakdown is favored.
Ketone metabolism
beta hydroxybuterate is transformed into acetoacetate by hydroxybuterate dehydrogenase. This is then metabolised to 2 acetyl CoA that enter the TCA cycle.
1 ketone body produces 21.5 ATP
random fun fact
When are fatty acids used for energy
when ever there level become high in the blood. Fasting, and exercise, and low carb diet. Decrease in insulin, increase in glucogon, epi, norepi.
Why are children more prone to ketacidosis
they metabolize glycogen faster and there fore enter the fasting state sooner. usually 1 day compared to 3 days for adult to get ketoacidosis.
ATP homeostasis
controlled by all factors that deal with metabolism; insulin, glucogon, epi, amp kinase.
fatty acid oxidation of gluconeogenasis
if fatty acid levels are high enough ATP is present to stop glucose production. The drug meformin turn on AMP kinase which increases beta oxidation and decreases glucose need and level.
Insulin effect on glucose-6-P hexokinase
a decrease in insulin inhibits Glucose-6-P hexokinase thereby decreasing the rate of glucose entry into glycolysis and uptake from the blood. In this case fatty acid oxidation would be favored.
What used fatty acid as major fuel source
skeletal muscles, heart, and the liver.
When is acetyl CoA shifted to ketone production
when the level of NADH and FADH are high enough to supply the needed ATP of the liver. At this time oxaloacetate is diverted to malate for gluconeogenysis
Lactate use
some can be used by the heart and the rest is converted to glucose.
Manifestation of MCAD deficiency
Hypoglycemia and hypoketosis. Fatty acids are metabolized until they reach medium chain length. Treat these patients with a high carb diet and avoid fasting.
correlation of hyperosmolar sate and nervous system dysfunction
high correlation.