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86 Cards in this Set

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basic unit of matter
Organic molecules of cells
Protein, carbohydrates (monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides) and lipids
Monomers of proteins
amino acids joined by peptide bond
monomers of polysaccharide starch
goes through all the steps of the test but lacks the factor being tested
protein that speed up chemical reactions. Amylase in saliva
How many common amino acids are found in cells?
R group
(Remainder group) amino differ by R group. Vary in size shape and chemical activity.
Chain of 2 or more amino acids
Bond between amino acids
peptide bond
very long chain of amino acids
Biuret reagent
-blue color
-contains strong solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide and a small amount of dilute copper sulfate
-peptide or peptide bond chemically combine with copper ions to result in a color change
- pinkish-purple if proteins present
sugars and chain of sugars
one unit of sugar
2 units of sugar
glycogen, starch and cellulose
polysaccharides mad up of chain units of glucose
Glucose as an energy source
energy is released when glucose is broken down to carbon dioxide and water
Iodine solution
-test for starch
-reacts chemically to turn blue-black color
Benedict's reagent
(Blue color)
-monosaccharides and some disaccharides react
-after heated to a boil
-copper ion reacts with part of the sugar molecule that is reduced
-results in color change from green to red
- blue = no change
insoluble in water and soluble in solvents, such as alcohol and ether.
Test for fats
fats do not evaporate from brown paper; instead, they leave an oily spot
charged groups or atoms
water is not a good solvent for ____
non polar molecules, such as fats
emulsifier and how it works?
can cause a fat to disperse in water
- contains molecules with both polar and non polar ends. when the non polar end interacts with the fat and the polar end interacts with the water molecule , the fat disperses in water and an emulsion results.
Bile salts
emulsifiers found in bile produced by the liver
- used in digestion
commercially produced emulsifiers
detergents and tween
Cell theory
states that all living things are composed of cells and that cells are the come only from other cells
epithelial cell
cell that lines cavities and structures of the body
content of a cell
plasma membrane
regulates the movement of molecule into and out of the cytoplasm
Prokaryotic (literal meaning)
pro means "before"; karyote means "nucleus"
-does not contain a nucleus
eu means "true"; karyote means "nucleus"
small membranous bodies, each with a specific structure and function
t/f prokaryotes do have cytoplasm the material bounded by the plasma membrane and cell wall
prokaryotic cytoplasm contains_____ and also contain ______.
-small granules that coordinate the synthesis of proteins
Nucleoid a region in the bacteria cell interior in which the DNA is physically organized but not enclosed by a membrane
Prokaryotic-protein synthesis
inclusion body
Prokaryotic- stored nutrients for later use
Prokaryotic- plasma membrane that folds into cytoplasm and increases surface area
Prokaryotic- hairlike bristles that allow adhesion to the surfaces
conjuction pilus
Prokaryotic- elongated hollow appendage used for DNA transfer to other bacterial cells
Prokaryotic- location of bacteria chromosomes
plasma membrane
Prokaryotic-sheath around the cytoplasm that regulates entrance and exit of molecules
cell wall
Prokaryotic-covering that supports shapes and protects cell
Prokaryotic- gel like coating outside cell wall; if compact called a capsule if diffuse called a slime layer
rotating filament present in some bacteria that pushes the cell forward
nucleus in a eukaryotic cell is bounded by ____ and contains ___.
nuclear envelope
Eukaryotic- cell wall
-contains cellulose fibrils
-provide all support and protection
Eukaryotic- plasma membrane
-phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins
-outer cell surface tat regulates entrance and exit of molecules
Eukaryotic- nucleus
-enclosed by nuclear envelope; contains chromatin (threads of DNA and protein
-storage of genetic information; synthesis of DNA and RNA
Eukaryotic- nucleolus
-contains are of chromatin
-produces subunits of ribosomes
Eukaryotic- ribosomes
-protein and RNA in two subunits
-carries out protein synthesis
Eukaryotic- endoplasmic riticulum
-membranous, flattened channels and tubular canals; rough ER and smooth ER
-synthesis and/or modification of proteins and other substances; transport by vesicle formation
Eukaryotic- rough ER
-studded with ribosomes
-protein synthesis
Eukaryotic- smooth ER
-lacks ribosomes
-synthesis of of lipid molecules
Eukaryotic- golgi apparatus
-stack of membranous saccules
-processes, packages, and distributes proteins and lipids
Eukaryotic- vesicle
-membrane-bound sac
-stores and transports substances
Eukaryotic- lysosome
-vesicles containing hydrolytic enzymes
-digest macromolecules and cell parts
Eukaryotic- vesicle
-membrane-bound sac
-stores and transports substances
Eukaryotic- lysosome
-vesicles containing hydrolytic enzymes
-digest macromolecules and cell parts
Eukaryotic- peroxisome
-vesicles containing specific enzyme
-breaks down fatty acids and converts resulting hydrogen peroxide to water; various other functions
Eukaryotic- vesicle
-membrane-bound sac
-stores and transports substances
Eukaryotic- mitochondrion
-membraneous cristae bounded by double membrane
-carries out cellular respiration, producing ATP molecules
Eukaryotic- peroxisome
-vesicles containing specific enzyme
-breaks down fatty acids and converts resulting hydrogen peroxide to water; various other functions
Eukaryotic- lysosome
-vesicles containing hydrolytic enzymes
-digest macromolecules and cell parts
Eukaryotic- chloroplast
-membranous thylakoids bounded by double membrane
-carries out photosynthesis, produces sugars
Eukaryotic- mitochondrion
-membraneous cristae bounded by double membrane
-carries out cellular respiration, producing ATP molecules
Eukaryotic- peroxisome
-vesicles containing specific enzyme
-breaks down fatty acids and converts resulting hydrogen peroxide to water; various other functions
Eukaryotic- mitochondrion
-membraneous cristae bounded by double membrane
-carries out cellular respiration, producing ATP molecules
Eukaryotic- chloroplast
-membranous thylakoids bounded by double membrane
-carries out photosynthesis, produces sugars
Eukaryotic- chloroplast
-membranous thylakoids bounded by double membrane
-carries out photosynthesis, produces sugars
Eukaryotic- vesicle
-membrane-bound sac
-stores and transports substances
Eukaryotic- lysosome
-vesicles containing hydrolytic enzymes
-digest macromolecules and cell parts
Eukaryotic- peroxisome
-vesicles containing specific enzyme
-breaks down fatty acids and converts resulting hydrogen peroxide to water; various other functions
Eukaryotic- mitochondrion
-membraneous cristae bounded by double membrane
-carries out cellular respiration, producing ATP molecules
Eukaryotic- chloroplast
-membranous thylakoids bounded by double membrane
-carries out photosynthesis, produces sugars
Eukaryotic- cytoskeleton
-microtubules, intermediate filaments, actin filaments
-maintains cell shape and assists movement of cell parts
Eukaryotic- cila and flagella
-9+2 pattern of microtubules
-movement of cell
Eukaryotic- centrioles
-9+0 pattern of microtubules
-unknown function
movement of molecules from higher to a lower concentration until equilibrium is achieved and the and the molecules are distributed equally.
diffusion of water across the plasma membrane of a cell. From area of higher concentration to area of lower concentration.
is the relative concentration of solutes (particles), and therefore also of solvent (water), outside the cell compared with inside the cell.
Isotonic solution
has the same concentration of salute (and therefore of water) as the cell
-when cells are placed in a isotonic solution, no net movement of water
Hypertonic solution
has higher solute (therefore, lower water) concentration that the cell
-when cells are placed in a hypertonic solution, water move out of cell
Hypotonic solution
has a lower solute (therfore higher water) concentration tahn the cell.
-when cells are placed in a hypotonic solution, water moves from the solution into the cell
when plant cells are in hypertonic solution, the central vacuole losses water, and the cytoplasm, including the chloroplast, pulls away from the cell wall.
Tugor pressure
when a plant cells are in a hypotonic solution, the large central vacuole gains water and exerts pressure