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14 Cards in this Set

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lost the four resovoirs of carbon

atmosphere (air)

biosphere (living organisms)

lithosphere (land)

hydrosphere (water)

think of air, land, water, and biotic things

describe carbon flux

the rate of change of carbon between various reservoirs

Describe the roles of autotrophs and heterotrophs / photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the carbon cycle

in photosynthesis autotrophs remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and returned into the biosphere in the form of organic compounds.

in cellular respiration organisms break down organic compounds from the biosphere and return them into the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide.

Describe lithification

the compaction of carbon containing sediments into fossils and rocks within the earth’s crust. for example, limestone.

describe decomposition

carbon is released into air or soil when organic matter is broken down in dead organisms (biosphere to atmosphere; biosphere to lithosphere)

Describe combustion

releases carbon gas when organic hydrocarbons (coal, oil, gas) are burned as a fuel source

Describe gaseous dissolution

the exchange of carbon gases between the ocean and the atmosphere.

Describe the formation of peat

forms when organic material does not fully decompose. it is surrounded by acidic anaerobic soil

Draw and label the carbon cycle

Back (Definition)

Describe the role of Mauna Loa and Vostok in monitoring CO2 levels

Mauna Loa’s short term data shows that annual cycling of CO2 concentrations have seasonal factors and that levels are rising steadily.

Vostok’s long term data shows that There are fluctuating cycles of CO2 over thousands of years. It also correlates with global ice ages and warm ages

Explain how carbon cycles throughout ecosystems

carbon cycling allows for usable forms of carbon in ecosystems. There are four pools of carbon; The atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the biosphere, and the lithosphere. carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by plants through photosynthesis. The ocean removes carbon through gaseous dissolution and converts it into calcium carbonate for shells. Respiration releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from organisms. Combustion reactions also release carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels.

List greenhouse gases

water vapor

carbon dioxide


oxides of nitrogen

Describe the effects of increased greenhouse gases on coral

higher amounts of dissolved CO2 in oceans causes water to be more acidic. Increased acidity breaks down calcium carbonate. This causes thinner shells and dead coral.

Explain how the emission of gases, both naturally and through human activity, can alter the surface temperature of the Earth

The increase in temperature of the earth is called global warming. It occurs naturally through the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide and water vapor will trap long wave radiation from the surface of the earth in the atmosphere. Humans with increased use of fossil fuel combustion and farming, have increased amounts of CO2, missing, and nitrous oxide’s in the atmosphere. This traps more heat, further increasing the greenhouse effect. It has been found that there is a positive correlation between the earth temp in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere