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60 Cards in this Set

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Alfred Adler
School: Psychoanalytic
Contributions: one is trying constantly to overcome childhood inferiority complex
Mary Ainsworth
School: Developmental
Contributions: studied little kids in the Strange Situation Experiment (insecure vs. secure attachment)
Gordon Allport
School: Trait
Contributions:cardinal, central, and secondary traits
Solomon Asch
School: Social
Contributions: line experiment, conformity
Albert Bandura
School: Cognitive & Behavioral
Contributions: Bobo Doll experiment (imitation, modeling) and reciprocal determinism
Aaron Beck
School: Cognitive
Contributions: founder of cognitive therapy
Alfred Binet
School: Cognitive
Contributions: created first standardized test for intelligence (mental age)
Diana Baumrind
School: Developmental
Contributions: parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive)
Walter Cannon
School: Cognitive
Contributions: Cannon Bard theory (emotions happen at same time as arousal)
Raymond Cattell
School: Trait
Contributions: 16 Personality Factors and surface traits
Noam Chomsky
School: Cognitive
Contributions: language acquisition device (innate aptitude for language)
Herman Ebbinghaus
School: Cognitive
Contributions: first to study memory, looked at forgetting curve
Paul Ekman
School: Cognitive
Contributions: 6 basic facial expressions (happy, sad, disgust, anger, fear, and surprise)
Albert Ellis
School: Cognitive
Contributions: rational emotive therapy (confronting irrational thoughts)
Erik Erikson
School: Developmental
Contributions: 8 stages of life, first developmental therapy for whole lifespan
Hans Eysenck
School: Trait
Contributions: dimensions of personality (stability vs. instability and extroversion vs. introversion)
Leon Festinger
School: Social
Contributions: cognitive dissonence
Sigmund Freud
School: psychoanalytic
Contributions: first comprehensive personality theory, first theory on abnormal behavior, and first type of talking therapy
Howard Gardner
School: Cognitive
Contributions: multiple intelligence theory
Carol Gilligan
School: Cognitive
Contributions: revised Kohlberg's theory on moral development to look at difference in genders
Daniel Goleman
Contributions: emotional intelligence and immediate vs. delayed gratification
J. P. Guilford
School: Cognitive
Contributions: mental abilities (100+)
G. Stanley Hall
School: Developmental
Contributions: one of 1st American psychologists and first to study child psychology
Harry Harlow
School: Developmental
Contributions: monkeys & attachment
Karen Horney
School: Psychodynamic
Contributions: child anxiety, overcoming helplessness and Electra Complex
William James
School: Functionalism
Contributions: 1st American psychologist, studied how mind adapts to the world we live in
Irving James
School: Social
Contributions: groupthink
Carl Jung
School: psychoanalytic
Contributions: collective unconscious and archetypes
Lawrence Kohlberg
School: Developemental
Contributions: how moral dilemmas create moral development in men
Wolfgang Kohler
School: Gestalt (Cognitive)
Contributions: insight learning (chimpanzees)
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
School: Developmental
Contributions: studied end of lifespan, stages of death and dying
Karl Lashley
School: Behavioral & Biological
Contributions: searched for engram (physical trace) for memory
Richard Lazarus
School: Cognitive
Contributions: thoughts precede emotions
Elizabeth Loftus
School: Cognitive
Contributions: eyewitness, reconstruction of memory
Abraham Maslow
School: Humanistic
Contributions: self actualization and hierarchy of needs
David McClelland
School: Cognitive
Contributions: box toss and achievement motivation
Stanley Milgram
School: Social
Contributions: shock experiment and obedience
Ivan Pavlov
School: Behavioral
Contributions: classical conditioning
Jean Piaget
School: Cognitive
Contributions: stages of reasoning
Robert Rescorla
School: Cognitive & Behavioral
Contributions: contingency model of classical conditioning (adding thinking to the process)
Carl Rodgers
School: Humanistic
Contributions: self-concept and genuineness, acceptance, and empathy
Hermann Rorschach
School: Psychoanalytic
Contributions: inkblot projective test
Julian Rotter
School: Social and Cognitive
Contributions: personal control (internal vs. external locus of control)
Stanley Schachter
School: Cognitive
Contributions: 2-factor theory - you must experience arousal and interpret the situation to feel emotion
Martin Seligman
School: Cognitive
Contributions: learned helplessness
Hans Selye
School: No one in particular, physiological
Contributions: general adaption syndrome (how we respond to stress: alarm, resistance, and the exhaustion)
B. F. Skinner
School: Behavioral
Contributions: Skinner box, operant conditioning
Charles Spearman
School: Cognitive
Contributions: g-factor of intelligence
Robert Sternberg
School: Social and Cognitive
Contributions: triarchic theory of intelligence (analytic, creative, and practical) and triangular theory of love (intimacy, passion, and commitment)
Lewis Terman
School: Cognitive
Contributions: Standford - Binet
E. L. Thorndike
School: Behavioral
Contributions: first to talk about operant conditioning, law of effect
L. L. Thurstone
School: Cognitive
Contributions: 7 clusters of mental ability ---> used by Weschler to create WAIS and WISC
Edward Titchner
School: Structuralism
Contributions: brought psychology to America
Lev Vygotsky
School: Developmental
Contributions: looked at role of environment in intellectual development of children (zone of proximal development)
J. B. Watson
School: Behavioral
Contributions: classical conditioning and Lil Albert
Max Wertheimer
School: Gestalt
Contributions: creator of Gestalt psych. (whole is greater than the sum of its parts)
Benjamin Whorf
School: Cognitive
Contributions: learn language through environment and language and thinking influence each other
Wilhelm Wundt
School: Structuralism
Contributions: 1st psychologist
Robert Zajonc
School: Social
Contributions: social facilitation and mere exposure effect
Philip Zimbardo
School: Social
Contributions: Stanford Prison Experiment and roleplaying