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10 Cards in this Set

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1. Ok then, lets get started! The next two cards have greetings- very useful if you want to avoid awkward first meetings
What are you waiting for? ~ Get going!
Bonne nuit
Good evening
good night
Bon voyage
Bon anniversaire
Bon week-end
Bonne fête
Bonne année
Bonne chance
Joyeux Noël
Have a good trip
Happy Birthday
Have a good weekend
Have a good party
Happy New year
Good Luck
Happy/Merry christmas
2. Learnt that? Good!

The next two cards have things on how to keep a conversation going - again, very useful.
What are you waiting for? Don't bring Spongebob into this ~ Get going!
Comment ça va?
Comment allez vous? (polite)
Et toi?
Et vous? (formal)
How are you?
How are you? (polite)
And you?
And you? (formal)
*Only use 'tu' if you're talking to family, friends or young people*
Ca va bien, Merci
Ca ne va pas bien
Pas mal
Je ne sais pas
Je suis malade
Je ne me sens pas bien
Je dois aller voir le medicin
I am fine thanks
Not good
Not bad
I don't know
I feel ill
I don't feel well
I need to go to see the doctor
Je me sens fantastique
Je me sens bien
Je me sens affreux/affreuse
Comme ci comme ca
Ca va mieux
Ca va bien
I feel fantastic
I feel good
I feel awful
I feel better
I feel well
3. Introducing yourself can seem scary. But it really isn't :)
Learn this and you'll never worry again..at least about introductions...
Umm can I help you? No? Then get learning!
Puis-je vous presenter Gandalf?
Voici Gandalf
Entre. Assieds-toi
Entrez. Asseyez-vous
Merci bien. C'est tres gentil
May i introduce Gandalf?
This is Gandalf
Pleased to meet you
Come in, sit down (Familiar or singular)
Come in, sit down (Plural or formal)
Thank you. That's very kind
There. That wasn't so hard was it? You can waft your A* around now :)
Hope I helped out. Rate me to let me know :)