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10 Cards in this Set

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Hollywood Renaissance: 1964-1976

Counter-culture films (critiquing "myths")

American Auteur Films (personal films)

Characteristics of films of this era

1. off-beat antihero

2. America as a "sterile society" - oppressive; blind commitment to traditional value systems/"myths"; a resistance to, or even rejection of, conflict with that "sterility"

3. Explorations of sexual conflicts and/or psychological problems

4. Mixing of the comic and the serious

5. Self-conscious use of cinematic technique (draws attention to itself): slow-motion; quid-cutting, stylized memory and dream sequences and drug sequences.

Many films were criticized for their sex and violence, but, the reasons for this:

1. comp from T.V.

2. Influence of European Cinema (FNW, Neo Realism, etc.)

3. Underground Cinema (e.g. Andy Warhol)

4. Fragmented Audiences: thanks to....

5. Changing Cultural value systems (counterculture)

Counterculture: "Myths" challenged by the counterculture:

- The Military


-Police and Government

-Education Systems

-Sobriety and restraint


-Adult Authority

Major Counter Culture Films of the 1960s and 1970s

-"Dr. Strangelove" (Kubrick, 1964)

-"Bonnie and Clyde" (Penn, 1967)

-"The Graduate" (Nichols, 1967)

-"Midnight Cowboy" (Schlesinger, 1969)

-"Easy Rider" (Hopper, 1969)

-"M*A*S*H* (Altman, 1970)

-"One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest" (Forman, 1975)

***Death of the Hollywood Production Code****

Birth of the Rating System

1968: the MPAA (motion picture association of america)

-Does away with the PCA (Production Code Administration) and instates...

CARA: Classification and Ratings administration...another example of industry self-regulationg

American Auteurs

Directors who, with studios or independently, made personal films:

1. personal visions/worldview

2. Exploration of "personhood"

Important American Auteur Filmmakers/films (1970-1980)

-Kubrick, 1971: "A Clockwork Orange"

- Altman, 1975: "Nashville"

-Cassavetes, 1974: "A Women Under the Influence" & "The Killing of a Chinese Bookie" ('76)

-Ford Coppola, 1972: "The Godfather"

-Scorsese: "Mean Streets"(73), "Taxi Driver" (76) "Raging Bull" (80)

-W. Allen: "Annie Hall" (1977), "Manhattan" (79)

The "Me Decade"

-Away from social action to self-centeredness

-The "Health Craze"

-"Self Help" gurus and therapy

-Soaring divorce rates

Hollywood Thrives thanks to the "return of the myths" and the dominance of films-as-(big)business.

Films around this time, 1975/77, traits/key forces:

1. Movies as video games: emphasis on simple entertainment

2. The "blockbuster mentality": success - massive/simultaneous distribution...massive (expensive) marketing campaigns, which meant...films became more and more expensive to make

3. The Agent as Star: Emphasis on making movies: films became more and more expensive to make