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33 Cards in this Set

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Densitometry was first depicted a century ago in:

Dental radiography.

Densitometry is principally a ----------- -------------- technique.

Quantitive measurement.

The quantity being measured is ------- or --------.

Bone mass or density

Bone densitometry can measure these three quantaties:

BMD (g/cm^2)

BMC (g)

Area (cm^2)


Bone mineral density


Bone mineral content

BMC is calculated by:

BMD (g/cm^2) x Area (cm^2)=BMC (g)

BMD measurements from DXA scanners are:

Areal measurements (2 dimentionall

BMD measurements are two dimensional due to:

Bone size variation

The quantities measured by bone densitometry doesn't reflect that you do or dont have bone loss. How do we get this information?

Uses scanned values compared to database values and generates information that can be useful to a physician.

Two types of comparisons are made and reported:

T score and Z score

T score

Compares (%young adult) pt bmd values to the average peak of young adult.

Z score

Z score (% age matched) compares bmd scores to pt of similar age.

T and z scores are standard scores. They are calculated:

Specific value is the bmd and the mean is the calculated average of the reference database.

Remember BMC is bmd and area multiplied.

So means Stanford deviation.


Least significant change- is the smallest change with BMD measured consecutively that is considered true change.(not chance or technical factors)

LSC- if its withing the LFC established range it is:

Differences due to technical factors.

LSC above range:

Result may be clinically significant.

LSC is dependent on the:

Precession rate or reproducibility

Precision rate or reproducibility is calculated from:

Differences between paired measurments taken from volunteers with no anatomical non comformaties.

What is the best reason to utilize densentometry in medicine?

Patient probability of fracture

Absolute risk:

Pts actual risk for fragility fracture

Two modifier applied to absolute risk:

Time frame

Type of fracture

Most common time period for absolute risk fracture is:

Ten years

Absolute risk:Type of fracture CAN be specific to one site...often the -----.

Proximal femure or can include any osteoporotic fracture.

Which is superior....absolute risk predictions or relative risk predictions?

Absolute risk.

FRAX filter are in place because certain conditions make FRAC contraindicated....lost 4 reasons.

Patients that are:

Under 50.

Osteoporotic t score

Prior spine or hip fracture

Treatment with bone active agent.

What is FRAX?

Risk prediction tool developed by WHO. Alogrithym that uses clinical risk factors(w or wo femoral neck bmd) to predict abosulte 10 yr risk factor.

FRAX can be used to predict

Hip fracture, or any major osteoporotic fracture at any site.

FRAX can function as a standalone site but...

Incorporated into most dxa software.

FRAX is designed to use

Use the bmd or t s ore of the femoral neck ONLY.

Risk factors required by FRAX with or without bmd of femoral neck.
