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96 Cards in this Set

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Px presents with high arches, tremors, loss of proprioception
Friedreich's ataxia
describe guillain Barre syndrome
associated with what bug?
inflammation and demyelination of peripheral nerves and motor fibers of ventral roots. symmetric muscle weakness starting in distal lower extremites. facial paralysis in 50%

almost all survive
Increase CSF protein with normal cell count - albumin? and papilledema
Campy jejuni
what is a neuroblastoma
common tumor of children under 5.
from medulla of adrenals or sympathetic chain
what thyroid dz has granulomas and comes after a viral illness?

what are the lab findings
de quervains - elevated ESR, jaw pain, tender thyroid. may have low T3 but nothing clnically, and normal TSH
name all the thyroid tumors
papillary ca - young, after radiation thx, PSAMMOMA bodies
follicular - aggressive! and adenomatous
anaplastic - undifferentiated POOR prog
Medullary CA - Calcitonin!
most common cause of hypoparathyroidism?
accidental after thyroidectomy!
next is digeorge
Low PTH and low CA
name reasons for hyperPTHism
Primary - adenoma
2ndary - vit D def or chronic renal failure
what is psuedohypoPTHism
lab values
PTH receptor problem - short stature,
PTH elevated and Ca is LOW
what is renal osteodystrophy?
bone lesions due to 2ndary or tertiary hyperPTHism -
leads to excess phosphate uptake, binds to Ca, so you have hypocalcemia, high PTH and bone demineralization
medullary Ca of thyroid(calcintonin) -100%
Pheo - 50 %
Primary hyperPTHism - 20%
Old patient presents with flat greasy pigmented squamous lesions. looks pasted on.
Seborrheic keratosis - keratin filled cysts
Px presents with honey colored crusts
what bug?
staph A or strep Pyogenes
LEAD of lead poisoning
Lead lines - gingiva(burtons) and long bones
Encephalitis and erythrocyte
Anemia and anemia(siderblastic)
Drop and Dimercaprol, EDTA and succimer
what toxin can cause bladder cancer
aniline and other aromatic amines
what is the name of the acid fast stain
ziehl nelson
how does diptheria toxin work
inhibits protein synthesis via ADP ribosylation of EF2
what are the toxins of Staph A.
alpha toxin - hemolysin, necrosis, cell death
TSST - cytokines to anaphylaxis
how does cholera toxin work
stimulates adenylate cyclase via activating Gs
how does pertussis toxin work
stimulates adenylate cyclase bia inhibiting Gi
what bugs are microaerophilic?
campylobacter jejuni
brucella abortus
describe ITP
Px population?
autoimmune - autoantibody vs platelets.
in children - follows URI
in adults - chronic
petechiae, purpura, epistaxis, NORMAL RED AND WHITE cells on smear
tx- stxs, then splenectomy
what is the pentad of TTP?
what is happening?
Intravascular hemolysis, renal failure (proteinuria, hematuria, increased Cr), thrombocytopenia, neuroprobs, fever
Acutely falling platelet counts - platelet fibrin thrombi
See shistiocytes on smear
Tx = IV Ig plasma exchange
what is happening in HUS
fulminant throbmocytopenia with hemolytic anemia, bloody diarrhea, abdom pain, seizures.
Glom sclerosis
what 3 things cause warm agglutanin disease
cancer, SLE, and drugs (pens, cephs, dopa, methyldopa)
what 3 things can cause cold agglutatin disease
mycoplasma pneumoniae
remember 50% are idiopathic
px presents with iron deficiency anemia, dysphagia, and weird looking nails
plummer vinson syndrome -
also see atrophic glossitis
what dz is marked by inability to remove oxygen radicals from bone marrow?
sx of this dz?
faconi anemia
what do howell jolly bodies indicate?
RBCs are leaving the marrow prematurely - due to anemia?
where do we see pappenheimer bodies?
sideroblasts - in Fe overload
Leukemia of children
what do we see
acute lymphoblastic leukemia
see increased lymphoblasts
px comes in with weight loss and red needle like things in a large looking celll on smear?
Acute myelogenous leukemia
auer rods
what lab values assocated with Chronic myelogenous leukemia? genetics?
CML - low Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase
9.22 bcr-abl
What is mycosis fungoides
NOT a fungal infection, it is a T cell lymphoma of the skin
an unusual variant of CLL
what cell type?
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
B cells
Lab values and findings in multiple myeloma
clonal plasma cells >10%
light chains - monoclonal protein = Mspike
Calcemia - hyper
Renal insufficiency
Bone lesions (IL6 and 1-->osteoclast)
px comes in with fatigue, weight loss, skin and mucous bleeding, headache and vision problems.
Lot of IgM
Flame cells - esoinophili neoplastic plasma cells
Hyperviscosity from too much IgM leads to all the sx's
what is troussea syndrome
px population?
migratory thrombophlebitis
those with stasis - CHF and BF obstruction
and hypercoag states - pregnancy and cancer
what are the 2 types of ateriolosclerosis and define
hyperplastic - from malignant HTn
hyaline - from normal HTN and old age - leads to aneurysm via necrosis etc
Henoch schonlein
Joints, GI, skin (palpable purpura)
what vasculitis is associated with HBV.
dz and sx? specific
Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) - medium vessels -
necrotizing inflammation of vessels due to WBC infiltration.
Fever, abdominal pain, melana, and renal dz (no glom nephritis) and HTN
px takes a new drug and comes in with purpura, hemoptysis, hematuria, myalgia
dz, lab, and specify hematuria
Microscopic polyangiitis
P anca +
Def has glom nephritis, unlike renal dz in PAN without nephritis
what is buergers dz?
HS reaction to TOBACCO
neutrophils surrounded by granuloma
Pain in distal limbs -> gangrene
tx for kawasaki?
aspirin and IV Ig
p anca dz which is affects vessels like PAN + granulomas + eosinophil invasion in vessel wall and surrounding
affects what other tissues
churge straus
skin, nerves, muscle, LUNG AND HEART
Vascular problem in tertiary syphilis
looks like?
leutic aneurysm - obliterative endarteritis of vasa vasorum of thoracic aorta
looks like tree barking
role of protein C in clotting
Binds protein s and they both work to cleave factor V and VIII to inhibit coagulation
px comes in with vertigo, headache, vision problems and says they are itchy after showering
polycythemia vera
coagulation studies in won willebrand dz?
increase BT
can see increased PTT...not always (diff sources diff answer)
4 causes of vitamin K deficiency
fat malabsorption (vit K is a fat soluble vitamin)
ABx (gut flora are primary PROVIDERS of vitamin K)
newborns (lack gut flora = hypercoag)
coumadin(warfarin) - prevents vit K dependent activation of II, VII, IX, X
what is the problem in ITP
a disorder of decreased platelet numbers (vs TTP w nl platelet numbers...they just aggregate and then appear low)
Ssx - petechiae purpursa, mucosal bleeding
cause of ITP in adults
anti structural platelelt Abs
SSx in TTP
severe thrombocytopenia
schistocytes (helmet cells, triagnular RBCs)
evidence of hemolysis (low Hg, high retic count, polychromasia on smear, high LDH)
ischemic organ damage
the most common enzymopathy
g6pd deficiency
explain g6pd deficiency in your own words
XLR, blacks > whites
lack of g6pd means you can't reduced NAD to NADPH, so you can't regenerate reduced glutathione. lack of glutathione means you cant battle ROS, so you get hemolytic anemia
classic findings on smear in g6pd deficiency?
hemolytic anemia w HEINZ BODIES (oxidized Hg precipitated in RBCs) and BITE CELLS (result from macrophages taking a bite out of the RBCS to try and remove the Heinz bodies)
what's the amino acid substitution in sickle cell anemia
valine instead of glutamate at the 6th amino acid position on the beta globin chain
Pt presents w jaundice, leg ulcers, and splenomegaly.....what should be on your DDx
beta thalassemia
what is the test of choice to detect isoimmunization in rh - females?
indirect coombs test
what causes megaloblastic anemia...in general
anything that decreases DNA synth (think vitamin b12 or folate deficiency, anticancer drugs that target folate, or bugs that mess with folate/b12)
classic peripheral smear finding in someone w megaloblastic anemia
hypersegmented PMNs
plummer vinson
iDA, esophageal web, atrophic glossitis...usually an old lady
fanconi anemia
results from inability to remove ROS freom BM
SSx - microcephaly, cafe au lait, SMALL OR ABSENT THUMB, DEFORMED OR ABSNENT RADIUS bone
what is a howell jolly body
visible nuclear fragments within RBCs...appear as basophilic granules
seeing these means RBCs are leaving the BM while still immature
when do you see howell jolly bodies..in what dz process
asplenia or functional hyposplenia
heinz bodies are a smear finding in g6pd deficiency and what ellllse...
alpha thal
a patient comes in w iron overload secondary to deranged BM function...on smear he has siderocytes....RBCs w extra iron indicative of iron not bound to Hg....what is called when you see the iron sprinkled in the RBC?
pappenheimer body

think...iron sprinkled on the RBC....pepperheimer...sprinkled on...
felty's syndrome? an autoimmune dz....2 Sx and cause, -please
felty's syndrome is a variat of RA that includes immune mediated destriction of PMNS via anti-PMN Abs
most common malignancy of children
ALL.....an overabundance of lympho BLASTS
in AML, are the offending cells immature or mature?
in AML, acute myelogenous leukemia, the cells are immature. all ACUTE leukemias are blastic. all chronic are mature
you take a smear of a patient with AML and visualize red staining peroxidase positive needle like structures within the myeloblasts...what are these called
AUER RODS....see that think AML....they are evidence of myeloid proliferation
of all the myeoloproliferative disorders, CML has the highest chance of "getting worse" ...what can it potentially turn in to?
what are the 4 subtypes of hodgkins lymphoma
lymphocyte predominant
nodular sclerosing
mixed cellularity
lymphocyte depletion
what do myeloma cells in multiple myeloma produce
excess intact IgG or IgA
excess light chains
osteoclast activating factor (IL-6)
IL-1 (activates osteoclasts)
you suspect multiple myeloma....what's the best way to Dx it. (do not say bence jones)
eletrophoresis...look for the M spike
waldenstrom's primary macroglobulinemia can lead to what syndrome and why
hyperviscosity syndrome
due to overproduction of IgM (huge molecule that thickens blood)
SSx are nonspecific
what will you see on a smear in waldenstrom's primary macroglobulinemia
flame cells - eosinophilic neoplastic plasma cells
what is trossea's syndrome
migratory (diff places at different times) venous thrombosis
Athersclerosis....what causes it...what cells associated...and what arteries hit
atherosclerosis due to high LDL cholesterol
you see foam cells (cholesterol laden macrophage)
hits large and medium size aas
monckeberg's arteriosclerosis....cause and what arteries?
calcium depoisits in BV media, producing lumps
radial and ulnar arteries usually
hyperplastic arteriosclerosis....cause, arteries hit, and what on histo
caused by malignant HTN (SBP >210 or DBP >150)
affects small arteries and arterioles
histo - ONION SKIN hyperplasia of BV media
name 4 pANCA positive dzs
hypersensitivity arteries
churg strauss
microscopic polyangiitis
primary sclerosing cholangitis
microscopic polyangiitis and PAN look the same histologically...how can we DDx them?
microscopic polyangiitis affects small BVS
PAN affects medium sized BVs
both show transmural necrotizing inflammation of arterial walls
thromboangiitis obliterans (buerger's dz)
hypersensitivity rxn to tobacco
granulomas fom in tibial and radial arteries and can progress to gangrene of distal limb
how do you treat kawasaki dz
IVIG and Aspirin
massive eosinophilic invasion of vessel wall and tissues
Pt presents w severe, recurrent asthma attacks and lung infiltrates
churg strauss (allergic angiitis)
behcet's syndrome is what kind of dz and what's the cause
behcet's syndrome is a vasulitis of veins
vauses recurrent painful oral and genital ulcers
+ anti human oral mucosa Abs
"tree barking of the intima of the thoracic aorta
syphilitic leutic aneursym
2 risk factors for aortic dissection
HTN (major risk factor)
what is the most common ASD
ostium secundum......a fenestrated fossa ovale
differentiate between infant and adult coarctation of the aorta
infant is preductal stenosis
adult is post ductal
both with respect to the PDA (whether it is patent or not)
ST elevation on ECG should make you think of what two ischemic heart disease causes
ST elevation on ECG with a background of ischemic heart dz should make you think Q wave MI (STEMI), or prinzmetal's angina
what two kinds of chest pain respond to Nitro (the others dont)
prinzmetal's angina
stable angina
acute rheumatic fever results in severe damage of what valve of the heart
what are the 3 kinds of pericarditis?
fibrinous (#1 in world..transmural MI or dressler)
serous (#1 US, coxsackie B)
what kind of hypersensitivity is rheumatic fever
type II hypersensitivity
what is the pathonogmonic histological finding in rheumatic fever
ASCHOFF body.....focal area of myocardial inflammation containing collagen, enlarged myocytes (anitschkow myocytes) and ASCHOFF cells (giant cells)