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32 Cards in this Set

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General Info of Amino Acids
*most abundant & functionally diverse molecule
-enzymes and polypeptide hormones: metabolism
-contractile proteins in muscle: movement
-in bloodstream, hemoglobin and albumin
-immunoglobulins fight microbes
*display an incredible diversity of functions
*share a common structure: polymers of amino acids
Structures of Amino Acids
* > 300 different amino acids in nature
* ~ 20 common in mammalian proteins
-coded for by DNA
-a carboxylic group, an amino group, and a side chain (ex. proline)
*alpha-carbon atom
*R-group dictates the role amino acid plays in protein
*classification based on R-group
*nonpolar or polar (acids and bases)
*at pH 7.4: the carboxylic group is dissociated to carboxylate ion (-COO-), and amino group is protonated (-NH3+)
Names of Amino Acids with Nonpolar Side Chains
Properties of Amino Acids with Nonpolar Side Chains
*does not bind or give off protons or participate in hydrogen or ionic bonds
*promotes hydrophobic interactions

>How are nonpolar amino acids located in protein?
1) protein in aqueous solutions (polar environment)
-R groups of nonpolar amino acids tend to cluster together in interior of the protein
2) in a hydrophobic environment (a membrane)
-nonpolar R-groups are found on the outside surface of the protein, interacting with the lipid environment
Proline (nonpolar)
*differs from other amino acids in that proline's side chain and alpha-amino N form a rigid five-membered ring structure
*has a secondary (rather than primary) amino group (aka an imino acid)
*proline tends to be found in...
-fibrous structures (ie collagen)
-interrupts alpha-helices in globular proteins
Names of Amino Acids with Uncharged Polar Side Chains
Properties of Amino Acids with Uncharged Polar Side Chains
*zero net-charge at neutral pH
*serine, threonine and tyrosine:
-can participate in H-bonding
-attachment site for phosphate group
-attachment site for oligosaccharides
*asparagine and glutamine:
-can participate in H-bonding
-attachment site for oligosaccharides (amides)
*disulfide bonds (many extracellular proteins; albumin)
*-SH groups of two cysteines can become oxidized to form a dimer, cysteine, which contains a covalent cross-link called disulfide bond (-S-S-)
*active site of many enzymes has cysteine (-SH)
Names of Amino Acids with Acidic Side Chain
*aspartic acid
*glutamic acid
Names of Amino Acids with Basic Side Chains
Properties of Amino Acids with Basic/Acidic Side Chains
Acidic Side Chain:
*proton donors
*at physiological pH, fully ionized, - charge

Basic Side Chain:
*accept protons
*at pH 7.4, fully ionized, + charge

*weakly basic, its side chain can be either positively charged or neutral, depending on the ionic environment
*role in hemoglobin
Abbreviations and Symbols for Commonly Occuring Amino Acids
*each amino acid name has an associated three-letter abbreviation and a one letter symbol
*one letter symbol is used in protein sequencing
Optical Properties of Amino Acids
*alpha-carbon of each amino is a chiral carbon
*optically active carbon atom
*can exist in two forms, L and D
*L and D are mirror images of one another
*L and D are stereoisomers, optical isomers, or enantiomers
*all amino acids in proteins are found in L-form
*D-form amino acids are found in some antibiotics, plants and bacteria
*the only amino acid that is achiral is glycine
What is sickle cell anemia?
Sick cell anemia is caused by a point mutation in DNA that changes the sixth amino acid in the beta-globin chain of hemoglobin from polar glutamate to nonpolar valine
What causes the pain symptoms?
Red blood cells sickle more frequently, especially under conditions of low oxygen tension. The result is a vaso-occlusive crisis in which the sickled cells clog capillaries and prevent oxygen from reaching cell (ischemia), thereby causing pain
What causes sickle cell anemia?
The enhanced destruction of the sickled cells by the spleen results in anemia.
What selective advantage to people with sickle cell anemia have?
The frequency of sickle cell anemia in parts of equatorial Africa in which malaria was endemic in the past is 1 in 25 births
Acidic and Basic Properties of Amino Acids
*amino acids in aqueous solutions contain weakly acidic alpha-carboxyl groups & weakly basic alpha-amino groups
*each of the acidic and basic amino acids contains an ionizable group in its side chain
*free amino acids and peptides can act as buffers
HA <--> H+ + A-
BH+ <--> B + H+

*what are acids? proton donors
*what are the acidic aa? Asp, Glu
*what are the basic aa? Lys, Arg, His
Titration of an Amino Acid
*isoelectric point (pI) is the pH at which an amino acid is electrically neutral (+ = -)
*Ala has only two dissociable hydrogens
*alpha-carboxyl and alpha-amino group
*pI = ave pKa1 & pKa2
pKa and pI values
pKa1: alpha-carboxylic group
pKa2: alpha-ammonium ion
pKa3: side chain group

pI = 1/2 (pKa1+pKa2)

aspartic and glutamic acid:
pI = 1/2 (pKa1+pKa3)

Lysine, Arginine and Histidine:
pI = 1/2 (pKa2+pKa3)
Other Applications of Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation:

1)bicarbonate as a buffer:
*an increase in HCO3- causes the pH to rise
*pulmonary obstruction causes an increase in CO2 and causes pH to fall

2) drug absorption:
*at the pH of the stomach (1.5) a drug like asprin (weak acid, pH=3.5) will be largely protonated and, thus, uncharged
*uncharged drugs generally cross membranes more rapidly than charged molecules
*eq can predict ionic form of drug
Structure of Proteins
*proteins: amino acids joined together by peptide bonds
*linear sequence of amino acids contains necessary information to create 3-D shape
*four organizational levels: primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary
*there are general "rules" regarding the ways in which proteins fold, certain structural elements are repeated in a wide variety of proteins
-simple combination of alpha-helices and beta-sheets
-complex folding of polypeptide domain
Primary Structure of Proteins
*linear sequence of amino acids
*joined covalently by peptide bonds
*amide linkage between alpha-carboxyl group of one amino acid and the alpha-amino group of another
-partial double-bond character, rigid
-generally a trans bond
*all amino acid sequences are read from the N to the C-terminal end of the peptide
*abnormal amino acid synthesis can cause improper folding and impairment of normal function
*polypeptide, "residue"
*peptide bonds of proteins can be broken with prolonged exposure to a strong acid or base at elevated temperatures is the only way to hydrolyze peptide bonds nonenzymatically
Secondary Structure of Proteins
* composed of alpha-helices, beta-sheets and beta-bends

*most common helix
*spiral structure, 3.6 aa/turn
*tightly packed, coiled backbone core
*side chains outside
-keratins, fibrous proteins, mostly alpha-helices: rigid
-myoglobin, highly alpha-helical but flexible
*keratin are in hair and skin
*proline tends to disrupt alpha-helices

charged amino acids: glu, asp, his, lys, arg
amino acids with bulky side chain: trp
Beta-Sheets in Proteins
*all of the peptide bond components are involved in H-bonding
*unlike alpha-helices, beta-sheets are composed of 2 or more peptide chains (beta-strands)
*the surface of beta-sheets appears pleated, often called (beta-pleated sheets)
*parallel and antiparallel (with the N-terminal and C-terminal ends of beta-strands alternating) sheets
Beta-Bends (Reverse Turns, Beta-Turns)
*reverse the direction of a polypeptide chain helping it form a compact, globular shape
*often found on the surface of protein molecules and often include charged residues
*four amino acids: one of which may be proline
-glycine, smalled R-group, is commonly found
Nonrepetitive Secondary Structure
* ~50% of an average globular protein is organized into repetitive structures, alpha-helix and/or beta-sheets
*the remainders have a loop or coil conformation
*these nonrepetitive secondary structures are not "random", but simply less regular structure
*the term "random coil" refers to the disordered structure obtained when proteins denature
Supersecondary Structures (motifs)
*alpha-helices, beta-sheets, nonrepetitive sequences, beta-bends
*motifs are usually produced by packing side chains form adjacent secondary structural elements close to each other
*example: proteins that bind to DNA contain one or more of a limited number of motifs
Tertiary Structure of Globular Protein
*tertiary structure is determined by the primary structure of a polypeptide chain
*amino acids are arranged with hydrophobic side chains in interior and hydrophilic groups generally on the surface of the molecule
*Domains are functional and 3-D structural units of polypeptides (the basic units of structure and function)
* >200 amino acids in length generally consist of two or more domains
Interactions Stabilizing Tertiary Structure
1) disulfide bonds:
a covalent linkage, (-SH) of each of two cysteine residues to produce a cysteine residue

2) hydrophobic interactions:
* nonpolar side chains tend to be located in the interior of the polypeptide molecule
* polar or charged side chains tend to be located on the surface of the molecule in contact with the polar solvent

3) hydrogen bonds:
serine and threonine (-OH)

4) Ionic Interactions:
(-COO-) aspartate or glutamate interact with (-NH3+) of lysine
Protein Folding
*controlled by interactions between the side chains of amino acids
*occurs within seconds to minutes
*employs a shortcut via all folding possibilities
*H-bonds, ionic bonds, hydrophobic interactions, and disulfide bonds
*results in a low-energy state
*chaperones interact with the polypeptide at various stages during the folding process
Protein Misfolding
*misfolded proteins are usually tagged and degraded within the cell
*If fails, intracellular or extracellular aggregates of misfolded proteins can accumulate with age
*Deposits of these misfolded proteins are associated with a number of diseases
Quaternary Structure of Proteins
*monomeric proteins consist of a single polypeptide chain (many)
*others may consist of two of more polypeptide chains that may be structurally identical or totally unrelated (subunits)
*the arrangement of these polypeptide subunits is called the quaternary structure of the protein
*subunits are held together by noncovalent interactions, H-bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrophobic interactions