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11 Cards in this Set

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Which area of psychology is this study from?

Individual differences


Autism - a neurological disorder where the brain processes things differently to a neurotypical individual. This affects (to different extents):

- Speech

- Social behaviours

- Learning abilities

- Sensory stimulations

- Need for a controlled environment


Autism is a spectrum, so these affect people differently.

Theory of the mind?

The ability to infer what another person is thinking or feeling and recognising other people have different thoughts, knowledge, and emotions to our own.

Sample - Autistic group

16 Participants - Diagnosed with ASD - 13 Males and 3 Females

Sample - 'Normal' group

50 Participants - 'Normal' (no known neurological disorders) - Equal gender split

Sample - 'Tourettes' group

10 Participants - All had Tourette's syndrome - 8 males and 2 females


• Adults with autism or Asperger’s Syndrome will be impaired compared to controls on a theory of mind test called the Eyes Task (despite being of normal IQ)

• Females would perform better on the Eyes Task than males (in normal population)

Serious or Playful?



Reading the mind in the eyes task.

Each participant would be shown 25 set of eyes and have 2 opposite words to describe them.

Independent variable

Type of person (ASD, 'Normal', Tourettes)

Dependent variable

Performance on the eyes task