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10 Cards in this Set

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157. Apraxia and left-right confusion indicate damage to the:
156. The theory of motivation most closely associated with fairness and unfairness is:
equity theory
The association between two variables, when each variable's association with another variable has been removed, is known as:
partial correlation
159. It is through play that the child develops:
the mastery of difficult feelings
165. Which of the following is included among the diagnostic criteria for Separation Anxiety Disorder?

• 1. Social withdrawal and sadness.
• 2. Panic attacks outside of the home.
• 3. Worry about the safety of the parents or primary caretakers.
• 4. Onset after six years of age.
167. According to Deci, the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation is such that:
Research indicates that extrinsic rewards can sometimes decrease intrinsic motivation (ruling out Response 1 which is too absolute). In the classic study, children were given artist's paper and felt-tipped pens. One group was promised a "Good Player" certificate for their drawings; the second group received an unexpected reward when they were done; and the third group was not promised and did not receive a reward. A few weeks later, the same children were allowed to draw during free-play time. The group that was promised and received the reward showed significantly less interest in drawing than the other two groups, indicating that an extrinsic reward lowered intrinsic motivation. However, sometimes extrinsic rewards can actually increase intrinsic motivation. For example, receiving a raise at work can work as positive feedback about one's performance and thereby increase intrinsic motivation. Deci points out that it depends on whether the rewards are used to control (in which case intrinsic motivation decreases) or inform (in which case intrinsic motivation increases).
cluster sampling is
Cluster sampling involves identifying naturally occurring groups or clusters (e.g., schools in a school district, counties in a state) and then randomly selecting certain of these clusters. Typically, all the subjects within the selected clusters are then sampled.
Schizoaffective Disorder is best described as:
• 2. concurrent presence of a mood episode with psychotic symptoms, with psychotic symptoms present for at least two weeks without mood symptoms. (correct answer)
Encoding (Response 1) refers to
converting a message from one system of communication into another, such as seeing a picture of a tree and remembering the word tree.
Insufficient rehearsal (Response 3) results in information that is
lost from short-term memory and therefore never enters long-term memory.