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72 Cards in this Set

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Axial skeleton
80 bones, skull, vertebra, bony thorax (rib cage & sternum)
22bones, cranium bones + facial bones
Most are flat bones, bones are interlocked by sutures
8 bones, frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital bone, sphenoid bone, ethmoid
Occipital is joined by lambdoidal
Temporal joined by squamous
External auditory meatus- ear canal
Styloid process- projection attachment point tendons/ligaments
Zygomatic process- thin bridge that joins with zygomatic bone
Mastoid process
Jugular foramen (vein hole)
Zygomatic process
Thin bridge that joins
Refers to the shaft of a long bone
Ends of the bone
Growth plate
Area where long bone grows
Haversian System
Main unit that makes up compact bone
Another term for red blood cell formation
Simple fracture
Type of fracture that involves one clean break, no skin penetration
Compound fracture
Type of fracture that penetrates the skin
Spiral fracture
Type of fracture where the bone is twisted
Greenstick fracture
Incomplete fracture that is common in children
Cavities that contain osteocytes
Appear as thin growth rings
Area of bone matrix (collagen)
Appear as thicker rings
Bone markings where the flat bones of the skull meet
Sagittal suture
Where the parietal bones meet
Coronal suture
Where parietal bone & frontal bone meet
Squamous suture
Where the temporal & parietal bones meet
Lambdoidal suture
Where the parietal & occipital bone meet
Lower jaw
Upper jaw
Sphenoid bone
The butterfly-like bone that can be viewed on a superior view of the skull
Turks saddle
The bone marking found on the sphenoid bone that holds the pituitary gland
Ethmoid bone
Can be viewed in a superior view of the skull and allows olfactory receptors to pass through
Zygomatic bone
Zygomatic proces
The bridge of the cheek
External occipital protuberance
Bump on the back of the head
Occipital condyles
Sit on 1st vertebrae & allow you to rock your head back & forth
Styloid process
Needle like process, small that neck muscles attach to on the skull
Three processes that can be viewed on an inferior view of the skull
Stupid process, protuberance process (occipital condyles), mastoid process
TMJ "temporo mandibular joint"
Point where mandible meets the temporal bone
Palatine bone
Located behind the maxilla (hard plate)
Cleft palate
If palatine & maxilla don't fuse together
Separates the nasal cavity into right & left sides
Lacrimal bone
Contains fossa or holes for the tear ducts
Cavities in bones that lighten the skull and resonate the voice
4 sinuses
Ethmoid, frontal, maxillary, sphenoid
Hyoid bone
Only bone that does not articulate with other bones
2 unpaired bones
Vomer & mandible
Odontoid process
Let's you rock your head side to side
5 vertebral areas & number of bones in them
1: cervical- 7
2: thoracic- 12
3: lumbar- 5
4: sacrum- 1
5: coccyx- 1
Invertebral disks
Located between the vertebrae
4 vertebral curvatures
Cervical, lumbar, thoracic, sacral
An abnormal lateral curve
Abnormal thoracic curve (hunchback)
Abnormal lumbar curve
There are 7 cervical vertebrae, each have 3 foramen (hole)
C1 is atlas
C2 is axis
1 foramen & round foramen
1 foramen that is triangular shape
Found below lumbar vertebrae & forms the posterior wall of pelvis
Three parts of the sternum superior (top) to inferior (bottom)
Manubrium, body, xyphoid process
Thoracic vertebrae
12 pairs of ribs & each articulate with the thoracic vertebrae
True ribs
First 7 pairs of ribs
Attach directly to sternum
False ribs
Last 5 pairs of ribs
Attach indirectly to sternum or not at all
Floating ribs
Of the last 5 false ribs 2 pairs are floating ribs they do not attach to the sternum
Foramen or fossa
A hole in a bone
A bone projection
Marking where bone plates meet
Tears referring to crying
Compact bone
External layer
Spongy bone
Internal layer
Long bones
Longer than wider; includes shaft plus 2 ends & mostly compact bone location all limb bones but patella wrist ankle
Short bones
Cube like bones mostly spongy; compact bone on surface location wrist & ankle
Sesamoid bone
Bone embedded in a tendon ex patella
Flat bones
Thin flat usually curved 2 parallel surfaces with spongy bone in-between location sternum ribs skull hip
Irregular bones
Do not fit in other bone classes location vertebra, hip; mostly spongy
Tiny canals that radiate out of central canal nourish the osteocytes