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36 Cards in this Set

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Details the most common methods used in aging and the difference between chronological age and biological age.

Garvin et. al 2012 (Chronological is actual number of years and biological is morphological traits of skeleton)

Garvin and Passalacqua 2012

Questionnaire to 145 practicing forensic anthropologists about their aging methods. Suchey-Brooks method most popular, older methods preferred.

Auricular surface, 192 specimens Terry collection, 72 Bass collection, validation of Lovejoy method, age only accounts for 34% morphological changes, recommends combining phases 1/2 and 5/6 to make 6 phase method

Osborne et. al 2004

Lovejoy et. al 1985 phase method

250 Todd collection, 500 Libben collection, 14 forensic, auricular surface, 8 phases, 5 years per phase,

Collected between 1893-1938, medical cadavers, low socio-economic status, poorly recorded age at death

Todd Collection

Libben Collection

Prehistoric, Ohio, unknown age at death

1898-1941 collected, mean age mid 50s,

Terry collection

Buckberry and Chamberlain 2002

Auricular surface, Lovejoy method, component method, 180 specimens, no difference male v. female or right v. left, younger pop very under represented

5 components, auricular surface, all components applied separately then weighted then combined, two tests 130/131 of Todd collection, black males and all females unevenly represented, dental wear single best estimator

Lovejoy et. al 1985 component method

Todd 1921

Pubic symphysis, 47 white females, 90 black males, 22 black females, 10 phase method modified for ancestry and sex

Pubic symphysis, 10 phases of 2-5 years, 306 white males, many outliers removed w/out justification,

Todd 1920

McKern and Stewart 1957

Pubic symphysis, 3 component method, components have 5 phases, 349 US mostly white males in their 20s, Korean War dead,

120 females, pubic symphysis, known ages, 3 components with 5 phases each

Gilbert and McKern 1973

Katz and Suchey 1986

739 male specimens, Todd method and modified (1/2/3, 4/5, 6, 7/8, 9, 10). Modern forensic sample. Pubic symphysis

Condensed Todd method into 6 phases for pubic symphysis. 1225 specimens modern forensic pop of males and females.

Brooks and Suchey 1990

Phase 1 Suchey Brooks

the symphyseal face shows billows, ridges, and deep furrows and lack of delimitation of upper or lower extremity. F: 15-24, M: 15-23

shows commencing delimitation and the ventral rampart may be beginning. F: 19-40, M: 19-34

Phase 2 Suchey Brooks

Phase 3 Suchey Brooks

shows lower extremity and ventral rampart in process of completion. Dorsal plateau is complete. F: 21-53, M: 21-46

shows a complete outline, a separate pubic tubercle, and the upper extremity is defined, with a fine-grain face. F: 26-70, M: 23-57

Phase 4 Suchey Brooks

Phase 5 Suchey Brooks

shows a full rim, slight facial depression, and moderate lipping. F: 25-83, M: 27-66

shows rim erosion, facial depressions, pitted or porous surface, and an irregular facial shape. F: 42-87, M: 34-86

Phase 6 Suchey Brooks

Iscan 1985

Sexual dimorphism, 144 males, 86 females, all white, males quantitatively larger

470 males from Kosovo, presumptively identified, 2 traits on the first rib with 5 phases for each trait

DiGangi et. al 2009

Asup 2007

Validation study of Iscan and compare right second and eighth ribs. 156 males and females black, white, and hispanic from the Bass collection. Significant difference found in males. Second overaged, eighth underaged.

Right 4th rib, 49 black males, 14 black females, ancestral difference in aging, overaged with white standards.

Iscan et. al 1987

Iscan and Loth 1986

Validation of 4th right rib on white males, only gave pictures to volunteers, compare experienced and not experienced practitioners, experienced did better.

86 right 4th rib forensic pop white females into phases 0-8, mean age of 48, matured younger than males until stage 6.

Iscan and Loth 1985

Iscan and Loth 1984

118 white male right 4th ribs, forensic pop, phases 0-8, mean age 41, looked at formation/depth/shape of pit, walls/rim, and texture of bone.

Name all 10 areas on the skull scored for suture closure

Midlambdoidal, Lambda, Obelion, Anterior Sagittal, Bregma, Midcoronal, Pterion, Sphenofrontal, Inferior Sphenotemporal, Superior Sphenotemporal

25 of each ancestry/sex, cranial sutures, different equations for each combo, regression formulae

Nawrocki 1998

Mann et. al 1991

Maxillary palatal sutures, 186 black/white male/female, males more obliteration, pretty poor estimation

ectocranial sutures, Todd collection, 236, 10 points, 4 phases

Meindl and Lovejoy, 1985

Lamendin et. al, 1992

Dental wear, length of root and translucency of root, 306 teeth, most white, mainly 50-59

transition analysis, Terry collection, approx 50 of each ancestry/sex, 5 components pubis, 9 iliac joint, 5 segments per suture

Boldsen et. al, 2002

Milner and Boldsen, 2012

Validation transition analysis, 250 forensic samples, Bass collection, most 50 or older, white, 40-70 most variable

transition analysis, pubic symphysis, 46 males, 14 females, forensic pop, comparatively Suchey-Brooks performed better

Hurst, 2010