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42 Cards in this Set

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3 zones

Assessment 300 yds

Warning 200 yds

Threat 100 yds

Assessment zone

Notify SCRUFFY which will notify HSB to go out and warn vessel by means of blue lights, sirens, verbal and non-verbal comms warning zone

Warning zone

200 yds, HSB will make attempts to push out contact by mean of shouldering or bumping. If HSB not present the use of LRAD will be deployed.

Threat zone

Use of necessary force to mitigate threat. Make sure to do it in ample time to avoid damage from debris. If a shot is available at the engines yell out scream over radio and await for HSB to clear from field of fire

FPCON status






Increased general threat of terrorist activity (unpredictable)

ODU, boots, 8 pt or boonie, soft body armor, IFAC, Goggles


Increased/ more predictable threat of terrorist activity exist

ODU, boots, 8 pt or boonie, soft body armor, IFAC, Goggles

FPCON Charlie

Intelligence receives indicating form of terrorist attack or target

ODU, boots, 8 pt or boonie, soft body armor, IFAC, Goggles, helmet, CBRN readily accessible, plates


Immediate area where terrorist attack occurred or specific location imminent

ODU, boots, 8 pt or boonie, soft body armor, IFAC, Goggles, helmet, CBRN immediately available, plates

ATFP chain of command

Watch Chief on Duty

ATFP Watch coordinator

ATFP Watch coordinated of the day

force Protection Officer

Three components regarding Self Defense

Proportionality- scope and duration use of force is proportionate to target

Deescalation- Verbal/ LRAD

Necessity- whatever force needed


The governments legal power to act


The governments power to exercise legal authority over its persons, vessels and territories

Warning shots authorized

Never authorized

What does LRAD stand for and it’s purpose

Long Range Acoustical Device

Used to project an uncomfortable high pitch sound to deter COI


Pre planned response

Ship Security alert

“FP alert” will sound over radio and 1MC, rove station for possible COI

Once “Secure from FP alert” is sound return to normal ATFP posture

Light aircraft attack

Provide 360 over watch of post

Contract SCRUFFY who notifies HSB over 14 who moves 50 yds from pier or high value asset

Maintain situational awareness for possible second attack

Visually asses all aircraft near protected area. Non-compliance is not necessarily a hostile act, but if on collision course, engage effectively far enough to prevent damage from debris.

Report all suspicious activity to chain of command

Active shooter

If shooter near post engage IAW SROE. Do not leave post to engage shooter

360 over watch for secondary attack or diversion

Notify OOD and ATFP chain of command

Notify all non essential persons to seek cover

Small boat attack

360 over watch of post. Detect and asses all vessels entering predetermined assessment zone

Positively ID and determine hostile intent in warning zone

If within warning zone notify OOD and HSB. HSB will use lights, sirens, verbal and nonverbal commands to warm vessels

200 yd perimeter HSB will use tactics to shoulder or push vessel out of zone. If not present watch stander will use LRAD

150 yd HSB will train weapons to use disabling fire. If watchstander has better chance state “scram, scram, scram” over CH 14 and wait for HSB to clear field of fire

If HSB is not present within 100 yd zone, use necessary force to mitigate threat

At 50 yds HSB will break and say “I’m beat” 3x to avoid defensive field of fire. Engage with deadly force.


Note suspect appearance, vehicle, method of surveillance, location, time and duration

Notify ATFP chain of command other than radio

Conduct active counter surveillance

Maintain contact and report any changes

If afloat and COI advances through 300 yds, apply UOF within appropriate zones


Note suspect appearance, vehicle, method of surveillance, location, time and duration

Notify ATFP chain of command other than radio

Conduct active counter surveillance

Maintain contact and report any changes

If afloat and COI advances through 300 yds, apply UOF within appropriate zones

Pier entry control point penetration

If “gaterrunner” 3x is heard secure entry to ships

360 over watch of post and maintain awareness for second attack/diversion

Positively ID runner and vehicle. Noncompliance doesn’t mean hostile act. If on collision course with post take effective decision far enough out to avoid debris

If runner becomes active shooter/goes in water/ becomes afloat follow PPR


Note suspect appearance, vehicle, method of surveillance, location, time and duration

Notify ATFP chain of command other than radio

Conduct active counter surveillance

Maintain contact and report any changes

If afloat and COI advances through 300 yds, apply UOF within appropriate zones

Pier entry control point penetration

If “gaterrunner” 3x is heard secure entry to ships

360 over watch of post and maintain awareness for second attack/diversion

Positively ID runner and vehicle. Noncompliance doesn’t mean hostile act. If on collision course with post take effective decision far enough out to avoid debris

If runner becomes active shooter/goes in water/ becomes afloat follow PPR

Protest afloat/ashore

360 over watch of post. Do not get tunnel vision maintain awareness for secondary attack/diversion

HSB will move to 50 yds if on pier and 300 yds if afloat

If afloat and become COI and advance past 300 yds, HSB will follow proper PPR

Do not escalate unless self defense with SROE

Request HSB reinforcement as required

Verbally warn protestor to stay away from restricted area

Medical emergency

Alert the cutters OOD the ATFP will stay on station

OOD will determine if legit and not a diversion

If afloat emergency becomes COI and continue to advance, apply UOF according to small boat attack PPR

Medical emergency

Alert the cutters OOD the ATFP will stay on station

OOD will determine if legit and not a diversion

If afloat emergency becomes COI and continue to advance, apply UOF according to small boat attack PPR

Swimmer/subsurface attack

Notify OOD and Scruffy on 14

Determine intent

If within 300 yds, HSB will attempt to wake, snare or hook. If not present continue updates on swimmer/bubbles

If within threat zone use LRAD and searchlight

If swimmer within 50 yards take any and all action to mitigate threat

Unattended package afloat

Communicate to HSB via verbal or non verbal

Immediately notify OOD

Have OOD charge firehose. Do not aim directly and move it away from vessel

HSB will notify EOD. Do not recover item

Unattended package afloat

Communicate to HSB via verbal or non verbal

Immediately notify OOD

Have OOD charge firehose. Do not aim directly and move it away from vessel

HSB will notify EOD. Do not recover item

Unattended package ashore

Maintain awareness for a second attack or suspicious activity

Verbally notify pier security

Unattended package afloat

Communicate to HSB via verbal or non verbal

Immediately notify OOD

Have OOD charge firehose. Do not aim directly and move it away from vessel

HSB will notify EOD. Do not recover item

Unattended package ashore

Maintain awareness for a second attack or suspicious activity

Verbally notify pier security


If suspect near post, order them to the ground gun pointed at them. Deadly force authorized for non compliant suspect with IED

If not at post, 360 over watch. Do not leave post to engage. Maintain awareness for secondary attack

Other than radio notify OOD and they will set condition zebra

If complies or neutralized OOD notify EOD. Do not move person or package

Unattended package afloat

Communicate to HSB via verbal or non verbal

Immediately notify OOD

Have OOD charge firehose. Do not aim directly and move it away from vessel

HSB will notify EOD. Do not recover item

Unattended package ashore

Maintain awareness for a second attack or suspicious activity

Verbally notify pier security


If suspect near post, order them to the ground gun pointed at them. Deadly force authorized for non compliant suspect with IED

If not at post, 360 over watch. Do not leave post to engage. Maintain awareness for secondary attack

Other than radio notify OOD and they will set condition zebra

If complies or neutralized OOD notify EOD. Do not move person or package

Unmanned aerial system

Watchstander will notify OOD,Scruffy, WCD, and FPO

If within warning zone and primary system offers hold then hold

If visually detected, and primary offers no counter measure then energize secondary

When OOD present release from Hold and monitor intent. If hostile the activate return to home

Take pictures

Note range, altitude, direction of travel, size, rotors, colors, lights and other markings

Attempt to identify operator

Maintain awareness for secondary attack/diversion

Maintain logs and timeline

Assist cutter OOD as necessary

If it crashes then treat like IED. Clear area and notify scruffy and EOD

Contact IOif systems were energized. Do not reference system when speaking through insecure line

Vehicle inspection suspicious item found

Covertly alert cover man

Note time of completion

Notify chain of command via verbal or visual

Call for Navy Security Forces or Host Nation ro secure persons

Secure and evacuate area if able

OOD will notify EOD make no attempts to recover package

Vehicle inspection suspicious item found

Covertly alert cover man

Note time of completion

Notify chain of command via verbal or visual

Call for Navy Security Forces or Host Nation ro secure persons

Secure and evacuate area if able

OOD will notify EOD make no attempts to recover package

HSB our of water

Notify OOD who will ensure crew weapons are manned

Increase comms check every 30 min.