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59 Cards in this Set

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Kirchoff's Laws of Spectroscopy

1. hot solid or hot, dense gas produces an emission-line spectrum (rainbow)

2. a hot, low-density gas produces an emission-line spectrum (black w/ color lines)

3. a continuous spectrum viewed through a cool gas produces an absorption-line spectrum (rainbow w/ black lines)

continuous blackbody spectrum

emitted by a hot solid or hot, dense gas

emission-line spectrum

produced by hot, low-density gas

absorption-line spectrum

continuous spectrum viewed through cool gas

distance ladder

find distances of stars

using radar or parallaxes

closer stars have _____ parallax angles


further stars have _____ angles


limitations of parallax methods:

hard to measure stars when they are far away


rate at which a light source emits energy

-use apparent brightness to measure

B = L/4(pi)d^2

L = 4(pi)R^2(theta)T^4

stellar spectra

the hot, dense photosphere at a star is surrounded by a thin, slightly cooler atmosphere


spectra determined by temperature, O is hottest, L is coolest

HR Diagram

luminosity v temperature

Main Sequence

where ~85% of stars lie;

3000K - 50,000K

the Sun is a MS star


brighter than MS stars of same temp, have larger R;


top of the HR diagram

white dwarfs

fainter than MS of same temp, smaller R; bottom right corner of HR

4 physical parameters

luminosity (L): derived from App Brightness and Distance

temperature (T): color of spectrum

mass (M): measure for binary stars using Newton's version of Kepler's 3rd Law

radius (R): direct imaging for giants and SG or other methods (eclipse)

what keeps stars from flying apart?


when a star contracts, the radius goes down and the star becomes more ___ bound?


hydrostatic equilibrium

the balance between gravity and pressure

results in core/envelope structure

the lifetime of a star equation:

internal energy / luminosity

energy sources:

chemical, gravitational, nuclear

chemical energy:

burning by oxidation, muscle power

gravitational energy:

water running downhill, heat from meteorite impacts

nuclear energy:

fusion of H into Helium

sun powered primarily by Proton-Proton chain nuclear fusion reaction

Kelvin-Holmes Mechanism:

way to use gravitational binding energy to power the Sun

chemical and gravitational energy not enough to power the sun

nuclear fusion happens two ways:

1. P-P chain: low core, low temp; 4 H --> 1 He

2. CNO cycle: high core, high temp; C acts as a catalyst to fuse 4 H into 1 He nucleus w/ N and O as intermediate products

Hydrostatic thermostat:

controls nuclear fusion in stellar cores

if fusion is too fast:

core heats, increase pressure, core expands, core cools, and fusion slows

energy is transported to the surface 3 ways:

1. radiation: energy carried by photons

2. convection: when hot buoyant gas rises faster than it can radiate its heat away

3. conduction: when heat is transported from atom-to-atom in a dense medium

thermal equilibrium

occurs when energy generation is balanced by the transport of the energy to the surface to be radiated away

red dwarfs

lowest mass in MS, fully convective; p-p chain

lower MS

have radiative cores and collective envelopes; p-p chain

upper MS

convective cores and radiative envelopes; CNO cycle

thermal equilibrium

energy generation = luminosity

low mass MS

burns fuel slow so should last a long time (civic)

high mass MS

burns fuel quickly so should leave MS in shorter time (Jeepy)

3 stages of formation:

1. protostar phase: built up mass by accretion (hydrostatic eq)

2. pre-main sequence phase: energy from gravitational contraction (thermal eq)

3. zero-age main sequence: energy from core H fusion (Hydrostatic and Thermal Eq)


giant, cold interstellar clouds of molecular hydrogen (H2)

supported by internal gas pressure, weak magnetic fields and gas motion

how to trigger a collapse of GMC:

1. cloud-cloud collision

2. shocks from nearby supernova explosions

3. passage through a spiral arm of the galaxy

low-mass star evolution

Pre-MS, MS, RG, HB, AG, WD

Pre-MS energy source (LM)


MS energy source (LM)

core H fusion

RG energy source (LM)

shell H fusion

HB energy source (LM)

He core and H shell fusion

AG energy source (LM)

He shell and H core fusion

WD energy source (LM)

residual internal heat

white dwarf

remnants of a low-mass star

C-O WD or O-Ne-Mg WD

white dwarf thermonuclear supernovae

when the mass of a white dwarf exceeds 1.44, electron degeneracy fails and WD collapses and explodes as supernova

how WD exceeds 1.44?

1. binary accretion: WD gets matter from donor

2. double WD merger: double WD close binary and they converge -- BOOM too heavy

neutron stars

collapsed cores left after core collapsed supernova of massive stars


pulsating radio sources

black hole

when a neutron star collapses, the remnant core becomes a black hole! a BH is the most extreme object, super strong gravity

event horizon

point of no return for objects near the black hole

gravitational lensing

bent light because of strong gravitational field of black hole

continuous blackbody spectrum

hot, dense gas

star clusters

groups of stars moving together through space; share common properties (distance, age, etc)

open clusters

space clusters containing 100s to 1000s of stars

many hot, blue MS stars

globular clusters

rich spherical clusters w/ 10^5 or 10^6 stars

many red giants, no blue, hot MS