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46 Cards in this Set

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Field of View
the region you can see in an image.
Scientific Notation
380,000 = 3.8*10^5
Solar System
a star, its family of planets, and other smaller bodies.
small, spherical, nonluminous bodies that orbit a star, and shine by reflected light.
a self-luminous ball of hot gas that generates its own energy
Astronomical Unit (AU)
unit of distance - The average distance from Earth to the sun. 1.5*10^8
the distance that light travels in the span of one year. 10^13KM or 63,000 AU
a great cloud of stars, gas, and dust held together by the combined gravity of all of its matter
Milky Way Galaxy
the name for our galaxy
Spiral Arms
the bands on the outer regions of galaxies, where stars are formed
groups of stars
less formally defined groupings of stars
Magnitude Scale
a system for measuring the brightness of a star
Apparent Visual Magnitude
mV - unit of measurement for magnitude scale
a measure of light energy from a star that hits one square meter in one second
Scientific Model
a visual aid used to illustrate a phenomena or theory
the angle of the earth changes over time, like a top
Celestial Sphere
the region of space you can see from any point on earth
line that marks the farthest point you can see on the earth in all directions
top of the sky, directly above the viewer's head
bottom of the sky, directly under the viewer's feet
North and South Celestial Poles
Earth's pivot points, directly above and below the North and South poles
Celestial Equator
directly between the celestial poles
Angular Distance
a measure of angle, by degrees
Arc Minute
1/60th of a degree
Arc Second
1/60th of a minute of arc
Angular Diameter
the angular distance from one edge of an object to another
Circumpolar Constellations
constellations that never rise or set in the sky
the turning of a body on its own axis
the motion of a body around a point outside of that body
the apparent path of the sun against the background of stars
Vernal Equinox / Summer Solstice
Spring / Summer - when the sun crosses its farthest northern point in the sky
Autumnal Equinox / Winter Solstice
Fall / Winter - when the sun crosses its farthest southern point in the sky
Evening Star
any planet visible in the evening sky
Morning Star
any planet visible in the morning sky
band around the sky extending 9 degrees above and below the ecliptic
a diagram showing the location of the sun, moon, and planets around the ecliptic and their position above or below the horizon for a given date and time
Milankovitch Hypothesis
small changes in the Earth's orbit, precession, and inclination affect the Earth's climate
Scientific Argument
a careful presentation of theory and evidence in a logical discussion
Lunar Eclipse
when a full moon crosses through the Earth's shadow
the region of a lunar eclipse of total shadow
the region of a lunar eclipse of partial shadow
Solar Eclipse
when the moon moves between the Earth and the sun
the region of a lunar eclipse of total shadow
the region of a lunar eclipse of partial shadow
Solar Eclipse
when the moon moves between the Earth and the sun