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30 Cards in this Set

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Gamma Rays

High Energy and Frequency

Low Wavelengths


Low Energy and Frequency

High Wavelengths

Visible Light

400 - 800 nanometers

400=short wavelength

800=long wavelength

Atoms that have gained or lost an electron and have a net charge are called


Absorption of a photon

Jumps to a higher energy level

Emission of a photon

Jumps to a lower energy level

Absorption line spectrum

Rainbow background, black lines

Blue Shifted

an object is moving towards us (shorter wavelengths)

Red Shifted

Object is moving away from us

(Longer wavelengths)

Earths Twin


My Very Excellent Mom Just Served Us Noodles

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

The belt after the terrestrial planets

Asteroid Belt

The belt after the Jovian planets

Kuiper Belt

Oort Cloud

waaaaay past the Kuiper Belt. Most comets come from the Oort Cloud

The biggest rocky planet and the biggest gas planet

Earth, Jupiter

All planets orbit the sun

Counter clockwise


A cloud of gas and dust

Bigger Axis Tilt

More dramatic seasons

The frost line is how many AU from our solar system

5 AU

Radioactive Decay

an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by radiation

Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei combine to form different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles.

Order of Sun Layers

Charming Rabbits Celebrate Parties, Carrots, and Cuddles!

1. Core -energy is generated here

2. Radiative zone

3. Convective zone

4. Photosphere

5. Chromosphere

6. Corona


Large nucleus splits into daughter particles

Solar Thermostat

Self regulating temperature mechanism of the sun. Temp rises-nuclear reactions increase-energy output increases-outer layers expand and core temperature drops


Objects collide converting gravitational energy to kinetic energy then to thermal energy


Denser materials sink to the core and the same energy conversion takes place as with accretion


isotopes inside the planet decay into more stable elements releasing thermal energy


Hot rock rises and cooler rock falls


Heat transfers from the warm mantle through the lithosphere to the surface


Surface emits IR radiation into space