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93 Cards in this Set

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If an Rh group (DCe/dce) man marries an Rh group (dce/dce) woman, what is the probablitiy that their first child will be D-negative?

What is the most common technique that is used by clinical laboratories for therapeutic drug monitoring?

What would be considered a normal cerebrospinal fluid glucose if the serum glucose is 70 mg/dl?

45 mg/dL
Antigen processing is primarily accomplished by which cell type?

The temperature range for maintaining red blood cell units (or whole blood units) during shipping is what?
1 - 10 ºC

What should the diastolic pressure be in a potential blood donor?
No higher than 100 mm Hg.
Which parasite migrates through the circulation (blood) before maturing in the portal venous system?
Schistosoma mansoni
Squamous epithelial cells
Large, flat, irregular cells with a low nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio are generally found in the urine of females as a result of vaginal contamination
Factor VII

Stable factor
Factor VIII
Anti-hemophiliac factor
Factor IX

Christmas factor

Factor X
Stuart factor
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is transmitted by the bite of a tick infected with:
Rickettsia rickettsii
Acute phase proteins generally fall into which category?


Non-lactose fermenting


Gram-negative rod

Shigella species
What shapes can be used to describe cocci?




Traditional coagulation assays are based almost solely on what technique?
Clot-based assays
What should be done with a box of 10 Red Blood Cell units that was received with a measured temperature inside the box at 15ºC.
Quarantine and destroy the products.
Coarse basophilic stippling can be found in which conditions?

Megaloblastic anemias


Lead poisoning

What are markers of myocardial necrosis but are not widely measured in evaluating chest pain and ACS due to the labor-intensive method that is needed to measure them?
CK-MB isoforms
Lactose fermenters
Will produce a pink-colored pigment on MacConkey agar
The antibody MOST frequently present in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is directed against what?
Nuclear antigen
Beer's law
Based on the fact that absorbance is directly proportional to the concentration of a solution. Therefore, stray light can alter the absorbance results in this type of assay
What is true about assays for the antigenic detection of both C. difficile toxins A and B?

The assays are rapidly and easily performed & can detect both Toxin A+B- and Toxin A-B+ strains

For what reason would a molecular method be used to determine a pregnant woman's Rh type?

To differentiate between weak D or partial D

In the hemoglobin methodology using potassium ferricyanide what measurable reaction occurs?
Ferrous iron is oxidized to ferric iron to form methemoglobin
The size of the zone of suppressed growth on a sensitivity plate using sensitivity disks is referred to as:
The zone of inhibition
Chediak-Hegashi syndrome

Abnormal fusion of cytoplasmic lysozymes in granulocytes and occasionally monocytes

Associated with albino characteristics, photophobia, and frequent infections

Which chromosome demonstrates a partial or full gene loci deletion in various forms of beta thalassemia?

Chromosome 11
What is successful molecular identification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) based upon?
SIMULTANEOUS detection of the S. aureus orfX gene and SEVERAL variants of the mecA gene.
Which type of lipoprotein transports the MAJORITY of cholesterol to cells for steroid hormone synthesis or cell membrane incorporation?
Low density lipoproteins
Which enzyme, produced by Staphylococcus aureus is responsible for preventing penicillin antibiotics from being effective against a Staph infection?
What is the primary target of HIV?
Helper T-cell lymphocytes
If a test is said to have a sensitivity of 95%, it will:
Miss 5 out of 100 true positives
What laboratory test result is commonly used to monitor oral anticoagulant therapy?
Prothrombin time (PT)/INR
Which immune elements are involved in a POSITIVE TB skin test?
T cells and macrophages
Oliguria is usually correlated with what?
Acute glomerulonephritis
Chylomicrons are primarily composed of what?
What is the reaction which differentiates crystals from starch?
Starch stains blue black with iodine
Identification of an isolate as Yersinia enterocolitica

K/A on Kligler's iron agar


The risk of HbS polymerization is enhanced by:

Low (acid) pH


Increased levels of 2,3-DPG

Characteristics that help to identify malignant cells:

Giant cells

Cellular crowding

High nuclear to cytoplasm (N/C) ratio

Non-uniform nuclei

Irregular nuclear membranes



Which Lewis blood group system phenotypes usually produces anti-Lea?
When given during pregnancy, RhIg may...
Cross the placenta and sensitize fetal D-positive RBCs.
Blastomyces dermatitidis

Yeast form is a large, 10-15 um in diameter, thick-walled cell that characteristically produces a single bud attached by a broad base.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
Produces large yeast cells approximately the same size as those of Blastomyces dermatitidis, except multiple buds are attached by narrow necks, giving the appearance of a "mariner's wheel"
Sporothrix schenckii

Yeast forms are elongated cells that have been called "cigar bodies"
Coccidioides immitis
Does not produce a yeast form in laboratory culture. It is identified in stained tissue sections by the production of varying sized spherules, ranging from 10 um to over 100 um in diameter. The larger, more mature spherules contain spherical endospores ranging from 2-4 um in diameter.

Examples of acute phase proteins

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin

C-Reactive Protein



What substance is conjugated with the “indirect” bilirubin to form “direct” bilirubin?
Glucuronic acid
A phlebotomist at a local hospital recently had an accidental needle stick while drawing blood from a patient being treated for acute hepatitis B. Which serological marker from the patient would be of most value to the physician evaluating the phlebotomist's possible infection status?
Hepatitis B e Antigen (HBeAg)
Gram positive organisms
Resist acetone-alcohol decolorization
When performing a transfusion reaction investigation, what is the clerical check used to detect?
Errors that may cause an ABO-incompatibility due to patient or donor unit mix up
Which assay is performed to diagnose congestive heart failure (CHF)?

Principle of competitive radioimmunoassay procedures?
Antibody will react equally with labeled and unlabeled antigen
The LAP stain
Used to determine if an increase of cells is due to chronic myelogenous leukemia or a noncancerous reaction such as an infection. Cells from a noncancerous reaction stain positive with many intense blue granules, while cells from chronic myelogenous leukemia have few blue granules.

A patient has a fasting glucose of 130 mg/dl 2-hour & a post prandial glucose of 210 mg/dl...
The patient may be diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus
What could cause a false positive bilirubin result on a urine chemical reagent strip?
Large doses of chloropromazine
Howell-Jolly bodies
Intra-erythrocyte inclusions represent DNA nuclear fragments which are composed of chromosome-material separated from their mitotic spindles.
The reticulocyte count is used to assess what?
RBC production by the bone marrow
(Urine Creatinine / Serum Creatinine) x Urine Volume (mL) / [ time (hr) x 60 ] =
Creatinine Clearance (mL / min)
Where should an organizational chart exist?


Department of Pathology

Each clinical laboratory

Position within a laboratory section

What is the purpose of using alcohol in the gram stain procedure?
Decolorize all gram negative organisms
What is the most suitable specimen for the isolation of Bordetella pertussis?
Nasopharyngeal swab
Which method remains the “gold standard” for ANA detection?
Slide-based immunofluorescent assay (IFA) or Colorzyme®
Which blood component would be MOST appropriate for a 9-yr old girl, with a low hemoglobin and low platelet count, who has bleeding gums?

Platelet concentrate
When AHG or Coombs serum is used to demonstrate that red cells are antibody coated in vivo, the procedure is termed:
Direct (DAT) technique
The immunoassay procedure for serum hCG utilizes antisera against which subunit of hCG?
What is an autoantibody that binds to TSH receptor sites on thyroid cell membranes preventing thyroid-stimulating hormone binding?
Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin
Which phase of the bacterial growth curve demonstrates the greatest growth activity?

Log phase
Normal distribution curve
Data are more likely to fall closer to the mean.
Vitamin K-dependent clotting factors
II, VII, IX and X
Which non-HbS hemoglobins can also sickle and show a positive solubility test?
HbC Harlem
The nitrite portion of the test strip can be used to:

Monitor antibiotic therapy

Detect a bladder infection in an early stage in pregnant women

Screen individuals with recurrent infections

Detect presence of cystitis

Granular casts

Usually indicative of renal disease

Composed of a protein matrix with degraded cellular material.

What MINIMUM level of a particular factor will cause the aPTT test to become prolonged?
Less than 40%
What are the possible ABO genotypes of offspring of parents whose genotype is AA and BB?

Red blood cells containing iron granules in their cytoplasm. The granules appear blue/green with Prussian blue stain
A patient’s BUN value is 15 mg/dl and his creatinine is 5 mg/dl. If this patient is not undergoing dialysis, what conclusion would you draw from these results?
One of the values is in error
A 2 month old infant presented with history of chronic diarrhea and failure to thrive. The child's mother also revealed that the baby has suffered from thrush (Candida infections) since birth. Preliminary findings showed lymphopenia (<2,000), hypogammaglobulinemia, and physical findings showed a small thymus, no tonsils or lymph nodes. Which of the following immune deficiencies DOES the patient present?
Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome
An increase in CEA levels is most closely associated with which organ?


Incomplete antigen
What is the white blood cell that can appear atypical or reactive on a Wright-stained smear?

The heterozygous state of HbS that is referred to as sickle cell trait contains which hemoglobin in combination with S?

A CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolizer (UM) would require ___________ dose of an active drug (non-prodrug) that is metabolized by CYP2D6 than a CYP2D6 extensive metabolizer (EM).
A higher
Commonly used in the treatment of manic depressive patients. Lithium exerts a dual effect on receptors for the neurotransmitter glutamate; acting to keep the amount of glutamate active between cells at a stable, healthy level, neither too much nor too little. This allows for a mood stabilization for these patients.
Which method is MOST reliable for determining the appropriate dosage of Rh immune globulin to give to an identified Rh immune globulin candidate after delivery?

Flow cytometry
Polychromatophilic red cells
Stain blue/gray with Wright stain and are larger than the normal mature red cells in the field. Another term used to describe these cells is recticulocytes
A process by which bacteria or other biological material are preserved through freeze drying under vacuum is termed:
What is the primary target of the Hepatitis B virus?
Bacterial contamination of a urine specimen from a normal healthy individual could originate from:

Contaminated urine container



Examples of media containing ePHI:

Electronic medical records on the hospital server hard drive

Recent email containing PHI which is stored on your computer

A CD-ROM disc containing an archive of patient billing information

A nurse's hand held computer containing names of patients with appointment times