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41 Cards in this Set

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Which itialian city played the most important role in development of renaissance ideas and art forms in 15th century?


Which of the following was the most prominent patron of 15th century Florentine art?

Medici family

The classical principle of contrapposto or weight shift was reintroduced into Western art by the sculptor


The word renaissance means rebirth. Which of the following was a revived interest during this time?

Classical culture

The most devastating natural disaster in Europe during the late 1300s was:

The Black death

What city was considered the rightful capital of the Roman Catholic Church?


In Leonardo's Last Supper, how did the artist break with traditional iconography?

By placing Judas on the same side as Christ and other disciples

How has Michelangelo portrayed David?

With stern watchfulness before battle

The Sistine ceiling represents what theme?

The chronology of Christianity

What was one the favorite compositional devices of painter of the high renaissance


In Leonardos Last Supper, the numerous preparatory sketches and studies he made for work indicate how carefully he thought about the work as a complete entity representing the entire story and its theme. What describes Leonardo's conceptualization of the figures in the Last Supper?

Each figure's individualized boiiiiiii

The term terribilita is most often used to refer to...


Which sculptor believed that the artist must proceed by first finding the idea locked in the stone and release it by chipping away the stone?


What does the term Baroque mean?

Irregular pearl

Which Dutch artist is known for the numerous rendered self portraits he painted throughout his life?


Who was Savonarola?

Italian Christian preacher/reformer/martyr

overthrew Medici in the late 15th century

created democratic republic in Florence

converted Michelangelo

Describe linear perspective

parallel lines receding into distance that eventually converge

How did Antique/classical past impact humanists of 14th century Italy?

Provided model based on human needs/addressed human problems

focused on reason, not authoritative religious model

How did artists sell their work during this period?

Artists were commissioned by patrons

How does Florence reflect idea of dominant city-state?

Economic leadership (gold florin was coin of exchange, controlled textile market) commissioned art works from big artists to enhance city's culture.

Briefly describe impact of Black Death in Europe/

destroyed 25-50% of pop in 5 years.

60% in cities died bc of close proximity

Impacted art by stimulating religious images.

Increase in hospitals being made

Briefly describe economic state of Italy 14th century

Port cities were powerful for maritime trade

Inland cities powerful arms/bankers/textile centers

Economies of city state and republic helped establish self as leader of international trade

What debate over medium ensued in 15th century between Leonardo and Michelangelo

Sculpture vs paint

Contrast a work of Leonardo and Michelangelo. How did two artists impact art of 16th century. Who was greater artist and on what terms? Use examples/

Michelangelo is expressionistic, while Leonardo is naturalistic. Michelangelo is a better artist (in terms of expressionism "i.e. David and the last Pieta before he died) while Leonardo was a naturalistic artist in the sense that was a scientist who understood human form.

Compare Michelangelo's David and Donatello's David. Discuss the change if any in representation of image. How did two images reflect artists and time period.

Michelangelo: marble; expressive, bigger than life size and powerful; nude; representative of Italy's power

Donatello: bronze: sensual, life sized; church made but homoerotic

Explain significance of leonardo's last supper

represented all disciples equally including Judas, linear perspective, pyramid forms














