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23 Cards in this Set

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John Pershing
A General that Wilson sent to pursue Villa; when he couldn't find him, he went deeper and deeper into Mexico, which caused Carranza to insist that Americans withdraw. Recalled his force in early 1917.
The German's new weapon, "Underseeboot", which they resorted to after the war became a stalemate when they didn't want to risk their battleships and cruisers.
May 1, 1915 - the British ship set sail from New York to Liverpool, carrying a secret load of ammo and 1257 passengers; six days later was hit by a torpedo from a German U-boat. Sinking killed 1200 people, 128 Americans, which caused Wilson to demand that Germany abandon it's unrestricted submarine warfare.
Sussex Pledge
After Germany torpedoed the French ship Sussex without warning (1916), Wilson sent an ultimatum to Germany: the Kaiser agreed to shoot on sight only ships of the enemy's navy, but also urged America to try to stop the Allies' blockade - Wilson turned this down.
"Unrestricted Submarine Warfare"
Germany's policy on the seas - in accordance with formal notice given by the Imperial German Government, vessels flying under the flag of GB or her allies are liable to destruction.
Zimmermann Telegram
Feb 25, 1917 - a document intercepted by British intelligence from the German foreign minister (Arthur Zimmermann) to the German ambassador to Mexico, proposing an alliance with Mexico in case of war with US, offering financial support and recovery of Mexico's "lost territory".
War Industries Board
Controlled raw materials, production, prices, and labor relations. It also encouraged production by allocating raw materials, standardizing manufactured products, instituting strict production and purchasing controls, and paying high prices to businesses.
George Creel and his Committee of Public Information (CPI)
Formed in 1917 - At the beginning of WWI, Americans were neutral. The CPI was a propaganda committee that built support for the war effort in Europe among Americans. It depicted Germans and other enemies on bad terms, and was successful in raising widespread American support for the War Effort.
The Fourteen Points
Wilson's Proposals and beliefs for a post war world order. Dealt with the things that lead to WWI; first points called for open treaties, freedom of the seas, arms reduction and free trade. Others dealt with self determination and a general association of nations (League of Nations). Partially successful.
Treaty of Versailles
Wilson promoted the Fourteen Points while other Allies wanted vengeance. Treaty found Germany liable for the war and established new nations based on self determinations. Included Article X which kept the US out of the League. Set the stage for WWII.
14 Republican senators, lead by Borah, who refused to support the Treaty of Versailles at all.
Strong Reservationists
A group of Republican senators who were willing to support the Treaty of Versailles if 14 major changes were made; they wanted to protect the Monroe Doctrine and make it clear that their party played an important role in writing the Treaty.
Henry Cabot Lodge
Republican Senator who united the three groups to defeat Wilson's version of the Treaty of Versailles. Told the irreconcilables to vote for the reservations but against the final document, and the reservationists to vote yes but insist on the changes.
Charles E Hughes
Started Govt regulation of public utilities. Sec of State under Harding, later Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Repub candidate in 1916, lost to Wilson by less than 1%.
Election of 1916
TR supported Repub Charles Hughes; Wilson got progressive support. Though the progressives also endorsed Hughes, many felt betrayed by TR for not running himself, and voted for Wilson. Wilson ran under "He kept us out of War" - the main issue was the Great War. Hughes accidentaly snubbed the Cali. Gov, so Wilson won with Cali's votes.
National War Labor Board
Created by Wilson in 1918 - Settled labor disputes and prevented strikes.
Herbert Hoover
Repub Pres - 1929-1933; tried to end the depression through "liberal economics" - cutting taxes while prices and wages are maintained... this didn't work well, and he refused to shift responsibilities to the federal government or provide federal $ for individual relief. He failed at balancing the budget.
Espionage Act (1917)
Provided penlaties of 20 years imprisonment and fines up to $10,000 for interfering with military recruitment. Also authorized removal of treasonous or seditious material from the Mail. Challenged in Schenck v US but court ruled that congress could enact this. Strengthened by 1918 Sedition Act.
Louis D. brandies
Jewish progressive Wilson appointed to the US Supreme Court to sway progressives to his side.
Missionary Diplomacy - dollar diplomacy (DD)
Wilson denounced imperialism and DD (economic penetration encouraged by TR and Taft) as foreign policy. W insisted that US would deal with LA countries with equality and honor. Actions did not always reflect this.
Hawley Smoot Tariff
1930 - raised duties on most manufactured products to high levels.
Good Neighbor Policy
FDR's policy of decreasing US intervention in Latin America, especially in military intervention.
Stimson Doctrine
The US will not recognize any changes to China's territory, nor any impairment of China's sovereignty.