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60 Cards in this Set

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Compromise of 1877

Hayes showed concern for Southern interests and would end Reconstruction in exchange for the Democrats accepting the fraudulent election results

Species Resumption Act

Greenbacks were redeemable for gold, but none were redeemed

Due to paper money being more convenient, kept circulating

Greenbacks- Labor Party

Founded in 1878

Primarily composed of prairie farmers who went into debt during the Panic of 1873

Pendleton Civil Service Act

First Federal regulatory commission

Office holders would be judged based on merit for duty functionality


Republicans who supported Cleveland

Fought for civil service reform


Republicans who switched their vote from Blaine to Cleveland

Traitors to their party

McKinley Tariff

Highly protective Tariff passed in 1880

Caused a backslash which cost Republican votes

Credit Mobilier

Construction company that charged the government twice the actual cost of railroad construction; biggest bribery scandal of US history

Robber Barons

Big business owners who are rich by cheating the federal government

John D. Rockefeller

Formed the Standard Oil Company with his bro, William, and became rich


Horizontal consolidation

A form of monolopy where a person/company gains control of an aspect of an entire industry or manufacturing process

Rockefeller's desired monopolization action

Andrew Carnegie

Steel industry philanthropist

Donated large sum of money for public schools; wealthy had to give back to society

Vertical Consolidation

A form of monopoly where one person/company owns control of every step of the manufacturing process

Carnegie's monopolization method

Bessemer Process

An invented method of removing air pockets from iron; led to steel creation

Made advanced steelworking possible

J. Piermont Morgan

Financer, banking boss

Created the US steel corporation, first to be created with a billion dollars

Liked Vertical consolidation as well


Firms or corporations that combine to reduce competition and controlling prices

14th Amendment "Due Process Clause"

No state shall deny a person life, liberty, or property without due process of law

Wabash Case

Individual states could control trade in their taxes, but could not regulate railroads coming through them

Sherman Anti-trust Act

Federal law that committed the American government to oppose monopolies, contracts, combinations and conspiracies in the restraint of trade

National Labour Union

Concentrated on producer cooperation to achieve goals

Established 1866, by William Sylvis and Richard Trevellick

Knights of Labour

An American labor union that accepted the union of ALL workers

Secret fraternal order

Yellow Dog Contracts

A written "agreement" between employers and and employees in which the employees sign to not join a union while working for the compnay

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

Consisted of different Unions

Haymarket Square Riot

100,000 workers rioted in Chicago

Promoted anti-immigrant feelings after a bomb set off by immigrants killed and injured policemen

Homestead Strike

A labour strike at a steel plant

Strikers attacked for 5 months


Members of Chicago police led by Alan --------; used as strike breakers

Pullman Strike (1894)

Started by enraged workers who were part of someone's "model town"

The owner cut wages but not rent or prices

Honest Graft

Justified bribery or cheating

Boss Tweed

Large political boss of Tammany Hall; controlled New York and believed in Honest Graft

New Immigration

Came from Southern and Eastern Europe, fleeing persecution and poverty


Created mistrust with Americans by cultural differences and language barriers

Chinese Exclusion Law

Denied Chinese citizenship in the US and Chinese immigration

American Protective Association

A nativist group that opposed all immigration to the US

Social Darwinism

Applied natural selection to human society

Poor are are poor because they are not fit to survive

Used as an argument against social reforms to aid the poverty

Morril Act

Set aside public land in each state to be used for building colleges

Gilded Age

Coined by Mark Twain to describe the massive increase in wealth caused by industry

Hid many social problems of the time: high poverty, high crime, government corruption


A philosophy which focuses only on the outcomes and effects of processes and situations

Susan B. Anthony

Early leader of women's suffrage movement

Women's Christian Temperance Union

Group of women that advocated total abstinence from alcohol and worked to get laws passed against alcohol

Booker T. Washington

An educator who urged blacks to better themselves through education and economic advancement

Founded Tuskegee Institute

W. E. B. DuBois

Black orator and essayist

Helped found the the NAACP


Founded in 1909 by a group of black and white intellectuals

Homestead Act

Provides free land in the West to anyone willing to settle there and develop it

Granger Movement

Founded by Oliver H. Kelley

A group of agrarian organizations that worked to increase the political and economic power of farmers

Battle of the Little Big Horn

General Custer and his men were wiped out by a coalition of Sioux and Cheyene Indians led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse

Battle of Wounded Knee

The Sioux were massacred by troops in South Dakota

Dawes Severalty Act

(1887) tried to dissolve Indian tribes by redistributing land

Designed to forestall growing Indian poverty

Safety Valve Thesis

Held that people couldn't succeed in eastern society could move west for cheap land and new start

Sherman Silver Purchase Act

Directed the treasury to buy even larger amounts of silver which inflated prices

Repealed in 1893

Depression of 1983

Profits dwindled, businesses went bankrupt and slid into debt

Caused loss of business confidence

Led to Pullman Strike

Populist Party

People's party

Was split between the South and West

Omaha Platform

Platform of the 1892 election where they called for free coinage of silver and paper money, national income tax, direct election of senators, railroad regulation, government reforms to benefit farmers

Mary Ellen Lease

Speaker of the Populist Party and the Farmer's Alliance

One of the founders of the Populist Party

William Jennings Bryan

Most important Populist in American history

Three time presidential candidate for the Democratic party; never won

Cross of Gold speech

Given by William Bryan on June 18, 1896

"People musn't be crucified on a cross of Gold"

Opposed Republican proposal to eliminate silver coinage and adopt a strict gold standard

Gold Standard Act

All paper money be backed by gold

Government had to hold gold in reserve in case people decided that they wanted to trade in their money

Eliminated silver money

Yellow Journalism

Term used to describe sensationalist newspaper writings if the time

Tainted journalism, half-truths, rumours

In Re Debs

Eugene Debs, guilty of trade restraints, stopping the US mail, disobeying the government to stop the strike

16th Ammendment

Allowed income to be taxed

Result of Pollock v. Farmer's Loan and Trust Company

Ratified in 1913

Minor v. Happensett

Limited the right to vote to men

Social Gospel

Movement which emphasized charity and social responsibility as a means of salvation